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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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Come on guys lets not squablle over a few 0.1's I've know this forum to act better than that. (excluding Solitantze) IGN gave it a fantastic review said its the best game on Wii, it surpasses the Metroid Prime 1 which in itself speaks volumes, best FPS controls on any console period.

What more do you want?


Wow... just wow. In the review, they said the graphics surpass any other Wii game, and that it would look fantastic on any other next- gen console. MP3 is awesome, and it shows that some good art goes a long way.


One thing I didn't like about the review is their failure to mention sound. Mp's eery, dark music is fantastic, and is part of the reasons why I love MP.


Nevertheless, I'm getting this game, good musik or not.


They gave sound a ten, that in itself speaks volumes. and they did mention sound.


The musical score by Kenji Yamamoto fits the atmosphere very well. It's more grandiose than it's been in previous Prime titles and yet there are some throwbacks that fans will like. For instance, when Samus enters a beautiful snow-filled scene, a remix of the song that originally played at the Phendrana Drifts chimes in the background.


When I read that my face lit up in excitement Phendrana Drifts has one of the best musical scores ever composed and is just beautiful to look at. I just love snow in Video games:heh:




The score by Kenji Yamamoto is as moody as ever, even featuring throwbacks to some previous games. The sound effects are punchy and the voice acting is well implemented.




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So according to IGN it deserves a 9.8 but because its a sequel it only gets 9.5.


Are they going to take that approach when reviewing Halo 3?


Erm no they gave it 9.5 because it's too similar. Tbh, the fact that this game is getting such good reviews is amazing, condering trilogies normally go downhill.

Also, whoever said that there were 10 second loading times in Prime..I can't remember them! The most it would ever take for a door to open when you shoot it for me was maybe 2 seconds or so. Waiting 10 seconds for a door to open for an area to load is crazy!


Even so, i can't wait for this game. It's going to be so incredible! I'm happy to level design is a lot better than prime; backtracking was a pain.

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Also, whoever said that there were 10 second loading times in Prime..I can't remember them!


It's was rare, but it happened. If you ran along the corridors from your ship to the artefact key room then you would usually encounter a door with a long load.

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Come on guys lets not squablle over a few 0.1's I've know this forum to act better than that. (excluding Solitantze) IGN gave it a fantastic review said its the best game on Wii, it surpasses the Metroid Prime 1 which in itself speaks volumes, best FPS controls on any console period.

What more do you want?




They gave sound a ten, that in itself speaks volumes. and they did mention sound.




When I read that my face lit up in excitement Phendrana Drifts has one of the best musical scores ever composed and is just beautiful to look at. I just love snow in Video games:heh:







Whoah! Those encouters with Pirates in the Prime games were DA NUTS, here's hoping they make a comeback. Moody, eery and beautiful- my kind of musik

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I haven't read all the old posts here, but here's a link to another great review of Corruption.




I will definitely get this on launch and will dust of Prime and Echoes before then. I never completed either but rate them both as my fave GC games.


Thanks for that fantastic review, expertly written and very insightful.

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Ho, and 2 mistakes in the review. He says that the 10-second loading times in MP1/2 never happened. They happened. He also says that the map in the top left cornet was never there before in MP1/2. It was.


Yeah, I noticed that about the map too, there clearly is a small map at the top of the screen (don't remember which side) in MP1 and 2.

But as for the 10 second loads, I have to disagree with you. It's true, sometimes certain doors take a certain ammount of time to open in MP1 and 2, but I never waited for more than about 3 or 4 seconds in either of them, I'm positive. Just count to 10 right now and you'll see that 10 seconds is a big ammount of time that never happened in 1 or 2. I'm not really complaining, I'm just kind of correcting you. :heh:

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What's wrong with 9.5? It's an amazing score. I don't see the problem.


Neither do I. This really pisses me off sometimes that people take more prevalence in a 'score' than a written apprasial, they've praised the game much higher than any numerical assessment could ever do justice.

Would you rather they say its NOT better than Metroid Prime and it get a 9.8?

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Neither do I. This really pisses me off sometimes that people take more prevalence in a 'score' than a written apprasial, they've praised the game much higher than any numerical assessment could ever do justice.

Would you rather they say its NOT better than Metroid Prime and it get a 9.8?

It's a fantastic score, but considering the game has next to no faults, you can see why people would question a .5 deduction.


At the moment it's score is equal to Twilight Princess, which has obvious flaws!

And surely Prime 3 beats Twilight Princess in terms of Wii-mote controls, graphics and possibly music?

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Nothing wrong haggis just I believe that if it's the better game to metroid prime... it should get a better score. NO?


No not at all....


Twilight Princess is technically a better game than ocarina of time, so should that have gotten 10/10 aswell? No, because it could have been wayyyy better.


