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It won't be as good as the Wii controller because it's not the same technology, it's more basic and for simplistic uses.


Now I wonder about all those people who lean with their pad when playing racing games actually tell us it turns better with the PS3 pad, hehe.

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Another thing, please can people stop expecting something massive from NItendo now - we know all there is to know. Nkntendo didnt show us thevremote cause they have something bigger, they showed us the remote cause they had to - we would have bayed for blood! Dont expect 3d or any other delusional secret, expect what has already been revealed - the greatness will be the execution of the rmeote and all the new games that will be seen and announced!!

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Those saying NIntendo/Sony will rip or have ripped XBL aren't thinking clearly. Microsoft took the first step, but it was an obvious one Sony and Nintendo need to offer the same content too, if they didnt it would be worse.

Er... sony sucks. It does.

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I think Sony has also fuct up their chances of being the dominent HD movie format with the ridiculous high prices of the hardware here.


I'll be buying an Xbox 360 at the end of this year if the Halo 3 trailer is shown tomorrow. And they must be partying in Redmond with that high price of the PS3.


I don't know how they can compete at Christmas if this yearly price drop that Microsoft mentioned actually happens.


All I know is that I'll be buying a few PS3's purely for ebaying reasons.

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I can't believe it, they've gotta be breaking some sort of anti competitive laws here!


There's absolutely no way on God's earth they can possibly get away with this, please tell me this can't happen!


This isn't possible, this can't be happening!!!


I'm seriously considering going down to Sony's European HQ and protesting outside. I'll wait till Ninty's conference and then I'll save up my money.


If anyone wants to come along, by all means join me! The more people we have, the more likely we'll get televised.

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Were the whole crowd low on blood sugar today? There seemed to be a distinct lack of whooping and hollering that accompanies every conference with americans involved. Ummm and PLAYstation 3?! More like STUPID-FACEstation 3! Zing!

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They had better not get any good press for this, i have a feeling tabliods will most likly praise them for "inovation" (prolly MTV news aswell), all "real" press had better rip them apart for there their blantant rip off of xbox live and the Wii controller. This just can't stand, how the hell do they sleep at night, and how the hell come whne they revealed the controller there wasn't and massive BOOO or something from the crowd... and the best part - they opened the show taking a shot at Nintendo for "gimicks", and they have the nerve to call themselves inovative?


I can't wait for the Nintendo conference Reggie is gonna be kicking ass all over the place, this should be "thats Sonys screw up not my problem" from last last mulitplied ten fold.


And any secrets they have, none can be held back tomorrow/today they have to come out guns blazing and nukes launched and they better be damned big impressive secrets plus the release date HAS to be BEFORE the PS3 and the price damned cheap.


Right i'm off to bed now, but i doubt i'll sleep after this mockery


EDIT: quick thought, do you think Sony ripping off the Wii controlling is the real reason why at the end of the MGS4 video Snake was gonna kill himself?

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