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a lot of that episode felt unnecessary and like filler, thinking back I've already forgotten most of it.


it wasn't the worst episode...but i felt like i was watching something from the McCoy era, and that is not good at all


I did warm to Missy, in fact i thought she was the episode really, the only character who i cared about by the end, Clara had become some mope brat, Danny had become more Robotic and yet his character in one episode got more depth than the entire series gave him...actually liked him by the end, UNIT felt utterly pointless and disposable (and like they'd done all of it before in a previous episode...perhaps with a helicopter in the matt smith era), Kate....the door was what she should have been shown and stayed out! Capaldi's doctor felt bumbling, a buffoon, like a drunk meandering down a path and eventually getting the point

its not that i didn't like it,but it was just uneventful and not like a finale, certainly not comparable to the previous ones


The doctor activated a transmatt and Missy survived, or she did...when he pointed her PDA at her a small blue light appeared on her stomach, so i don't think CyberBrigadier disintegrated her....maybe she retreated to the nethersphere, since she was shown inside it at several points, was it just her consciousness? or can physical beings enter it? is everyone mind given a holographic form? it was a little unclear all that, there was an AI, the dead and Missy - Holograhic interface? Holographic projection? and a physical being?


I'm not convinced that was the last of Clara and Danny either, they've never confirmed when she'll exit so i think she'll be back, Santa's (oh christ why a mythical figure of santa?) monologue of not getting what everyone wanted makes me think he'll give everyone a nice crappy happy Christmas wish and somehow Danny will come back and Clara will leave then


part of me (again) wished if she was leaving today the Master would become the new companion, it would be an interesting twist on the norm, with the doctor babysitting. Its not the first time the Master has discussed going off with him (and the Doctor himself has offered), one day i can dream of a Doctor Master combo being done, mixing things up with a new dynamic


Edited by Agent Gibbs
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I thought it was very good for the most part, but eventually fell flat. Everything was set up well, the Cybermen attacking the plane was iconic and Michelle Gomez was outstanding as Missy. She made the character truly evil (and insane). It was all going well until the Doctor was reunited with the Tardis. With his "powers" back, he was surely going to do something really good, right?


And then...


He just stood about. Danny stood about talking for a long time and Missy handed him victory on a plate. I understand that this character has a complex relationship with the Doctor, but with such amazing actors present, it's a shame there wasn't more of a battle of wits.


Still, it did offer a really interesting moral dilemma - think of all the good you could so with an army of Cybermen. I just think that, overall, it worked more as a concept than a full story.

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Brilliant episode lots of fluff and loopholes. but ultimately very good. I personally think Danny is gone for good....Clara clearly pregnant. One major downside asthma girl is dead :(


Capaldi has been brilliant throughout this season even if the stories around him haven't.

Edited by flameboy
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I think I'm in the minority who thought this season has truly been awful. I can't think of one episode I truly enjoyed. I love Capaldi as an actor but I just can't see him as the Doctor. Not to say he was bad but it just didn't have that feel. Clara I used to love but I find her annoying but she's fit. I loathe Danny.


The writing and the stories in the episodes have been poor. For me, this is worse than Martha's season. :(

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The writing and the stories in the episodes have been poor. For me, this is worse than Martha's season. :(


Martha's season was, in part, absolutely incredible! Smith and Jones was very entertaining, as was The Shakespeare Code. Human Nature/Family of Blood was gripping, Blink was very good (although I don't like it as much as others) and Utopia is one of my favourites ever!


I do admit though, that Season 3 was the first time I had my doubts about the quality of the programme.


My personal low point was Season 6 (2011, Matt Smith's 2nd). I really, really didn't like that at all (or the Christmas special), but then Jenna Coleman joined the cast and I've continued to get more and more impressed ever since.

