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Doctor Who


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Either there's some time travel afoot or that's one hell of a blooper


People find it odd that he leaves with River then he turns up again in his jacket asking Amy remember something what he said in his first meeting with her as a child.


The clip of the scene.

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Wow, I can't believe you guys arent actually liking it o0

I'm with you! This is a great series, in my eyes its a return to the Doctor's roots, feeling very much like the old show. If you don't like this season, I don't think you really "get" what Doctor Who is supposed to be like. Maybe you're expecting something more polished like BSG but Doctor Who is meant to be this way. And Matt Smith seems to me much more like the old classic Doctors that Eccleston or Tennant ever were.


The CG is a bit cheesy and a bit poor here and there, but the art also looks good where it matters, and the cheesiness is only a hark back to the days of bubblewrap prosthetics and tin foil tubing. Tackiness is part of the Who charm.

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I'm in the Shorty/Serebii camp. I found the first couple of episodes of the current season a little dodgy, but now it's starting to work well, and is a refreshing break from the the RTD hegemony. Instead of pretending to be a serious epic with a consistent canon, the show is now taking delight in its own silliness, and also seems to conform much more with what little I've seen of the show pre-revival. Thank God it's not taking itself so seriously any more.


Also: The doctor being something of a dick is great.

Also also: He needs to be awesome a little more however.

Also also also: Lol at comparing Doctor Who to BSG.

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Yeah, I love the new series. I couldn't stand RTD's writing, it was generally abysmal and amazingly camp-tastic (but not in a good way). Loved Tennant but Matt Smith, I prefer. He's got that perfect amount of odds and mystery to him.


Also don't have a problem with the CGI. It was never that good anyway.


I was disappointed the didn't have the balls to do a real reboot with the Daleks. But then I would be shocked if they did.

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Don't get me wrong, I loved the RTD era. Loved episodes people didn't like such as Journey's End and Last of the Timelords because I didn't think that it was meant to be ultimately serious. It's meant to be good fun and thats what they were. However, this new series is pretty good. The episodes aren't the best no but they're still damned good

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Noticing the taster for the vampire episode. It looks like they can survive in daylight, but can't stand UV/black light?


The vampires that featured in the classic series were aliens. So these aliens can stand daylight.

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I dunno why we have to prefer this years series, to previous. Doctor Who's been going for nearly 50 years... I just like it all.


And Matt is a terrific Doctor. Far more alien and a dick then David Tennant, who was too much like a cool older brother for my liking. But still good.

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I thought the second part to the angels episode was great! Really really enjoyed it.


As the series on a whole i think its been great so far, i do think it dipped on the victory of the daleks ep though. It's not that i thought the others series were shit but this just feels quite fresh and 'different' bit more old school and im liking how Matt portrays The Doctor. :grin:

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Wow, bit strong lol


Sorry, I have a thing against anyone who's at least mildly attractive. Is why I feel so comfortable around here.


I also have a thing against things that confuse me, which is why I wasn't too big a fan of the last five minutes of Saturday's episode. All in all, though, I really, really enjoyed it. Moffat didn't totally rape the Weeping Angels, and while I don't think they were as menacing as they were in Blink, they're still my favourite villains. I kind of hope that's the last we see of them. Was a bit disappointed to see them move, too.


Still like Matt Smith a lot, and - for better or for worse - I can't be the only one who still tastes Tennant-era flavour in the writing. I chuckled at "I made him say comfy chairs".

Edited by D_prOdigy
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You can tell this crack in the wall thing is going to be another "Bad Wolf" thing which'll pan out over the whole series. [Note: I didn't watch the Eccleston era, I caught the end bullshit about opening the Tardis core or something]


yeah i was thinking along the same lines myself

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Not sure if shes a time lord.... would be interesting though, maybe shes the doctor in human form again thats why the crack is there, 2 things that should never co-exist :P Looking forward to more river story aswell :D


Moffat doesn't like the Time Lords because he thinks it was the biggest mistake in the series to show by introducing them as recurring characters.


yeah i was thinking along the same lines myself


What about the Pandorica and the time mistakes ie the radio clock jumps from 11:59am to 12:00pm?

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Its not that people dislike the idea of "the show returning to the doctors roots" (can I be cool too now that I've acknowledged Doctor Who existed before Eccleston?) its more that we aren't enjoying how its being done in this new series. We know Moffatt is a talented writer and everyone had high hopes of what he would bring to Doctor Who now he is writing it on a regular basis, but he's just not pulling it off, imo.


The Doctor can be a cocky twat if he wants but it needs to be believable. The CGI and sets can be rubbish too but it needs to be held together with a story and acting that draws us in. Eccleston and Tennant had cheesetastic story lines and rubbish special effects but for me, they managed to make the show their own and I was able to get caught up in the cheesy drama. Matt Smith and the new stories haven't delivered this. Theres been none of the subtleties that Moffatt showed he was capable of before and it just seems to be aimed at the Saturday night pre-teen audience, rather than having something interesting for the whole family as its meant to. Rather than being subtle we are getting beaten over the head with these cracks in time every single week.

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I don't like her. She's a whore.


Wow, bit strong lol


Well I only watched the premiere but she was dating that nurse, clearly had done porno guy and ran off with the Doctor. That's a whore in my book :p


Terry Pratchett has claimed that Doctor Who has become "ludicrous".


The author, who said that he has always been a fan of the series, explained that it "breaks most of the laws of narrative".


[...]Doctor Who replaces this with speed, fast talking, and what appears to be that wonderful element 'makeitupasyougoalongeum'."


"After all, when you've had your moan you have to admit that it is very, very entertaining, with its heart in the right place, even if its head is often in orbit around Jupiter," he said. "I might shout at the screen again, but I will be watching on Saturday."


Digital Spy

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Well as for the crack not being subtle, I don't think it's meant to be. It's a crack in time, it's erasing things and it was a major plot point in two episodes so far. Having everything be like Bad Wolf in the Eccleston series would be repetititve and boring

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