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Well looking at the upcoming PSP games shown at the conference I must say its future is looking poor. Glad I never bought one.


I 110% agree.


I'm not, i repeat NOT being a Nintendo-fanboy but with the upcoming DS releases (and theres loads of them) i have decided to sell my PSP.


Firstly i've been playing the same games for months, secondly there is not one game i'm interested in for the future, so whats the point in keeping it?


All my money i make will go towards buying the Wii and future DS games like, Chibi Robo, Starfox, Mario VS Donkey 2, Zelda: PH, i mean there are loads of superb titles! I think the PSP's future is in doubt actually (of course my opinion).


So how much do you get for a PSP in gamestation?

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You should NEVER trade in a gmestore, they are a joke when it comes to prices - they pay you almost nothing and then charge the consumer almost full price for your secondhand product.


Ebay all the way!! Try here too when the boards reopen!

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I think credit is about £160 for the gigapack.


If sonic rush is anything to go by (which it probably isn't) Sonic rivals might be the only good thing going for the psp at the moment. Although by the looks of it it seems to be more like a new super mario bros. 1 on 1 race through the level sort of thing.



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Metal Gear Solid - Portable Ops


Anyway. Portable Ops looks like it'll play just like the console Metal Gear Solid titles, which is exactly what fans have been waiting for. What's even better is, this game is considered part of the core Metal Gear Solid timeline as defined by Hideo Kojima


We are sure that Portable Ops looks awfully good for a PSP game; from the trailer we saw, it's almost as good-looking as its PS2 counterpart. And with cutscenes provided by the same comic artist who illustrated the Metal Gear Solid comic book, the game ought to be an aesthetic tour-de-force. The game is due out in the winter 2006 timeframe, so we'll bring you a lot more on it as soon as we can.










That's gonna be THE game for the PSP. Apperantly, graphics will be like those of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for ps2, which, for those of you who don't know, looks fantastic.

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I'm wondering.. The games they showed in the "Best of" catalogue thing.. The only even remotely good game amongst those was Wipeout. Was the PSP launch really that abysmal..? I know good games like GTA and the likes (or hey.. wait.. GTA might be the only good one) have been released since, but when the best game is Wipeout that's just sad.

Also.. None of the future games even got close to catching my interest. I am, too, glad I have not bought a PSP.

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I have both Wipeout Pure and GTA: LCS (only 2 PSP games i have), both are FAR from awful.


Wipeout Pure is the best Wipeout in the series so far, it has many track, awesome graphics, great techno music and downloadable content!


GTA: LCS is a great game, too! I couldn't believe that Rockstar managed to transfer a full-fladged GTA game to a portable console! Apart from the fact that you can't swim or fly, i think the gameplay is the same as the console versions.

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8 days was the only thing that impressed me.



A lot of that looked like prerender or CGI. There seems to be little gameplay from the camera view that you would actually see. I doubt highly that the vid reflects the game very well.


Fall of Man sucked balls. "It's WW2 but not..."


Hang on? You made a WW2 shooter and tried to make it not a WW2 shooter by making it against aliens? WTF? You guys just spent £millions on making that shit!

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Yeah, sonic and Ratchet are good PSP games but no enough for me to stay put with it i'm afraid.


are you sure i only get £70 a gamestation?


Yup, I work there =p


It is 70 quid, we sell them around 119 quid preowned for the Value pack, 109 for Base pack and I think 140 for giga

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Have to disagree with people saying the future for PSP is bad, it certainly isn't for me anyway.


Loco Roco, WorkTimeFun (oh damn yes RAMEN TIMER!!!), Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core, MGS Portable Ops, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Lumines II, Every Extend Extra, Gitaroo-Man Lives!, Silent Hill Origins and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.


I'm sorry I just can't think that's poor.

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Guest Stefkov

the different gamestations must do different prices for trade ins. i was told £92 for a giga pack, so i didnt ask about the value pack, i had the giga pack anyway.

GAME did £90 for the value pack and £110 for the giga pack.

i had a psp for a couple of months, and im glad i got rid of it for my 360. Live is fucking awesome

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Have to disagree with people saying the future for PSP is bad, it certainly isn't for me anyway.


Loco Roco, WorkTimeFun (oh damn yes RAMEN TIMER!!!), Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core, MGS Portable Ops, Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, Lumines II, Every Extend Extra, Gitaroo-Man Lives!, Silent Hill Origins and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories.


I'm sorry I just can't think that's poor.


MGS port ops is the only one worth ebaying the psp for me.

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Heavy Rain looks lovely though, along with Assassins Creed and Heavenly Sword.


It's expensive, but I certainly will get one at somepoint. I won't fall into this whole bitter fanboy nonsense. No company is perfect, they are all making somesort of mistake at the moment, but live with it and enjoy the games that they are releasing.


Damn it for no Makai Wars though. :(

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