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Doctor Who


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Well I enjoyed that ep, felt new and yet fit right in :) All my concerns over Matt Smith are gone


Although....the CGI looked like it's gone back on the quality somewhat. While the CGI in the previous seasons wasn't exactly Avatar style, it at least had a realistic look and feel to it. Here, it felt somewhat slapped on


Oh, and while the new theme tune has yet to grow on me, the music in the ep was great. Murray Gold is a genius

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Wow, that was brilliant! Very Stephen-Moffatty. Easily the best series opener of the five series. The only downside was the terrible CGI, but I suppose that's just something we'll have to get used to with their new lower budget. I definitely like the new Doctor and Any, though.

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Wow, that was brilliant! Very Stephen-Moffatty. Easily the best series opener of the five series. The only downside was the terrible CGI, but I suppose that's just something we'll have to get used to with their new lower budget. I definitely like the new Doctor and Any, though.

Thankfully the CGI for some of the future eps looks great

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A solid episode. Amazingly predictable though.


Matt Smith is good, still ugly, but good.


The painful thing about Dr Who is that considering its concept it has some shockingly conservative and unoriginal series arcing ideas. Oooo, the silence is falling - YAWN.


Good to see River Song in the trailer.

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That's one of the crazier episodes of Who I've seen. As always, there were so many "how"s and "what-if"s that the impossibility and weirdness of everything just flies over your head and you get pulled in.

New doctor did a good job I think.


Probably won't watch the rest of the series though, just not a great fan, it's on too early and being out/staying on the PC or game-console prevents me from sticking with it.

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I simply adored every second of this, Matt Smith is a sublime performer. I particulary love how the Doctor kind of an asshole now. A complete break from Tennant's character & story, exactly what was required and the whole production did it with a joyous flourish. Roll on the Stone Angels and Space Spitfires.

Edited by gaggle64
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Brilliant first episode. Before it, I wasn't sure whether he'd fit in as the new Doctor as Tennant was awesome but I think he was brilliant in the first episode. Can't wait to see the rest of the series, I wanna see The Smilers, they look creepy as hell!

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