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Reggie: Racing Title for Wii to be Shown at E3


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It is small, but not smaller than the gamecube-controller, so i dont think the size will be a problem. It is designed to be used like the old NES-controller too.


My concern is that it is very difficult to steer a car by tilting a joypad. I have had a Microsoft Sidewinder Pro joypad with some kind of tilt-sensibillity in it, but it was almost impossible to steer anything precise with it or hold it still when you wanted to drive straight.

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No, I don't want an open mind.


So please don't call me closed minded..

OK.... :confused:

Software cannot make up for this at all. It's not going to be practical.

It's a good thing you're not a programmer so! Any idea you can fully describe can be implemented in software.

So what abouut the groove under the nose of the FHC? do you rest your fingers there? What happens if you accidentally push the B button underneath?


The controller clearly wasn't intended for intensive use this way.

That's like saying that the Z button on the N64 controller can't work because you will accidently press it every time you play.


Having a bad day Nintendork?

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Conzer there are 2 technologies, one that is used for pointing.. which would be disrupted by the front yes. But the main technology is the one controller by radio frequencies that can go through our hands.


It is RF that sends and recieves data about the angle, tilt and yaw of the controller.


Glucose no it is not like saying you'll push the Z button, mostly because the N64 pad didn't require 4 fingers to be placed into an area intended for 1 or 2 at the most.




Look at the placement, there will be fingers all over that B button.


I'm not having a bad day at all.. until you got here and started trying to pigeon hole everything I say into either Mr Agree with everything or Mr Fuck off.


Basically I can't be arsed to argue- so I give up.


If they announce that the game that Reggie is describing is only using this control scheme you can all laugh at me and I'll put "I'm a big arrogant cock" in my signature. That's how confident I am that this is a stupid idea and no good for a racing game.


You would get cramps and everything, it will leave you feeling tired and it's generally an uninspired and unpractical use of the FHC relying on overly sensitive movements to control a car.


You have seen the controller and you want everything to use it because it's your most prized possesion.. The controller is not the answer to everything.


This is the biggest gimmick ever.

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How mature of you myster0n, you know what that means? You're the winner.. go you mate.


I am confident all racing games on the Wii will use the shell or some other FHC add-on like the picture of the steering wheel with accelerate and break buttons.


Much more practical, uses 2 hands without forcing them into uncomfortable positions and will not leave stray fingers the ability to hit buttons.


We are beyond using this tech for racers.. it would have flown 10 years ago but consumers are used to something more.


What I'm trying to say is- Stop trying to mould the games around the FHC controller.. the controller is meant to be moulded around the games ideas.


Any game developper who uses this.. without any gear shifting, shoulder buttons and stuff like that gets a big ass lazy shit award from me.

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If i can pretend my phone is the FHC is the controller without pressing any buttons (its about 2/3 the size of a biro with the lid on round about), the FHC will be fine on its own on a racing car game.


But i could see my left index finger hurting on the controller at some point i do admit.

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I'm not having a bad day at all.. until you got here and started trying to pigeon hole everything I say into either Mr Agree with everything or Mr Fuck off.


You would get cramps and everything, it will leave you feeling tired and it's generally an uninspired and unpractical use of the FHC relying on overly sensitive movements to control a car.

I'm not trying to pigeon hole everything you say. It's just that some people in this forum (myself included) often get the impression that you state your opinion as fact and as something that is not up for discussion/debate.


A perfect example is above: I'm assuming you have yet to play a racing game on the Wii using the FHC. Yet, you say that its use in a racing game is "unpractical", will give you cramps and that it will leave you feeling tired.


I'm not trying to be a prick or anything but please give people a chance to express their ideas, without them feeling like they were already proven wrong before they even speak their mind. : peace:

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MY idea based on / nando /



Thats a very good idea! Never knew you could do something like that with the controller but obviously you can!


I'm really interested in seeing how it will control!


I'm personally hoping for a game based on a Nintendo franchise we all know and love, however it could be a realistic driving game to show Nintendo's changing their image slightly for the Wii.


Either way i'm happy, would like more info now! :grin:

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King Boo, the thread is about a racing title? I don't think it rules out anything apart from the fact that there wont be a racing title for the wii shown at E3.


Glucose don't try that 'some people in this forum' propaganda nicely nicely touch to get people to agree with you. It's called an appeal to authority, politicians do it all the time and it's a terrible technique for getting people to agree with you.


Of course none of us have played with it, and of course none of us have the same sized hands but comments like 'it's the same size as the GameCube controller' are ridiculous- it's miniscule in comparison.


The FHC is intended for one hand play [FACT].. by using it for 2 handed play you are going to be squashing your hands up.. now at this point you'd probably be saying: "oh but you haven't played it wah wah wah stop saying things like you've played it and you know"


Just because I use the word fact in my arguments like on page one of this thread when I said "The fact that it uses the FHC in "a very different way" means bullshit to me." does not mean that I am stating my opinion as fact.. I am merely using a fact to express my opinion.