You need to remember that Prime was revolutionary when it came out and Prime 3 isn't. I mean, if someone released a Mario 64 clone tomorrow, would it score as highly? No, because everything in it has been done before. 9.5 is an incredible score; the fact that it is that high shows it's better than Prime.

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It's a fantastic score, but considering the game has next to no faults, you can see why people would question a .5 deduction.


At the moment it's score is equal to Twilight Princess, which has obvious flaws!

And surely Prime 3 beats Twilight Princess in terms of Wii-mote controls, graphics and possibly music?


It has an equal score, yet they say its the best game on Wii.


Come on, why do you care about an insignificant 0.5.

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My favourite part of 1UP.com's review


Amazing as it is to say about a Wii game, Corruption contains some of the best visuals in gaming, period. It can't always mask the hardware's technical limitations (pixelation every time you're up close waiting for a door to open, for example), but in most cases the lighting, attention to detail, and wonderfully cohesive and imaginative art direction more than make up for the Wii's lack of raw horsepower. Put it this way: I found myself wandering through rooms two or three times just to look at them. How many games on any system can you say that about?



I cant wait! I need this game dammit!!!!!!!! : peace:


Wonder if Solitanze has jizzed himself yet :wtf:

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1UP - 9.0


Mark MacDonald: On the whole, Corruption takes advantage of the Wii's biggest strength (with its unique controls), and minimizes its greatest weakness (through astounding art direction), while otherwise maintaining or improving upon the high standards and overall polish the series is known for. No predictions for six years down the road this time, just one for this fall: load a fresh pair of batteries into the controller, dust off the Wii, and surrender a week of your life to Corruption -- you won't be sorry.


IGN - 9.5

Matt Casamassina: I call it the best game on Nintendo's console. It is clear from the moment you pick up the controller that Prime 3 was developed exclusively for Wii. Not only do the new controls respond quicker and with more precision than any dual-analog-helmed FPS ever created, but the gesture system works brilliantly, too. Meanwhile, the title delivers everything a Metroid fan could hope for, including spectacular environmental puzzles, epic boss fights and intense combat, all wrapped up in a package that spans multiple worlds and is filled with re-traversal exploration.


Shack News

Chris Remo: Nintendo's current TV ad for Metroid Prime 3 is part of its "Wii Would Like to Play" campaign, intended to demonstrate how the system is accessible even to those not well-versed in playing video games.


Do not be fooled.


Except in the most basic sense that an intuitive pointer is used to aim your weapon, Prime 3 is not a particularly accessible game. It is a hardcore game through and through. You will get your ass kicked by bosses. You will be stumped by the sometimes complex, but never overbearing, exploration.



Gametrailers - 9.6

Gametrailers: "You'll never wanna play any shooter with dual analog sticks ever again".

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try to remember that NIntendo reviews always tend to be more harsh than 360 and especially playstation reviews. Plus isn't Bioshock An original game.. As in not a sequel.. ?


Still though A bit annoying.


1UP - 9.0


Mark MacDonald: On the whole, Corruption takes advantage of the Wii's biggest strength (with its unique controls), and minimizes its greatest weakness (through astounding art direction), while otherwise maintaining or improving upon the high standards and overall polish the series is known for. No predictions for six years down the road this time, just one for this fall: load a fresh pair of batteries into the controller, dust off the Wii, and surrender a week of your life to Corruption -- you won't be sorry.


IGN - 9.5

Matt Casamassina: I call it the best game on Nintendo's console. It is clear from the moment you pick up the controller that Prime 3 was developed exclusively for Wii. Not only do the new controls respond quicker and with more precision than any dual-analog-helmed FPS ever created, but the gesture system works brilliantly, too. Meanwhile, the title delivers everything a Metroid fan could hope for, including spectacular environmental puzzles, epic boss fights and intense combat, all wrapped up in a package that spans multiple worlds and is filled with re-traversal exploration.


Shack News

Chris Remo: Nintendo's current TV ad for Metroid Prime 3 is part of its "Wii Would Like to Play" campaign, intended to demonstrate how the system is accessible even to those not well-versed in playing video games.


Do not be fooled.


Except in the most basic sense that an intuitive pointer is used to aim your weapon, Prime 3 is not a particularly accessible game. It is a hardcore game through and through. You will get your ass kicked by bosses. You will be stumped by the sometimes complex, but never overbearing, exploration.



Gametrailers - 9.6

Gametrailers: "You'll never wanna play any shooter with dual analog sticks ever again".


We await gamespot to 8.8ify it:)

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Thank you Dante, that was exactly what I was getting at with IGN! I suppose a picture really does say a thousand words!


I wasn't being 'picky' as some would say, I was simply pointing out the fact that IGN seem to be ever so slightly tougher on Nintendo games.


As I said before, Matt and co. seem to try and overcompensate by giving slightly lower scores as if to rpove they're not being fanboys.

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