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Marshmellow, the exposure on that first one is very nice. Shame about the dates on them though, can you not get them off?


Stocka, did you decide to do photography A level in the end? you seem to have a good eye and composition.


This photo was actually inspired by another member here, Particle_Man who takes some absolutely wonderful photographs. Haven't seen him around in a while, but you can see his photos here.



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Stocka, did you decide to do photography A level in the end? you seem to have a good eye and composition.

No changed my mind, after looking into the course it looked to me like it really would take my enthusiasm away for photography like many people said to me who'd done it. I'm now doing Psychology,Law,Physics and IT. I intend to carry on photography as a massive hobby though, and who knows in the future something could happen :awesome:

And thanks.

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these were all taken from my boat.


picture of the flipped over boat that has 2400 brand spankin new cars chained up inside.


picture of the bottom pretty intense stuff


whales are the hardest thing ever to get a pic of...


hmm yummy dead squid that lost its tentacles and washed up on the beach


hurray i finally figured out how to get rid of the little date that my pics usta have in the bottom right!

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Marshmellow, now there is something you don't see everyday. Least not round these parts, i.e. Birmingham.


Robin: Holy cow batman, that's a lot of cars! What will the mayor say?

Batman: It was like that when we got here okay?


I forgot about this wonderful thread! Yeah living out in the middle nowhere has good scenery and interesting things:D lol at Nintendork:laughing:


Heres some crazy pics from camping:D kind of old but I don't have any recent ones:( I need to go out and take some pics but during the winter sometimes it gets real pretty here so I might post some then!



Mi Papa:D Crazy Fire

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