I would expect someone with an intelligence like yourself to make a distinction of that kind before having a go at me.


We've seen photos and videos of it at every possible angle. That is good enough to comment on it.


You sound like you're a programmer from some of your comments and I totally respect that you probably spend a lot of time with computers, which gives you some expertise to comment on what is possible and what is not.


I am not saying it is not possible at all.. I am saying it is not for me.


Back on the PSone this was a great controller: From Namco-



That worked well, it had analogue and digital technology working in harmony to make a simpler experience.

It was designed to be used for 2 hands and that's why it worked.


I love how everyone picks little quotes of my text and picks on them and gets all anal and totally ignores the constructive criticism to the thread. (myster0n and glucoseaddict)


Things like demonmmike has said in the last post.




Whoever came up with this is a genius. I can't believe you're ignoring it and taking the effort to go into paint so you can use the FHC in some lame way.


If you like playing racing games chances are you will want to play them for lenghty periods of time, you will want it to be comfortable and accurate to make competing an enjoyable and rewarding experience (going back to fundamentals of gaming) and I don't think that this setup offers this.


It's just going back in time- solely because you guys want it to use the controller.

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Glucose don't try that 'some people in this forum' propaganda nicely nicely touch to get people to agree with you. It's called an appeal to authority, politicians do it all the time and it's a terrible technique for getting people to agree with you.

I'm not trying to get people to agree with me. I said 'some people in this forum' because I know I'm not the only one. If I have a similar 'problem' (if you want to call it that) with someone here, but I think I'm the only one, I won't bring it up.


Just because I use the word fact in my arguments like on page one of this thread when I said "The fact that it uses the FHC in "a very different way" means bullshit to me." does not mean that I am stating my opinion as fact.. I am merely using a fact to express my opinion.

I would expect someone with an intelligence like yourself to make a distinction of that kind before having a go at me.

I understand the above is not you stating your opinion as fact; I wasn't referring to that. Rather, I was referring to other comments you have made (e.g. With the FHC holding it even with your writing hand the smallest movement you can make realistically is going to control the car on screen like 5 degrees of something ridiculous.

It's going to feel like Micro Machine.).


I don't mean to pick at your comments or have a go at you, and I'm certainly not trying to do so. Consider this my constructive criticism. : peace:

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Glucose it's because at that point I thought we were talking about using the FHC like a bike throttle with one hand. The one hand wrapping around the FHC horizontally so you would have one hand free.


Hence this post.


I thought the image with the arrows suggested we used it one handed like the bike throttle.. which is why I posted the stupid images like that person on a kayak holding the oar 2 handed.


It was a misunderstanding cleared up earlier on in the thread.. while there are still flaws in using it two handed.. Even I admitted that it would be functional holding it two handed. Just not something that I would use because I can't imagine it would be comfortable for long sessions.

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Jamba is correct - "racing" could mean anything from cars to rocket-propelled monkeys.


The FHC won't necessarily be used as a steering wheel.


..I'll be honest, I haven't read every single post in this topic.. but my idea wasn't necessarily this racing game Reggie is talking about.. it was merely some ideas I was throwing about for a potential Excitebike game which I would love to be made for the Wii because I loved the N64 version.. and I genuinely do feel that the rough control scheme I quickly drew up on paint could lend itself very well to a game like Excitebike.. noone has to like the idea, noone is saying this is how it should be played.. it's an idea.. and surely this is what the FHC is bringing to gaming.. people are using their imaginations to come up with idea's they feel would be good for the controller.. there are many possibilities..


..sorry if you think I am having a go at you personally, that was not my intention..


..and someone mentioned something about the 'fact' the the FHC wasn't designed for use with 2 hands.. my control scheme only required one hand on the FHC.. and with the ability to play NES games with the FHC, I'd be interested to watch anyone do that with one hand :P

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The FHC is intended for one hand play [FACT].. by using it for 2 handed play you are going to be squashing your hands up.. now at this point you'd probably be saying: "oh but you haven't played it wah wah wah stop saying things like you've played it and you know"


Total BS. The FACT is this: the FHC was partly designed to be used like a NES controller, using 2 hands.


We've seen photos and videos of it at every possible angle. That is good enough to comment on it.


Comment on thew controller, yes, but you can't comment on ts ergonomics until you try it out.


I love how everyone picks little quotes of my text and picks on them and gets all anal and totally ignores the constructive criticism to the thread. (myster0n and glucoseaddict)


I love how you seem to hate whatever Nintendo think of, without giving it a chance.


Whoever came up with this is a genius. I can't believe you're ignoring it and taking the effort to go into paint so you can use the FHC in some lame way.


Genious? A 3-year-old could think up that. Its just so simple...




Anyway, i hope this Racing game is something like F-Zero, or something totally new. Unless its a GT clone (but then, they could pull it off).


Perhaps they're just finishing off Donky Kong Racing...

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