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Played a couple of hours on Mass Effect....starting to get annoyed. I suck at the combat...I'd prefer a more traditional combat style of an RPG than this...I keep fucking dying! Probably died around 6 times now! I will persist though...if it gets REALLY annoying I think I might just give up....

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Played 3 hours of Bioshock :D Absolutely brilliant.


Have to go and track down some dude (something Cohen I think it was) and I can't wait to see what this game still has to offer. I think I am enjoying as much as i was RE4 that first time I went through that.

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Oh don't get me wrong I liked the diaries I found on the way, but back tracking to hunt what... 150 or something? That's gonna be a challenge :D But I like a challenge actually!


Yer i must admit i used a guide to when i was going for that achievment to check i wasn't missing any.


There is one or 2 in the game u have to get at a certain point otherwise u can't go back for them!

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Ok so today I went out bought Gears, Eternal Sonata and DiRT. Unfortunately Gears doesn't work so i will have to go and take it back :(

Oh, and I completed Bioshock today; absolutely stunning. Gonna go back to it at the end of summer to complete it for the extra achievements.

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Is Viking anything like N3? For some reason I'm getting this impression it is. If it is..I'm getting it! I loved N3 to death..


Kinda. You have to do solo missions just hacking stuff to pieces and once you have freed dragons and allies then you can get together a massive army and go into one big battle to claim the land. You do this about 5-6 times during the game, small missions then 1 big battle and repeat.

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I'm certain they design has been around for at least 6 months now. Possibly from sometime last year.




A Too Human demo has been confirmed for download on the Marketplace during E3 along with other (unnamed) demos.

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