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Super Mario Galaxy


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Haha, come on, how can some people not see that review is fake? Not only fake, it's a brilliant piece of satire. And so is the whole site.

The opening sentence should be an obvious giveaway of its fakeness and comedy purpose:


"STR readers who were kids during the 1980s might remember the “Super Mario Brothers Super-Show”, back then one of the most bizarre Saturday morning shows. What many of you may not know is that this hyper-frenetic kids TV show was was turned into a series of video games that became somewhat popular in Japan."


Did you actually read this and take that review seriously? :lol:


Also, saying Bowser is a satanic demon and that Mario has to collect satanic pentagrams ("mistranslated as power-stars" :lol: ) in order to achieve an equal level of demonic power is brilliant.


Haha, loved that review.

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And I can't believe you found collecting 100 purple coins over and over and oer agan one of the best bits, it brings back nightmares of Click Clock Wood and Musical Notes on Banjo Kazooie.


I found them some of the best bits purely because it was the only part of the game that did challenge you. The Toy Luigi coins and the Dreadnaught were pretty tricky but it still wasnt the same level of difficulty that was Sunshines bonus stages.


I do agree with you Shorty in terms of the length of the game but I dont think that the game was short, I think it was just far far too easy which made it alot easier to just fly through the game.

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I thought the comets were the worst part tbh. It's just too cheap. It's a nice idea on the surface but when you think about it, it's just an excuse not to come up with a new star/layout for that level. Instead of making another star like they would've in SM64, they just stick you on a map you've done already, add another variable and change the colour palette. And I can't believe you found collecting 100 purple coins over and over and oer agan one of the best bits, it brings back nightmares of Click Clock Wood and Musical Notes on Banjo Kazooie.

Except that in Super Mario 64 you have 1 star for collecting 100 coins and 1 star for collecting 8 red coins on each level, which were there anyway no matter which star you chose (in fact I'd used to try to collect both stars in one go if possible)). And some people just like to collect things, I personally was a bit dissappointed when there weren't 100 notes to find anymore in Banjo-Tooie..


I finished Super Mario Galaxy (for the first time) some time ago, I'll go back at it and finish it for the second time

. Most of the game is pretty much the same as far as know, so I'm not that bothered with it immediately. The whole game has been a great experience though.. That Gusty wind level (?) was the most memorable for me. I forgot which star I found the most frustrating to collect, but it must have been 1 of the purple comet ones.. Maybe the one on that desert level.

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Beat bowser today with 61 stars. I found the final boss fight kind of easy. The only part I really struggled with was the third round so to speak. I suppose I'll go for 120 stars but I think I'll start looking for a new game to play anyway.


You really shouldn't think of it as "I suppose I'll go for 120" because really, tons of the stars you can get after 60 are still as good if not MORE fun to get than early stars, so you enjoy the game just as much. It's not just "extra content", it's "the game".

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I'm prety sure you didn't get a Jiggy for getting 100 notes on BK? Just an extra life as I remember it.


You used NOtes to open doors to progress further didn't you? And the Jiggy's went in the paintings to open the next levels.


I enjoyed collecting the notes, at the time exploring a 3d world like that just felt awesome. I reckon Galaxy would have been better for me if it gave me a reason to explore every crevice of every galaxy in order to get the best reward, the purple coins sort of helped but it didn't feel so fluent having to do it on seperate levels.

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well after a playing session last night on 92 stars, my progress has slowed right down. one thing;


What are the locations of the 3 green stars for the trial galaxies I have 2 of them...got one by going down a green pipe on the level where you have to lower the big buoy into the water then luigi found me one....


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You used NOtes to open doors to progress further didn't you? And the Jiggy's went in the paintings to open the next levels.


I enjoyed collecting the notes, at the time exploring a 3d world like that just felt awesome. I reckon Galaxy would have been better for me if it gave me a reason to explore every crevice of every galaxy in order to get the best reward, the purple coins sort of helped but it didn't feel so fluent having to do it on seperate levels.


