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Doctor Who


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lol, ok fair enough then.


How come when the first time round the War Doctor pressed the button, all this didn't happen?... Just because his future selves didn't exist then?


But then in the same sense nor does Peter Capaldi or Tom Baker 2.


Shouldn't the story have played out this way first time round for the war doctor too?


Who says it didn't happen the first time? The Doctor thought he burned it, as he continued to think it after the events of this episode as War/10.


No reason to think time was rewritten

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Is it only me and @Cube that went to the cinema for this then? You missed out! It felt like it was made for the big screen. So much so that it feels weird you guys calling it an "episode" because to me it felt like a film.


Anyway, I think it was the best bit of Doctor Who I've ever watched :D I love a good piece of time travel fiction and sadly, despite its premise, Doctor Who rarely qualifies, with far too many timey wimey plot holes. But not this time! The whole thing was very solid. Perhaps my only niggle was Capaldi's appearance, which didn't make much sense (if you can have one future doctor, why not have dozens? A cinema-only gag mentioned that there will be 50+ doctors by the 100th anniversary :p)


It's such a shame Ecclestone didn't reprise his role here. It didn't make sense in the story for him not to be there. I even wonder if the idea originally was to have Ecclestone as the War doctor, so that this whole anniversary special centred around the three modern doctors and what they represented since the button was pressed.

Who says it didn't happen the first time? The Doctor thought he burned it, as he continued to think it after the events of this episode as War/10.


No reason to think time was rewritten

IMO, this isn't even debatable! It's the entire point of it. We the audience and even the doctor himself has believed it happened right up until now.
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@Serebii explained to me earlier that this episode is set after the previous episode... they simply left the time stream at the end apparently.


I can't remember how that episode was left before the time stream bit... surely there were things to be resolved? What did she enter the time stream for, can't remember?

Edited by Retro_Link
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IMO, this isn't even debatable! It's the entire point of it. We the audience and even the doctor himself has believed it happened right up until now.


You'd be surprised. I've seen so many people bitch that the last 8 years have just been removed. That the "big reset button" was used etc.


Then are the people who didn't listen and start to complain about The Curator...


Incidentally, 10.2m people watched it on BBC One & BBC One HD yesterday

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It's such a shame Ecclestone didn't reprise his role here. It didn't make sense in the story for him not to be there. I even wonder if the idea originally was to have Ecclestone as the War doctor, so that this whole anniversary special centred around the three modern doctors and what they represented since the button was pressed.


I think the exact same thing! I was talking about that after the episode, it would have made more 'sense' rather than the new story of having a regeneration they didn't refer to as the 'doctor' thus technically making Matt Smith the 12th Dr etc.


I think they explained the new story well though to still talk about the time war etc but I defo think they originally were going to do this as a Eccleston/Tenant/Smith show.

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Was thinking about whether they'll change the numbers to accommodate the War Doctor - I think they'll keep it like it is. Although Smith's Doctor now knows that Hurt didn't actually kill the time lords and can now remember him without regret, the name of the Eleventh is way too linked to the actual plot of the main series of Smith - everything to do with the the fields of Trenzalore at the fall of the eleventh, which we know is going to be dealt with in the Christmas special.


Despite this, it is going to be interesting what they do about the regeneration limit. If you include the Tennant clone as a regeneration, Smith could be the last of this set of regenerations, hence why they're hinting towards a 'death' at Trenzalore; however, the 50th special does point towards Capaldi being the 'actual' 13th/numbered 12th, because if Smith was the last of a cycle, why would only the next only 13 Doctors come to seal away Gallifrey? (Also confused how they got there, but I'm guessing it was the weapon/Bad Wolf)


Isn't time travel wonderful/confusing!


I echo the sentiments that the role was originally written for Eccleston though - it's a shame that he doesn't feel comfortable in returning, other roles are a lot worse for his reputation than Doctor Who! Saying that, John Hurt was brilliant as expected.

