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Your revolution game wishlist and why....?


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Does anyone else think that a game like Black & White by Lionhead would work using the new controller?

If its supposed to work in a similar fashion to a mouse then it's be cool to see a port of the sequel, or a new game\remake of the original.

I loved that game, and was rather obessed for a number of months.


Would an RTS play well with the controller. I'm trying to look at genres and franchises that don't quite work with the generic control set-up as used in the PS3\X-BOX360 at the moment.


Can't wait to see some of the 'regular' franchises now.. WarioWare, Pikmin, Smash Bros. particularly!

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Ouendan would be great! They could infact do it verly close to the original, just use the controller as a pointing device.. at first.. and then do something cool to add to it. Also they will probably make nintendogs for it, so perfect for that :)

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  • 5 months later...

1. Metroid Prime 3. -> Awesome graphics, awesome gameplay and massive online options. (I hope).

2. Free Radical Project

3. The Legend of Zelda: Revolution

4. Super Mario Smash Bros. Revolution.

5. Mario Kart Revolution

6. F-Zero GX

7. Pikmin 3

8. Pilotwings

9. Mario Adventure game

10. Wario Ware


Most games are quite obvious why.

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1. Metroid Prime 3. -> Awesome graphics, awesome gameplay and massive online options. (I hope).

2. Free Radical Project

3. The Legend of Zelda: Revolution

4. Super Mario Smash Bros. Revolution.

5. Mario Kart Revolution

6. F-Zero GX

7. Pikmin 3

8. Pilotwings

9. Mario Adventure game

10. Wario Ware


Most games are quite obvious why.


sad but true... none of those games made anyone buy a gamecube really....


i'm hoping for a more even balance of franchises - but updated... and new titles.

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My Wishlist:


1. Timesplitters 4

2. Another Tales game from Namco

3. Castlevania Revolution

4. Pilotwings

5. Excitebike Revolution

6. Resident Evil 5 (I know its announced but Rev. support would be great)

7. Soul Calibur 4 (I know its announced but Rev. support would be great)

8. A Final Fantasy Game

9. Pikmin 3

10 Starfox

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Guest Stefkov

Id love maybe a house of the dead, it used a light gun tye thing its be great on rev, show how 'kiddie' ninty really are, with zombies coming at you with fekin barrels and chainsaws!

all the usual is on my list, smash bros, zelda, starfox a real good one where you can use the controler to fight on land with agun adn then use it for a steering stick for arwing, pikmin 3, i had the first one, the first game i onwed and i litterally buzzed off it, shame i got rid of it. id ove to see Jet force gemini come back but thats one wish which even the fairy godmother probably wont grant.

i want to see a really good rpg game, with online capabitlies as would everyone else probably, if i get tales of symphonia maybe that kind of game online.

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Myst V... suits the hardware and controller better than anything else it will be running on. It's damned near impossible to complete giving it exceptional value for money.


Myst being the most popular computer game ever (assuming sales are representative of popularity) second only to the Sims which I personally don't class as a "game".


The entire Myst series would have a very welcome home on the Revolution being popular with everyone over the teenage demographic, and even some under it.. It would suit Nintendo's strategy of getting this console into the homes of non gamers because in the early 90s, this was one of the games that cracked this market judging by it's success.


I've actually e.mailed the Cyan team over the possibility of running Myst 5 and perhaps other installments of the series on Nintendo Revolution.


Their response? We're interested and will seriously look into it though I must understand that this kind of thing needs to be economically viable.


Seeing as Myst is popping up on the PSP soon published by Sega perhaps Cyan really meant what they said.

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Zelda -with tonns of remote waving madness

pilot wings -missed out on the n64 one, would suit the remote well

zelda mmo- we all want one

3d zelda 4 swords -with tp graphics, with online.

f-zero - using a steering weel pad, and tilting at 5000mph...

pikmin3 - rts made easy with the rev pad

counter strike - fps goodness with mouse like shooting

mario rpg in 3d - stat based interactive combat :D

animal crossing - fishing and bug cathing just got better (and more stupid)

starwars game- light sabre online battles, with light sabre remote attachement

metroid - online fps goodness, with less backstepping and more insane bosses

medievil 3:total war -why not, rts remote madness, with online

a mario game maker -make you own 2d mario games and put them up for others to download

Farcry rev - huge worlds with huge online modes, with remote based fpsing

elder scrolls 5 -with online

Think thats anough for now...

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  • 1 month later...

I'd quite like this:




But from Googling I think Psygnosis are dead.. and I don't think there has been a WipeOut announced for the PS3 yet.. they usually make good launch titles, really flex the system.


Psygnosis must have been eaten by Sony so perhaps out chances of this one are slim and none.


F-zero didn't really appeal to me, dunno why. Maybe it was the soundtrack.

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Luigis Mansion: You heard me, I want Luigi to return, Poltergust in hand. Or should I say, Rev controller in hand. Imagine it. You are Luigi, walking in a mansion, alone, in the dark. Whilst you move (using the analogue addon perhaps), the rev controller is used as the torch. suddenly, BOO, out pops a ghost. Quick! Hold down the A button to turn on the torch light, in order to stun the ghost. Whilst it's stunned, press the B button to switch to the Poltergust, and hold A to activate. You are forced to pul the controller towords yourself, trying to force the ghost into the Poltergust. Feel the rumble in your hand get stronger as you pull harder against the ghost. WHOOSH! Into the Poltugust the ghost goes. Be cautious and switch back to the torch wit B though, another ghost may be hiding right around the corner...


Super Mario Bros: Sidescrolling action, Revo style. Tilt the controller left or right for the plumber to go that direction, and flick upwards to jump. Press A to use a fireball. And any other unique suits would be welcome of course.


Mario Party:It's not ran out of steam just yet, the Revolution could be just the thing to freshen up the Mario Party series. Minigames ahoy!


Balloon Fight: Launch by tilting the controller upwards, flicking your wrist upwards at all times, just to stay airborne. Flick slightly to the left to go left, and slighty to the right to go right. Aching wrists ahoy with this one for sure.


Phoenix Wright: Should be easy enough, mainly point and click really, though hopefully we'd see some new interactions like we did with Chapter 5 in the DS version.


Fire Emblem: What? It was obvious that I was going to say it :heh:. Strategy at it's finest.

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