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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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My god it's a fact that the ds one is one of the worst metroids.Including the handheld effort.(maybe better than pinball which is the only metroid i have never played)

level design is nowhere near as good.


Go back, play the first 2 metorids, and shut up :p


Seriously though, I enjoyed it.

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Metroid is easily one of the hardest games Nintendo Europe has to translate, they have to put out 5 languages- for all the scans and lore in what should be a huge world.


The game will be done (in English) by March- but considering it's so text intensive I don't expect to see it in PAL land for a long time.

Retro promised after so much was cut out of Prime (which was already savagely delayed) that they wouldn't let the translators do it again.

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Is anyone else wondering why we haven't seen or heard anything about MP3 for ages?


The game has been delayed. We don't know why and we haven't seen any more screens. Obviously game development was far enough advanced to rule out a complete overhaul. What does that leave?


Maybe an extensive multiplayer, both split screen and online.


Connect24 functionality - new levels, suits, players etc...

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If the system is modular (or even if it isn't) it's a 2 day job to implement something like that. Not that the game needs downloadable content- because it's basically a screw you to everyone without the internet.

It's not an FPS and I don't think it needs that toss.


If anyone is going to push for online play it's Reggie- he's put his neck on the line about the release date which suggests that he is completely aware of what is going on and how long it is going to take.

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To Chuck: Why does Corruption want multiplayer?


Echoes was the worst attempt of FPS multiplayer ive ever seen. There were 4 weapons and every match ended up being decided by people locking on eachother, mashing the shoot button whilst strafing around and jumping to dodge fire. Awful.


In metroid then it comes down to 3 types of game.


1. Retro Studios developed. An amazing adventure mode, with attention to detail and great music. Maybe has a bolted on multiplayer mode that almost detracts from the game, but looks good on the game box.

2. Multiplayer Metroid (Nex Gen Studios?) which has great multiplayer but the single player campaign is an afterthought. Has not got much to do with what people associate metroid with. No attention to detail, no storyline, no exploration. Its just an fps with Metroid characters.

3. Metroid Spin offs

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It's meant to be an adventure game, not an fps. The multiplayer was just a random addition for the hell of it.


The single player game is an FPA. The multiplayer most definitely is an FPS.


Anyway, his point is that playing a multiplayer shooting game with lock-on removes a large part of the skill, and therefore satisfaction, in such a game i.e. the aiming. This is one of the reasons why Metroid Prime Hunters is a far superior multiplayer experience.

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Corruption could actually have a decent multiplayer I think. After all there is expert mode that controls like an FPS which would bring the focus to aiming in multiplayer.

Then there are more human characters (as seen in some of the footage) which would offer for more diverse gameplay. Maybe each character with different weapons and advantages.

I actually think Metroid Prime 2 would have been quite a cool multiplayer game if they removed the lock-on. The pace was absolutely brilliant and I also liked the levels.

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Load of crap, I'm playing through the first now, they hold their own very well.


For the record you know he probably meant the NES game and Gameboy game right? I think there's been a mixup here because the first guy probably meant "play the first 2 Metroid Primes", not literally metroids.


The NES game really has aged incredibly badly.

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For the record you know he probably meant the NES game and Gameboy game right? I think there's been a mixup here because the first guy probably meant "play the first 2 Metroid Primes", not literally metroids.


The NES game really has aged incredibly badly.


I do realise he was talking about the Nes/ GB games. I loved them.

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I do realise he was talking about the Nes/ GB games. I loved them.


If the nes game wasn't so hard, it would probably be good, as demonstrated by zero mission, which was awesome, if not a bit too easy.


I couldn't get into the second either... dodgy screen on the gameboy, and the level design wasn't as good as in othe rmetroids. Maybe I need to just play it on an sp of something.


Hunters is certainly better than them still.

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I reckon Retro Studios must be adding online play to corruption. Its being released quite late into the year and online would boost sales dramatically. They will have multiplayer modes where the lock-on system is turned off.


The above is what WILL happen.


Hopefully you are right. But primarly I want to see ULTIMATE control, showing the true capabilities of the Wii remote making Red Steel look like a rushed tech demo in comparison.

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I reckon Retro Studios must be adding online play to corruption. Its being released quite late into the year and online would boost sales dramatically. They will have multiplayer modes where the lock-on system is turned off.


The above is what WILL happen.


I really hope you're right.


But I still don't understand why the single player mode has the lock-on option available. Wasn't it supposed to be always aimed with the Wiimote?

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I just think they have to sort out the collecto-mania at the end of the game. One thing I know you didn't have to do in super metroid before finishing the game was running off to collect a whole load of crap. Retro didn't do this once, but twice. And it better not happen three times.

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