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Metroid Prime 3: Corruption


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It does but most parts need free-aiming. I love the sound of the grapple beam! Rip space pirate shields away with nunchuk motion whilst still shooting other pirates. And apparently the level maps are huge. Best game ever.

And yeah i swear i saw ridley falling down that hole.

And whoever said hooray for the prime series ending is inane. Prime is the closest thing to gaming perfection, and prime 3 will just be an unbelievable way to end the amazing series. But i'll need to buy a revolution first!

Edit: im still calling it revolution!

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to anyone who's not impressed by the gfx. i really think we need to save judgement until we see good size screens or a good res video. However imo it looked a fair amount better than echoes which is fine in my book.


The controls and immersion are the important things. Can't wait to hear the charge beam charging up on my FHC.... oh baby

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The graphics aren't jaw dropping, but there's not much room for improvement. If you have a good eye you can see that the textures are great and so are the animations. The levels seem huge and open and the particle effects were better. IGN says AI is pretty great too.

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I thought it looked like a Cube game. Nintendo have said that better graphics is a given on the next-generation, it is not noteworthy. However, neither Metroid, Zelda or Mario looked like something the Cube couldn't produce. I expected there to be some sort of obvious improvement just not on the scale of the 360/PS3. Yet every single game looks current-gen (even Red Steel).


I loved MP1/2 so no doubt I'll get this. But at the moment I'm disappointed both with the MP3 visuals and Matt Cassamassina's hands-on review.

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what gets me is that why didnt nintendo just bring the fhc to gamecube? Judging from what i've seen, gamecube can do everything the Wii can do. Is Wii really worth £150? AS the rumours have been saying? I mean we're paying nearly £50 extra for the controller.

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I loved MP1/2 so no doubt I'll get this. But at the moment I'm disappointed both with the MP3 visuals and Matt Cassamassina's hands-on review.


Well one thing he specifically stated is that Prime 3 has MUCH larger areas than Prime 2 and far more enemies on screen. Both of those will enhance gameplay more than graphics, but if they simply just upped the polygon count and textures, they couldn't have expanded the scale of areas and amount of enemies much.

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Largely agree that the graphics weren't much improved from the Cube , although I will wait until more is shown before passing judgement.


Even so , just playing it with the FHC will make it a completely different experience and that alone is probably enough to convince me to get it.


As others have stated , I am also glad it isn't going to be a launch title as I am still trying to figure a way of being able to afford all the good stuff at launch (perhaps I should consider a job).

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I know I said the graphics underwhelmed me but I know this and Mario could not have been done on the Cube. Like people have said it's not all about how detailed the characters are it's also the size of the areas they're in. Any way I don't expect this to released untill March. Head to Head with halo all over again.

I never really got into Prime 1 even though I got to the end (except I haven't beat Prime yet), I will be getting this. One thing I have to point out as a concern for me is that shooting is handled by the A button!!! Why oh why is this the case? Surely the B button would be far more appropriate.

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It doesnt really matter, the controls might be adjustable anyway....

And flippin hell the graphics are awsome! Keep watching the video of it from IGN and you'll see the charge beam, enemies and environments look absolutely stunning. And it isnt that revealing either. Once you have it playable on a TV monitor in your room i bet youll take everything back. Its not even finished and they said they crammed loads of enemies into it, the levels are massive and, i just thought the reflections and smoothness of the power beam looked really professional.

And the grapple thing looks and sounds amazing, seeing you can use that and the arm cannon at the same time. Am i the only person here rooting for this game, itll look and play stunning in the final version. And its also about the story and scans and creature logs. There will be new weapons powers and....... loads of stuff.

God lighten up people and think.

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I bet the reason for the graphics not being that much of an improvement is probably that Retro reused the Metroid Prime Cube engine, meaning it can't use as much of the Wii's potential. Super Mario Galaxy and Red Steel show off the Wii graphics much better. It's probably also the reason why it's still Dolby Pro Logic II like said in the IGN hands-on (let's hope so anyway).


But hell, it's Metroid! I'm very excited for this game.

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I thought, from what you can see in the tiny video, that it looked better than the first two. I think people forget what they actually looked like, as I remember going to play MP after MP2 and thinking "hey there actually is a bit of difference, hmmm."


The game play looks like there will be lots of features but I really hope that they don't make it as bleak as Echoes. Not that that was bad but it was everywhere. Not a huge amount of variety but I still thought it rocked. I hope that MP3 has a much stronger story than MP2 as well cos that was weak...

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