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Both release lists are pretty mediocre I think, but Wii has a better line-up from my point of view. Sonic the Hedgehog is the only title I'm really interested in, and it's going to be on the 360 as well. I'll get it in 10 years, when the price drops :P.


Also, Fifa? There just had to be a Fifa game. Oh how I do hate those games.


Where'd you get that list anyway?

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Launch games:


Call of Duty 3

Fatal Inertia


Fight Night Round 3

Full Auto 2: Battlelines

Madden NFL 07

NBA Live 07

Resistance: Fall of Man

Rayman: Raving Rabbids

Ridge Racer 7


Sonic The Hedgehog

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Vegas

Tony Hawk's Project 8

Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom



What do you think? Better or worse line-up compared to Wii?


No PES 6 on launch? Considering it's hitting Xbox 360 in Europe in October/November it's a little worrying that it's not coming PS3. As far as I know it hasn't even been announced for PS3

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quoted for stupidity (and sadly, truth)


"We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn't have games," Reeves told Computer and Video Games in an interview. During the same interview, Reeves admits that Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm and Formula One will all see release in early 2007 within the PS3 "launch window." Insomniac's gritty World War II shooter (with aliens) Resistance: Fall of Man will be there at launch according to Reeves.


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Here are the reasons I will be buying a PS3


1)Pro Evolution Soccer is made for the dualshock controller. I cannot stand to play it with anything else. PES 6 will not be on PS3 but the next version will be.


2)MGS 4 is my most anticipated game coming out of E3. I would fork out the cash for it alone.


3)I am not a Halo faggot; people keep saying to me 'buy a 360; you can get GTA, PES and all the rest, and the you can buy HALO 3 AS WELL; you can't get that on the PS3'.


The arguement doesn't work for me so basically, it just comes down to the console itself. I love the dualshock design, hate the 360 pad....games just seem to play better on the PS2 pad than the xbox pad imo.


Oh; and barring resistance and sonic; what a shite launch lineup. Any source?

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Here are the reasons I will be buying a PS3


1)Pro Evolution Soccer is made for the dualshock controller. I cannot stand to play it with anything else. PES 6 will not be on PS3 but the next version will be.


2)MGS 4 is my most anticipated game coming out of E3. I would fork out the cash for it alone.


3)I am not a Halo faggot; people keep saying to me 'buy a 360; you can get GTA, PES and all the rest, and the you can buy HALO 3 AS WELL; you can't get that on the PS3'.


The arguement doesn't work for me so basically, it just comes down to the console itself. I love the dualshock design, hate the 360 pad....games just seem to play better on the PS2 pad than the xbox pad imo.


Oh; and barring resistance and sonic; what a shite launch lineup. Any source?



XBOX controller sucks:nono: ,... but 360 controller better then the Dualshock.:hehe:

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I think the PS3 launch line up is pretty shite, with only 2 titles standing out for me.


I really don't know if I should get the PS3 or 360 as my secondary console. At first I thought 360, but the PS3 has a Blue Ray player and its got all the games that I love like the new MGS, Devil May Cry and eventually Pro Evo. And it'll probably have the best RPGs as the 360 seems to have less and less Japanese support. To me RPG's are very important as its one of my fave genres and its most likely that the PS3 will see the best ones.


Whereas on the other hand, the 360 has got the superb Xbox Live and other great games that look awesome, like Halo 3 and Lost planet. Plus its much cheaper than the PS3...


Still very undecided....for now I'll play on my PS2 and get the Wii in christmas time. I'll make my decision based on the games I see coming out for both of the systems.

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The thing is I know I will have to get one at somepoint. There's no doubt about it that the RPGs will be hitting that system. It will be the RPG console yet again in the next generation.


Hopefully they hit after a price drop so I don't have to buy one right away.

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Yeh its most likely that the PS3 will be the main console for RPG's. I mean, have you seen the short clip of the Dragon Quest trailer for the Wii?? It looks awful tbh.


And yeh, I know I will have to eventually get one or the other...there's no way I'm getting both a 360 and a PS3.


I think I can see myself getting a PS3..........but only when the price goes down.


I'm sorry but £425 is just way too expensive for a PS3. Even though it may have a Blue Ray player and is the most powerful console out of the three, that price tag is gonna make it hard for sony to dominate the next gen like they did with the PS2. £300 tops is what I'm willing to spend.

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Guest Jordan
XBOX controller sucks:nono:


O_o, the S pad was the best pad of the last generation and the 360's pad is probably the best made traditional pad ever.

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The thing is I know I will have to get one at somepoint. There's no doubt about it that the RPGs will be hitting that system. It will be the RPG console yet again in the next generation.


I know what you mean, its the only machine I will get to play MGS and FF series on. Also just read this morning on GameCentral that DMC4 and R Evil 5 werent at E3 as they are being kept or the TGS. Both will be playable and Capcom stated that DMC will look as good as the FMV sequence from last yers E3.

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Exlusive Launch games:


Fatal Inertia

Resistance: Fall of Man

Ridge Racer 7


Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom




So... I'll not be buying a PS3 at launch. And the Wii launch looks way better.


Not even for ridge racer


.....riiiidddggggeeee raaaaaaccceeerrrrrr..... :D

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Guest Stefkov

just a nooby question what is dual shock? a rumble in each handle part of a controller? cos havnt like th cube got this aswell? or even the 360?

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DualShocks are the PSX, PS2 and PS3 controllers.


The original PSX controller had no rumble and also no analog sticks. Then they brought out the DualShock, which ahd these features. It was simply upgraded for the PS2 and PS3.

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