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Okay there was an image(not working anymore) from Nibris' official site [http://www.nibris.net/] that revealed the release date of the promising looking horror game, 2007.



I have compiled together lots of information and art etc. for the game so keep anything about the game in here!

There's a rumour that they will release screens in the next few days, so keep your eye out and hope for the best :awesome: If they are shown please post them in here.


"...In my head there is a voice, different from the others. Whenever it answers it overwhelms the remaining voices, it mixes up thoughts and destroys peace. It tells me that I'm only mixed up in a thought which yearns to prove its own existence. It is the original voice, which wants to free itself from my head, to free itself from the logic and reason it is being stifled by. It is the voice of chaos which is now screaming frightfully in my head for me to take an axe resting against the wall and cut off my father's head..."


From the upstart Cracow, Poland development team of NIBRIS, Sadness is a gothic horror adventure game with survival horror elements. The game plans to make players confront their fears with only what they can grab up out of their environment to protect them.


Maverick Polish developer Nibris today offered additional details on Sadness, one of the company's projects for Nintendo's new console. While the studio is still withholding full details, we now know that Sadness will play out in a stylized gothic horror setting -- completely in black and white.


Such a gutsy choice is just the beginning for Nibris. Rather than focus on fast action and a high body count, Sadness will focus on mood -- one "which will not leave you till the very end of the game" -- and themes such as schizophrenia and narcolepsy. While Nibris mentions super-stylish film Sin City as one comparison, the company says Sadness will take place "pre-World War."


Nibris hopes to take full advantage of the Revolution controller. "Imagine driving away rats with a torch, throwing a rope (as a lasso) when you want to climb over the wall, or slitting the throat of a persecutor with a piece of glass... All of this with the help of the Revolution controller."


The company also illuminated its decision to develop for the Revolution, rather than other next-generation consoles.


"Nibris decided to follow Nintendo's path, which fights the stagnation which has occurred in video games, and creates new trends," commented Nibris' Lukasz Oskard. "With this move, we want to create a unique environment, which is only available in Sadness."


Nibris is currently seeking a publisher for the game.


Previously reported to be a working title, Sadness is now the final title for the gothic horror game heading to Nintendo's next generation console. The game will take place before World War 1 (that is, before 1914), and the art style is a nod towards this era of cinema, not a similarity to Sin City. The atmosphere of the cinema of the times is hoped to be captured by the game. Sadness will be set in an as yet unnamed Slavic country.


Rumours have been abound that a colour version of the game will be able to be selected, since the aim of Sadness is for it to be created as a fully black and white title. The greyscale choice, however, is essential for retaining the atmosphere of the game.


A Hollywood film studio has also been in touch with Nibris about a movie version of Sadness, but no deals have been signed and no agreements made. While Nibris cannot disclose what has been discussed, they can confirm that "[a Sadness movie] will not be filmed earlier than 2 years after it [the game Sadness] is introduced to the market" if one were to be created.


Official Art





Music[MP3 file]



E3 2006 Trailer


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I couldn't find the Sadness image on their website, but I have seen the game's title look like that elsewhere (The IGN forums, I think). Maybe they took it down to fix the spelling of the word "coming." Unless, of course, comming is what they meant to say... whatever that means.


Excellent website, though.

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This game looks really really promising, I love the concept behind it. My only concern is that as it's Nibris' first game then it may not be particularly well made due to their lack of experience, hopefully that won't be the case though :smile:

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From http://www.cubed3.com


Pencilled in for a 2007 release date, Nintendo have now been in contact regarding the game – positive news for the team indeed.
Playing through the game as/The character is named Maria Lengyel
It will be a game for adult players only (strong nerves are a must) and will feature themes of paranoid schizophrenia, narcolepsy (a disorder that causes sufferers to uncontrollably fall asleep) and nyctophobia (the fear of darkness and the night).


Also of interest;

Raid Over The River is on hold until after Sadness has been completed, with the latter now taking priority. The DS version of Raid Over The River, though, is being refined by a separate team within Nibris.
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I admit that everything really sounds good but so far I am not really convinced that it will happen. It started with Raid over the River, now it is Sadness and there are even talks going on about a movie. That sounds too much like the "American Dream" to me.



I hope it works out but at this early stage I doubt it...

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At first I wasn't too happy about the black and white theme, but now that I've seen some art I'm getting excited. Looks great and very stylish. Looks like this'll be a truly scary game. Haven't been really scared much in games (except in Eternal Darkness, you know, ... the bathtub).

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I'm really lookin forward to this game, i just been on the website its got me well hyped, i'd love it if it came at launch, it sounds like it will be one hell of a mind wreckin game, even more so than Eternal Darkness, who needs Silcon Knights anymore, we and the Wii got Nibris

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Looks like I'll be buying a hell of alot of games for the Wii! :angry::hmm::grin: So many interesting games with alot of potential being revealed! Sadness definitely could be a game to make all our Sony-fanboy friends jealous! :heh:

Last console I was this psyched about was the N64 - spent a couple of years playing that 24/7.

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Anyone else find it very interesting how on the site they ask you before entering the Sadness page...

Are you at least 21 years old and don't suffer from a heart condition or nervous disposition?

Not only does it make it sound like its going to be horrifying, but also possibly suggesting the game could get a rating of 21+ ?!

Has there even been a game with a 21 rating before?

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