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I just watched the new Shakira video (hips dont lie) for the 800th time and i think im officially obsessed with the broad :love: even though i dont really care for her music.


Anybody else have similar issues with a celebrity (or non-celebrity)


David Tennant but he can act and er . . . look good in a geeky way!

i used to be obsessed with steps-as horrible as it is!

now i'm just obsessed DS games and the latest music which i go off just before it gets popular-typical. i suppose a DS fixaction is good to have alongside a celeb stalker avid merryan style obsession!


oh! and this guy at my col but the least said about that the better :S


The skinny one off man/woman.

Good sketch on that show last night, she wanted to break up with her boyfriend and he was just like "yeah sure honey, aww i know that face.. you want a massage" end of the sketch she's just like "get out, get out, get out, get out."


yeah i have stalked in the past. not on the grounds of being mental, i want to be a secret agent and practice makes perfect.


EDIT: if i were to stalk for personal reasons it would have to be Chasey Laine.

Guest Jordan

I wouldn't do it.

(Blatent lies)

Guest Stefkov

i dont stalk:

i carefully watch the movements of one individual.


seriouslt i dont do it. however if it werent illegal, thered be a couple people id 'watch'


Ok guys, stop saying it's illegal and just pretend it is legal. Just pretend you were to stalk someone.


For me it'd have to be billy west.. jsut to hear how he talks normally.

  DiemetriX said:
If I had the chanse... Miyamoto...

No doubt.



hell yeh me too


but siena miller mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm onlyi would have to approache her and ask her mmmmmmmmmm i make you mi wife.

well thats tellin her but ither way it will do:indeed:

Hmmm.. David Tennant, Jeremy Clarkson, Angelina Jolie, Jordan's Sister... I'm sure there's more.


And Jessica Alba mmm.... I think I'm melting

Hmmm.. David Tennant, Jeremy Clarkson, Angelina Jolie, Jordan's Sister... I'm sure there's more.


Have 'we' seen a picture of Jordan's sister? How old is she?


Not that I would of course (cause its wrong and cause she has a boyfriend who could probably beat me up) but Kristen Bell, totally.


I thought EEVIL was referring to Jordan of jar-masturbating torrent-downloading fame. I'm glad I was wrong.


I would stalk Kiefer Sutherland, but he would probably break my legs if I angered him.

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