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Watched this episode earlier, and thought it was amazing! I was worried that Moffat would screw it all up, but I'm thankful he didn't. Everything worked so well and the story actually wasn't bullshit, so many references too! :D It definitely did the series justice, and was a worthy anniversary episode/film.


I can see how Capaldi made it into the episode. After all, somewhere in time and space, he exists. Besides, if The Moment was able to drag the past Doctors together, then why not future iterations?


However, is it just me, or was it heavily implied that Capaldi will be the final Doctor? I mean when the council refered to the Doctor's incarnations as "all 13", or am I probably looking too deep into it? :heh:



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I can see how Capaldi made it into the episode. After all, somewhere in time and space, he exists. Besides, if The Moment was able to drag the past Doctors together, then why not future iterations?


However, is it just me, or was it heavily implied that Capaldi will be the final Doctor? I mean when the council refered to the Doctor's incarnations as "all 13", or am I probably looking too deep into it? :heh:



The rule of 12 regenerations. At that time, the current Doctors and the Timelords are only aware of a possible 13 Doctors (hence the "all 13" comment). 11 presumably only accounted for one more possible iteration when doing his calculations.


He then probably realises that he does find a way around the limit when he meets a future version of himself in the form of The Curator.


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I don't think the intention was for Eccleston to be the War Doctor, i think it always was meant to be Hurt, a forgotten Doctor,but i suspect the plan was to have the episode feature Smith, Tennant, Eccleston and Hurt, and the obviously when snobby arrogant Eccleston refused they simply wrote him out


it makes Eccleston look even worse considering they got McGann to come back for the prequel short


My respect for Eccleston is at an all time low

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I don't think the intention was for Eccleston to be the War Doctor, i think it always was meant to be Hurt, a forgotten Doctor,but i suspect the plan was to have the episode feature Smith, Tennant, Eccleston and Hurt, and the obviously when snobby arrogant Eccleston refused they simply wrote him out


it makes Eccleston look even worse considering they got McGann to come back for the prequel short


My respect for Eccleston is at an all time low


I think it might have been a slightly more practical decision than that. Doctor Who or Thor 2. In my eyes he made the right choice.


I'm getting a little tired of Doctor Who lately. It seems to spend far too much time making outrageous stories and then having to hurriedly path up all of the plot holes. To the point where you expect them to explain stuff away rather than solve it.


Don't even get me started on how they "over baked" River Song.

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If Capaldi was there, then why not throw in a bunch of other Tardis' too, and Tom Baker 2 for good measure.


Capaldi should have been left out, and just kept it focused on the Doctor up to this point in time.


Obviously it's because if there are to be other Doctors after Capaldi, they haven't been cast yet... but story-wise it could simply be that it only needed 13 of them. They did it with 13 Doctors so why would future iterations bother to help? They weren't needed.


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I think it might have been a slightly more practical decision than that. Doctor Who or Thor 2. In my eyes he made the right choice.


Filming for Day of the Doctor started four months after filming for Thor 2 finished. Even if they were at the same time, I'm sure he could have found the time to do the regeneration scene (especially as plenty of filming took place in the UK).


Sylvester McCoy is still doing stuff from The Hobbit (although I'm not sure how much he'll be in the next two), and he found time to be in a comedy. Not only that, they actually filmed some stuff for it on the set of The Hobbit.

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I don't understand why they didn't let McGann be the war doctor why case hurt in the first place , It would have been better IMO. Hurt did ok not taking that away from him It just seems a shame not to give mcgann the role he was good in the mini short episode , I would like to have seen more episodes as his doctor. Maybe a prequel series before he would have turned into Chris would have been a better way to fill the gap . Seems a little bit of a waste on that respect .

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I think it might have been a slightly more practical decision than that. Doctor Who or Thor 2. In my eyes he made the right choice.


I'm getting a little tired of Doctor Who lately. It seems to spend far too much time making outrageous stories and then having to hurriedly path up all of the plot holes. To the point where you expect them to explain stuff away rather than solve it.


Don't even get me started on how they "over baked" River Song.

We must be watching different shows :p

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