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I didn´t like the season overall either. I liked some episodes, but the season as a whole was disappointing. The first part of the 2-parter was good I thought, only to be concluded with a bad ending. I was really looking forward to zombie cybermen. I liked Missy, but she deserved much more than that wimpy (supposed) death. Instead of those Marvel style credit scenes to give glimpses of Missy, she needed a full episode to show her background and her intentions. Maybe they should´ve made a 3-parter instead. PE as a character was incredibly underdeveloped, and his relation with Clara was forced. Wasn´t he going to be a time traveler by the way? And what exactly was up with that portal? Was that an exit from the Nethersphere? Ridiculous.

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Overall i have to agree it was not the best series, plagued with bad writing and mediocre plots....everything felt rushed and forced at times, the season was either too short so they condensed stories to fit, or the writing has reached a new low.


I know its predominantly a family show, but recently its been more kid focused, the science is dumbed down, the plot is watered down. Whilst it had its highs it was not the best

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  • 1 month later...

Jolly good episode


I kind of had it pegged that most of it was a dream or something from the get-go, especially from when the dream crabs dropped on everyone and Santa came in, but damn Moffat got me with that fake out Clara end. The mirror of the cracker from last year...dear god that almost brought a tear to my eye. So glad it was a fake out. I like Clara as a companion, and though I don't like the pairing of 12 & Clara as much as 11 & Clara, it works very well and I'm glad she's sticking around for more.



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I didn't like it due to the ridiculously unexplained/glossed over explanation for the

dream crabs, oh they could be anywhere and when.....so how did a dream crab end up in a wheelchair bound woman's home? The shop assistants bedsit, the other woman's apartment, Clara's home (conveniently) and some other place/planet with the doctor


Sure dreams within dreams works, Santa as an embodiment of fake and sun conscious equally sort of works, but the whole why each and everyone was in the situation was glossed over and not addressed at all! I Know you have to suspend disbelief but it's a huge leap to take on that for a plot point with nothing other than a throw away line.


It all basically served as a plot point to get the Doctor and Clara back together, appreciate each other and reveal they both lied.


If you ignore the hole it's a reasonable episode, if you don't it's terrible so terrible I hope it's not cannon


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  • 3 months later...

I can't remember if this was posted before...




I had dabbled in a tiny bit of it but now it's been updated and I intend on spending a lot of time checking out all the new content!


You can find more details here:




Unlock your destiny as a Space and Time Traveller in this fully interactive TARDIS, with a selection of control room desktop themes,

a vast and mind boggling labyrinth of corridors and rooms each with unique functions.


Maintain and upgrade the TARDIS as you see fit, monitoring power, fuel, shield and hull levels as you travel.

Interact with Daleks, Cybermen, Autons, Time raiders, as you traverse from location to location, fending off attacking vessels or

outrunning other-worldly anomalies.


Travel to over 80 ingame locations using a nifty Context Sensitive Response minigame to navigate the TARDIS through the Space Time

Vortex, and go further than before by discovering planets such as Karn, home to the sisters of the Eternal Flame and Skaro, barren

radioactive wasteland of the Daleks.




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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I personally didn't like it.

Pacing was off, some unnecessary "dramatic" deaths, the doctor's going to die.. Really? In the first 2 episodes of the season? And Missy, although I love her character, feels completely thrown in. The only thing I liked was the intro scene, with the handmines.


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I personally didn't like it.

Pacing was off, some unnecessary "dramatic" deaths, the doctor's going to die.. Really? In the first 2 episodes of the season? And Missy, although I love her character, feels completely thrown in. The only thing I liked was the intro scene, with the handmines.


I tend to agree with all of that, so much so i was playing Destiny on my vita because it got boring and odd

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I enjoyed it.


As for the death thing, I don't think they're supposed to make us think they're dead - they explained it and showed the vortex manipulator effect for both of them. It's purely that The Doctor thinks they're dead.


They're also not saying that "The Doctor is going to die", it's just The Doctor who thinks so.


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That's obvious.. The point is that as it stands, the scenes don't "do" anything.. They're meant to deliver some drama, but that's not what they're doing at all. I didn't feel anything when watching those scenes, and I'm not eagerly anticipating the conclusion of it.. So I don't see the point. Maybe the 2nd part will turn it all around, although I'm probably going to miss that episode, so I'll have to hear it from you guys.

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