Yeah but you didn't have to hunt down every last one.

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well after a playing session last night on 92 stars, my progress has slowed right down. one thing;


What are the locations of the 3 green stars for the trial galaxies I have 2 of them...got one by going down a green pipe on the level where you have to lower the big buoy into the water then luigi found me one....


The last one is a secret star in the Desert Galaxy.


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well after a playing session last night on 92 stars, my progress has slowed right down. one thing;


What are the locations of the 3 green stars for the trial galaxies I have 2 of them...got one by going down a green pipe on the level where you have to lower the big buoy into the water then luigi found me one....


Luigi one.


Choose the first Star, Battlerock Barrage. You can only get this Star when

Luigi has sent you a letter and includes a picture of him being stuck in

Battlerock Galaxy. Grab the five Blue Star Chips at the beginning. One is

on the platform you start on, the second is on the third platform, the

third is on the fourth platform, the fourth is on the underside of the

fifth platform, and the last is on the underside of the last platform. Use

the Pull Stars to reach the Launch Star.


When you land on the next planet, Spin when you are on top of the screw.

All you need to do now is dodge the electrical fields. You also have to

dodge the cannonballs the Battlerock is firing, too. Once you reach the

end of the track, jump to the platform with what would be the Star we are

going for. Walk to the underside of the platform to find Luigi. Walk to the

underside of the last platform, then get a Bullet Bill to follow you. Run

back to Luigi's glass dome and get the Bullet Bill to break it. Talk to

Luigi to receive the Green Star.




Other one:


Choose Blasting Through the Sand. After the first launch star, go to the

underside of the planet you land on. There is a Luma here who will want 20

SBs. If you don't have it, there are some nearby, and there is also a Starman

under the platform with the sling star which you can use to destroy the

boulders. Once you have 20, feed them to the Luma, and use the launch star

that appears.


Once inside the pipe, you will need to grab five silver stars. Once you hit

the green line, though, the sand will start to rise, and you will have to avoid

getting crushed by the "scrolling screen", if you will. It's much easier to do

this systematically, starting at a point and going either clockwise or

counter-clockwise each time you go. Once you have all five, the sand will go

away, and you will be able to grab your shiny, new green star!


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Luigi one.


Choose the first Star, Battlerock Barrage. You can only get this Star when

Luigi has sent you a letter and includes a picture of him being stuck in

Battlerock Galaxy. Grab the five Blue Star Chips at the beginning. One is

on the platform you start on, the second is on the third platform, the

third is on the fourth platform, the fourth is on the underside of the

fifth platform, and the last is on the underside of the last platform. Use

the Pull Stars to reach the Launch Star.


When you land on the next planet, Spin when you are on top of the screw.

All you need to do now is dodge the electrical fields. You also have to

dodge the cannonballs the Battlerock is firing, too. Once you reach the

end of the track, jump to the platform with what would be the Star we are

going for. Walk to the underside of the platform to find Luigi. Walk to the

underside of the last platform, then get a Bullet Bill to follow you. Run

back to Luigi's glass dome and get the Bullet Bill to break it. Talk to

Luigi to receive the Green Star.




Other one:


Choose Blasting Through the Sand. After the first launch star, go to the

underside of the planet you land on. There is a Luma here who will want 20

SBs. If you don't have it, there are some nearby, and there is also a Starman

under the platform with the sling star which you can use to destroy the

boulders. Once you have 20, feed them to the Luma, and use the launch star

that appears.


Once inside the pipe, you will need to grab five silver stars. Once you hit

the green line, though, the sand will start to rise, and you will have to avoid

getting crushed by the "scrolling screen", if you will. It's much easier to do

this systematically, starting at a point and going either clockwise or

counter-clockwise each time you go. Once you have all five, the sand will go

away, and you will be able to grab your shiny, new green star!


cheers! I'm gonna keep playing till about 100 before I lay this to rest to pick up in the new year and carry on with, got so many other games to play.

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