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What a crappy ending, the build up wasn't bad, apart from all the Tyler family shite, but defeating millions of Daleks and Cybermen by pulling a couple of levers was just one big cop out. There were too many unanswered questions too, what happened to the Cybermen who were created in that reality, why wasn't the Tardis sucked into the void (as it had travelled between the two realities) and that shitty supposed cliffhanger, haven't they learned, comedians and Doctor Who don't mix, didn't work when they had Hale and Pace in it, Peter Kaye was awful (as he is in everything) and now Catherine Tate, the Christmas special will be awful.

Glad one Dalek managed to make it out alive, can't say the same about Rose Tyler though.

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I really enjoyed that episode, although it did seem to drag on just a bit at the end - nothing really important happened in the last ten minutes. I also think that the way that Pete saved Rose was a bit of a cop out - what are the chances of him dimension jumping at the exact moment that would allow him to catch Rose?


Apart from those few little niggles, though, it was a great episode, with some impressive action sequences and some funny exchanges of dialogue, particularly between the Daleks and the Cybermen.


I'm looking forward to the Christmas episode, but I don't think it was necessary to introduce it tonight, to be honset.

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Now Telly and Takeo HOW AWESOME WAS THAT!?!?!?!?!?


It made me laugh just now that you aimed the question at the few people that enjoy every episode of Doctor Who. :) I loved the episode! The cliffhanger wasn't too easily solved, and was good how Rose assumed authority above the Daleks. Favourite quote: "How many Cybermen are there?" "5 million. How many Daleks are there?" "Four."


I'm glad they didn't hold out on "this will be too scary for kids" with the exploding Cybermen and Dr. Singh getting his head sucked dry. CyberYvonne turning on the Cybermen was fantastically done, though I might have to have the purple fluid explained to me. I screamed when the phone rang when the Genesis Ark was opening! I just picked it up and threw it to my mum. Interesting use of Time Lord science by the Daleks (but they've been wiped out again :mad: ). My face went completely red with concentration when Rose was hanging on to the lever, and I sighed with relief when Pete rescued her. I'll confidently say that David Tennant is better than Christopher Eccleston in the role of the Doctor. Touching ending when the Doctor goes away when he is about to tell Rose that he loves her. I'm so glad that she didn't die. The ending was ruined slightly by the comedy, that could have been left for a CHildren in Need special scene, the episode should have ended with David Tennant crying. Best episode yet, but I was so sad at the end: no more Doctor Who until December 25th, and no more Billie Piper as Rose Tyler.


Rokhed which Dalek survived?

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And it was decent remember different audience now than it was back then, and it was good how they got rid of the Cybermen and all but one Dalek - as some say the easiest plans are sometimes the most effective.


P.S. Rokhed you mean Peter Kay don't ya! - He is class in everything, remember its the writer off that particular episode which needs to be killed for

giving him a shit ass part.


And why carn't they do a series with more than 13 episodes in how about 20.

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It was really, really good, up until the last ten seconds. Catherine Tate is a shit comedian, a terrible actress, and ruined a fantastic moment. Russell needs a punch in the mouth for writing that into the script. It would have been fine if it was a trailer, but not the ending of the episode.

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Guest Jordan

Couldn't agree more, Catherine Tate fucking pisses me off.

Theres hardly a good comedian anymore, and jeeze they don't belong on a Sci-Fi.

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Far too overblown and operatic for my tastes. Every time the show's about to demonstrate some finesse its efforts are beaten to death by crushing slabs of cheese.


Sure, I'm probably 'missing the point' or 'don't get it', but it just annoys me to see so much potential going unrealised.

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Sure, I'm probably 'missing the point' or 'don't get it', but it just annoys me to see so much potential going unrealised.

That's not really about 'missing the point', but you simply not liking the point. In other words, it seems to be a problem of personal preference rather than errors in the show. There's definitely a quirk about Dr who and I can understand that it may not be everyone's cup of tea. Some element of it grew on me over a period of time, but it did take time. For some, it never grows.

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I really do love this show, and it hurts me to say that I didn't love last night's episode, it dissapointed me. Really, what was the point in bringing in millions of Daleks (which was a bit I loved, the shots of hundreds of 'em flying above London exterminating everything was great) only to have them all sucked into a wall a few minutes later?


I think that had the very end been better, I would have forgiven the episode, because there was a lot of great stuff in there (I even liked all the Rose stuff, I was just waiting for this "best cliffhanger ever" (according to RTD) to come along), but then it's just a baffling ending with Catherine Tate in a wedding dress, and some dreadful title for the Christmas special, and it just put a cap to all the bad stuff, ending with something I hated, made me dislike the episode.


Why is she there? This is Doctor Who, the Christmas special will get ratings whatever, it doesn't need a big special guest star. Would have been so much better if Rose had been the one in the dress, or Sarah Jane Smith, or if the black Dalek had rolled into the console room screaming "exterminate". But it wasn't.


Ah well, I'll still be there next year, I just no longer believe that this show can do no wrong.


No, it was definitely grey with blue nodules, and the ark was sucked in to the void.



Pretty sure twas a black one, and it's just the light on it thats making it look a bit lighter. The ark was sucked into the void though, so they'll have to come up with another way of bringing them back again, which is a shame, 'cos that was a good way.



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Pretty sure twas a black one, and it's just the light on it thats making it look a bit lighter. The ark was sucked into the void though, so they'll have to come up with another way of bringing them back again, which is a shame, 'cos that was a good way.




Actually, it was errors in the CGI Black Dalek.


Anyway, I liked the ending, and not knowing who Tate is (I dont pay much attention on the actors, just the roles they play), I'm not complaining.

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i thought it was a great episode despite a few niggling things. It would of been great to have seen a full blown war between the darleks and cybermen, but the show is under time limits so it was bound to use some quick fix tactics. I agree the ending was kinda spoiled by Tate's appearance, but i think that was done to lighten the mood of losing Rose (which would upset younger audiences.


The couple of moments i wasnt keen on....cyberyvonne, her turning against the cybermen was out of place for the cybermen plot. I also felt the bit between Rose's mum and dad was given too much time, they never were main actors.

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