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Super Mario Galaxy


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This is the type of multiplayer I think they are considering;


Shigsy had this to say in an interview;



One thing I've always wanted to do with the Mario games is alow for one player to play as Mario and for other players to join in. The way that the Wii Remote works, given that we can have up to four Wii Remotes using the player functionality simultaneously, it would allow one playe to control Mario, wih the other players using the Wii Remote to help him out or get in his way.

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What demo is this? Is this going to be availible with the Wii on the launch?
It's the new Super Mario, it won't come out on launch, because it still needs more development time; but it's shaping up to be a great, great game.


It's not a demo, until Nintendo makes it available as a "demo" through connect24 (unlikely, I think)

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  • 2 months later...
*Uses defribulater* (how do you spell that)


Anyway in this week's MCV it briefly states this as being out January 26th. Any news on if thats true?


Hmmm well that would contradict what Reggie was saying about the release date (March-December)...and also, i waS talking to a worker at Gamestation and they said that they have no idea when it's coming out.

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it seems like they really plan on spreading out their first party titles as much as physically possible. With Metroid missing Q1 in the US it's probably going to be their big summer game now, making Mario Galaxy more likely to be their big Christmas game and then it wouldn't be surprising if they take Smash brothers into 2008, while they work on games like a new Mario Kart, "real" Wii Zelda (completely different from any other Zelda) and others for the rest of 2008 and beyond.

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Reggie told us last week that it will be between March and Christmas 2007. Most likely nearer Christmas...


Oh gorrammit. With the GameCube launch we had a new game every three weeks (Mario, Smash and Pikmin then I forget)

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I'd be surprised if this game didn't come out next xmas, i mean this game is the one I'm most excited about, over ANYTHING, but they've got to attack the xmas for the first xmas of the nextgen war, and Mario could be pretty unstopable, plus it gives them more time to perfect it, though they MUST have Metroid available first half of next year cos there aint any other super smash games, and we need one. Smash Bros. will probably also come out at xmas, or even get pushed back to 2008?! I think they'll retry wiimote controls and this could take a LONG time.

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Mario is Q4 2007. I base this on several factors:


Miyamoto is working on it

We've seen nothing new since E3

The game has to live up to hype so it needs to be good


And let's not forget, Miyamoto is working on it. Remember OoT and its release scheme? That was Miyamoto too.


In fact, consider yourself lucky if you can buy it next year.

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The GameCube's first party titles also swamped third party ones so that they ditched the system near completely. It's a little more complicated than that in reality I'm sure but it was a decisive factor.


It's better to spread them out, for our wallets and for variety.

I'm gonna support 3rd party as much as I can.


3-4 AAA Nintendo titles is reasonable I think.. we've got Zelda, Mario Galaxy, Smash and Metroid in the first year.

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We've seen nothing new since E3


We got shots of the lava world the other week (or was it September?), and NGamer's new issue has three or four new screenshots revealing more of the lava world and a return of the key-wielding rabbits from Mario 64.

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I'll be happy if they keep it relatively secret like New Super Mario Bros.

All I saw before I actually bought the game in the UK was a video of one of the sand levels.


In ways I think we've seen too much (a whole bloody 2 bosses)

You don't have to see the screens and videos if you don't want to

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