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Guest Stefkov
How can I change the picture on my gamertag? I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it :hmm:.

click on your gamercard at the top, then 'edit gamer profile', then 'gamer picture'. Voila

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Buy a Vision camera then you can take pictures of anything you want!

But you can only have them as personal pictures, so only friends on XBL can see it.


Just wondering if any of you guys noticed in the Heroes download section there was Serria Games. I wonder if that means there will be a Heroes game coming out or maybe it was just a mistake?

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Prey was an immense game, one of the best story based FPS' I've played. The AI was dumb as fuck, but everything else about the game rocked ass.


I'm only basing my opinons on a short gameplay session, so I can only say that for the first hour or thereabouts. Maybe it's a slow starter. I'll go back to it after I've completed Crackdown as it sounds better than I first thought.

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It's probably not for everyone, but I thought the story, and the way it's told was amazing, the first 3 or 4 hours are just intense, and it all ties in really well at the end. I basically played it for the story, it's the best part of the game.

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I'm only basing my opinons on a short gameplay session, so I can only say that for the first hour or thereabouts. Maybe it's a slow starter. I'll go back to it after I've completed Crackdown as it sounds better than I first thought.


Give it time, it has it's faults but it is one of the best FPS of the last couple of years.

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I've got to say it's a pretty gruesome game atm. Does it continue throughout? The best bit I would say so far is the bit where your Grandad? Is mutilated by that mechanical torturing mechanism.


You're sick :p. Yeah, that just felt so harsh, a lot of the stuff does to be honest. It continues through the game too.

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I played through the demo of Prey and it felt like such a chore to play. My sister borrowed the final game from a friend and I just couldn't face going through the first part again.


She completed and enjoyed it though.

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You're sick :p. Yeah, that just felt so harsh, a lot of the stuff does to be honest. It continues through the game too.


I know:smile: . I'm not a huge fan of the gore, but it was so unexpected and genuinely creeped me out when I saw him next in line. Kinda acts as catalyst to your determination in taking out those alien freaks. Thinking back actually, the story has been pretty good, but I've found the combat pretty mundane thus far.

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I completed Prey and consider it only slightly more fun than being eviscerated by one of the game's needless crushing devices. It had one or two smart ideas, but it was all pulled off in such a by-the-numbers fashion. For the world's first vaginal shooter it felt surprisingly staid.


Still, if you like it more power to you. I just couldn't get into it at all.

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Got back home today and installed the latest spring update and after a while, I experienced several freezes and the dreaded 3 red lights!


Seems to be doing OK now, been playing for 2 hours or so and haven't had any problems since, but if it dies during the beta I think I'm just going to buy a Core system just for a spare. Love the console but just too damn unreliable.


Did anyone else experience problems following the update?

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Got back home today and installed the latest spring update and after a while, I experienced several freezes and the dreaded 3 red lights!


Seems to be doing OK now, been playing for 2 hours or so and haven't had any problems since, but if it dies during the beta I think I'm just going to buy a Core system just for a spare. Love the console but just too damn unreliable.


Did anyone else experience problems following the update?


I had no problems at all with my update. Can i just say i love your achievement sig!

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Finally found a use for my odd 300-somat M$ points! woooooo, i can't believe Heroes is ending soooo soon :cry:


Wierd I had 300 points aswell with nothing to spend on :(


Really liking the theme just wished it had a marketplace picture.

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Daft do you know how too defend on Eternal Sonata demo?





While any news surrounding the Halo 3 beta has had gamers buzzing for months, initial reaction by testers at last Friday's beta preview event has left some questioning the graphical leap made since the last console generation.


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By Eugene Huang


It appears as though Halo 3 is a big enough title to deserve attention from the mainstream media without the need for negative press involving ultra-violence and controversial material. In a recent report covering last Friday's preview of the Halo 3 beta, news agency Reuters stated in a report that the upcoming Bungie title "will help it fend off competition from Sony Corp. and Nintendo Co. Ltd".


However, according to interviews with testers at the event, the beta has so far gotten "mixed reviews".


"The graphics can use some work, said Nicholas Puleo of Evilavatar.com. "They're not much different than the previous Halo."


Puleo then goes on to say that there is still time for the development teams to polish up the graphics, but in comparison so far to some of the other titles that are being prepared for the platform, "it's not standout".


The release of last month's ViDoc, which explained the beta in more detail, contained messages in fine print stating that the gameplay footage shown was from the much rawer alpha version. Since then, Bungie's developers have promised that graphics in the public beta version would be much more finely-tuned.


Still, whether the beta's graphics become a disappointment or not, executives at Microsoft still believe that Halo 3 will be game of the year.


"I definitely believe that Halo 3 is going to be bigger than Halo 2," said Shane Kim, head of Microsoft Game Studios.


"This is going to be a huge competitive advantage for us. Sony has nothing like it."

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Daft do you know how too defend on Eternal Sonata demo?


Khilafan: You press B when the guard thing pops up when the enemies attack you


What he said! :heh:


Arrgh! Why do we have to wait so long for these bloody RPGs to come out!? I want to waste my summer holiday playing them but I don't think there are any out by then!


Anyone know the soonest a good RPG is out for the 360?

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