Caris Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 abit like your mum! In other news i wonder what's gonna happen with the 360 ultimate saying HD-DVD is on it's way out?
Guest Stefkov Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 Kotaku had an article a while back saying the Ultimate won't happen. M$ I think denied it.
AshMat Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 abit like your mum! In other news i wonder what's gonna happen with the 360 ultimate saying HD-DVD is on it's way out? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. No.
McPhee Posted January 10, 2008 Posted January 10, 2008 abit like your mum! In other news i wonder what's gonna happen with the 360 ultimate saying HD-DVD is on it's way out? They'll use a Blu Ray drive instead?
Aalborg Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 just had a good game of c&c3 going and then.. "the disc is unreadable".. sigh.. hopefully my next 360 wont have these problems reading my "very dirty and scratched discs"
Mundi Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 Is the Xbox live service still down? Going to buy CoD 4 today and don´t want to be stuck only with single player tonight
ReZourceman Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 Is the Xbox live service still down?Going to buy CoD 4 today and don´t want to be stuck only with single player tonight Its a freaking awesome single player game though.
Mundi Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 No doubts about that but i hear it´s short and i´m buying it for the multi-player mostly
Haver Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 COD is fine here. Only a few host disconnects. It's a fantastic game, really. They've finally nailed an online game on the 360. An online game on a console, period. We've gone from Quake on the Dreamcast, with 56k pay-by-the-minute, to this: lagless, brimming with enthusiastic players, a great incentive system...and I'm sure the single player is great too They said they were going after Bungie and they beat them hands down.
ReZourceman Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 They said they were going after Bungie and they beat them hands down. Matter of opinion yo' COD4 is amazing, but I prefer Halo due to ; Presentation, more fun, more customisable appearance, more my genre. But COD4 is very awesome indeed. Its easily a close second.
Cube Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 Just played the demo for The Club. I didn't really enjoy it...a bit too simplistic.
21st century cowboy Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 COD is fine here. Only a few host disconnects. It's a fantastic game, really. They've finally nailed an online game on the 360. An online game on a console, period. We've gone from Quake on the Dreamcast, with 56k pay-by-the-minute, to this: lagless, brimming with enthusiastic players, a great incentive system...and I'm sure the single player is great too They said they were going after Bungie and they beat them hands down. 100% agree. I find it hard to go back to Halo 3 now. I guess I like the precision of CoD4, also the dash makes a big difference to combat. Plus that sweet 60fps just makes everything so smooth. I never noticed frame rates before, not that I can count individual frames Did they ever release that patch cause I could swear the sniping is more accurate now but I thought they were going to add kill cam to the chopper bombers.
BeerMonkey Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 got bak into blue dragon at last (havent played since october/november) love it again now
Bluejay Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 Just played the demo for The Club. I didn't really enjoy it...a bit too simplistic. I have been having so much fun with that game. It is a shooter where you go through levels or rooms chaining together kills into combos. There really isn't much too it but the demo was great fun. Saying that, I cannot see myself paying for the full game and the appeal will no doubt wear thin super quick.
Daft Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 New character in Soul Calibur, Miles Edgeworthy! OBJECTION!
Mundi Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 Was going to get COD4 today but after going to 4 different shops i got Virtua Fighter 5. I like
Daft Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 Haha! Phoenix better be a secret character in Smash Bros. His smash could be him shouting objection, the longer you hold the smash the louder he shouts!
Gizmo Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 Isn't he an AT, or did I imagine that announcement?
Daft Posted January 11, 2008 Posted January 11, 2008 Isn't he an AT, or did I imagine that announcement? I don't think so, unless I missed something.
Gizmo Posted January 12, 2008 Posted January 12, 2008 I don't think so, unless I missed something. I think I read it from the reports after people got to play a demo at some expo or other. The time when the advance wars AT was announced. Probably my imagination.
AshMat Posted January 12, 2008 Posted January 12, 2008 I just repacked my 360, god damn repacking stuff is always fucking hard. Taking it back to Makro soon, hopefully coming back with a new one.
Guest Stefkov Posted January 12, 2008 Posted January 12, 2008 What........ Advance Wars: Anamorphic Triathlon. They're taking the Advance wars genre and making it into a Mario at the olympics type game on the ds. Reducing it's overall appeal to everyone everywhere, and it's screen size implementing only half of each DS screen. The first to do so to create a game worthy of an oscar. I have no idea
AshMat Posted January 12, 2008 Posted January 12, 2008 Gah, nevermind, all they did was give me a helpline number to ring and they'd "troubleshoot". ... Actually, i just checked, and it is indeed the M$ support line, fat lot of good that is. I'll have to get myself a box and go through the order i made online.
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