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Anyone else read about the rumours of Resistance 2 yesterday on Kotaku? They said its slated for next Christmas period and the game will be set in America this time with Nathan Hale set to make an apperance in some shape or form.


Im hoping this is true as I LOVED the 1st game, especially getting the skill points and it was one of the few games I played online for fun rather than trying to achieve something.


Its not that far fetched this rumour as Insomniac has pretty much finished with the PS3 version of Ratchet and Clank ( cant wait :bowdown: ) so it makes sense that they would go back to this series as it is one of the biggest PS3 hits. Granted the PS3 hasnt got many but still...

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According to GamesIndustry.biz, the introduction of the new 40GB PlayStation 3 and the price drop on the 60GB bundle has increased sales by 178% in the UK.


Currently the PS3 is standing at #3, just behind the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Wii. With Sony now offering a cheaper 40GB PlayStation 3 for GBP 299, consumers with shallow pockets are now picking up the system.


However, this that is not the only move the company has made. As previously reported, Sony has also dropped the price on the 60GB model to GBP 349 and bundled 2 free first party games with the console.

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PS3 Outsells Wii and Xbox 360 in Europe: Week Ending 10/14/07


Here are the hardware totals for the week ending 10/14/07. The PS3 outsold both the 360 and the Wii.


Weekly Total

DS 158,975 17,282,952

PS3 77,827 1,697,638

Wii 75,033 3,523,800

PSP 62,027 8,535,003

PS2 53,843 43,151,763

360 42,244 3,754,596

GBA 2,495 19,534,242


Hit the link to see the breakdown by region.




SOURCE: http://www.n4g.com/News-75071.aspx

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...So I got a PS3 yesterday...And I am currently packaging it to try and return (if not) sale it at CEX and lose £100! IMHO, this console is disgusting...in just about everything. They have turned a gaming device into some entertainment powerhouse that I do not find necessary...


My first impression was 'ugh!'...The amount of time it takes to download demos...etc...everything just feels like loading, loading, loading! When yo are accustomed to the Wii this just feels ...disgusting. This word also reflects upon its appearance; a big chunk of shiny plastic-metal that just stands out and shifts all focus to it like an elephant in a room.


I'm quite 'rich', and was swayed by the 60gb £349.99 price tag, so I naturally had to see how I felt with it in my home...Im glad I got that out of the way. To be honest, not even MGS4 and FF13 will really make me look back at the PS3 unless 'something' changes (which I do not see that happening anytime soon)...I also bought a PS3 to play the games I missed on PS2, like FF12, which looks very jaggy and unappealling graphically (which was one of its core points) with the software emulation.


I just felt like airing this out right here right now in a quick reply. I think my how powered laptop and Wii are the gaming essentials for me.

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Lost Planet (PS3)

Avaialable early next year and will include all bonus characters from the PC version and extra downloadable content from the 360 version making it the complete package. Made possible with Blu-ray. 16 player online over the PSN.

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Lost Planet (PS3)

Avaialable early next year and will include all bonus characters from the PC version and extra downloadable content from the 360 version making it the complete package. Made possible with Blu-ray. 16 player online over the PSN.


Why do Sony play up that their disks hold so much data?


How is Smash Bros Brawl able to hold so much, if its not a Blu Ray. I really do dislike Sony.

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Why do Sony play up that their disks hold so much data?


How is Smash Bros Brawl able to hold so much, if its not a Blu Ray. I really do dislike Sony.

Well for one Smash bro's contains no hd images. so they save space there. Also, 8 gig is more than enough for current gen and if its not put stuff on more than one DVD its not like FF7 was only on one disk.

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I really do dislike Sony.


I think I'll back you up on that one...The PS3 just makes me feel bitter now. I also feel the games that will appear on it won't really feel as 'revolutionary' as say some of the stuff the Wii will be able to and can offer.


Yeah just checked out the new teaser-iffic website. This looks VERY promising


Promising? How so? Because you can see every blade of grass and every ligament in that bionic arm makes this 'promising'?...:blank: ...Wahahahahahahaha! Thats quite hilarious.

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Promising? How so? Because you can see every blade of grass and every ligament in that bionic arm makes this 'promising'?...:blank: ...Wahahahahahahaha! Thats quite hilarious.


Yes! It has nothing to do with its cool gameplay concepts, or Capcoms track record, or nostalgia. I just like it for the grass!

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Yes! It has nothing to do with its cool gameplay concepts, or Capcoms track record, or nostalgia. I just like it for the grass!


It does look extremely promising, your right.


I think people should stop posting negative comments about the PS3 over and over again. If you don't like the console, whats the point of coming into a thread specifically for it? Your allowed your opinion, but it's just cluttering up this thread now for the people who actually like their PS3'S and surprisingly to you King_V and others 'There are some who do'.


Of course, everyone will disagree with me (they always do), so post away! :heh:

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Why do Sony play up that their disks hold so much data?

Are you disputing The Power of PlayStation 3â„¢? I've a mind to knock you into the Third Placeâ„¢.


King_V, whilst I disagree with a lot of your complaints, I don't think you were ever going to like the PS3. It's Sony's latest attempt at capturing the living room, so yes it is a multimedia device. I didn't buy it for that as games have always been my priority, but I have used some of the extra functionality and it all seems to work well and cater to the hardcore A/V crowd. If you feel embittered by this I suggest you research things more thoroughly before splashing the cash.


And I agree with Owen, the trolling in this thread is pretty pathetic. I like my PS3, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to all of Sony's missteps or that I see it as the messiah of gaming, but for some reason other people think it's fine to be overtly negative about a product they most likely don't have a proper grasp of as if they were saving me from PlayStation sycophancy.


I'll be surprised if the sales don't tail off quickly as for most people the PS3 is still too expensive or lacking in an exhaustive catalogue of games. This time next year that might have changed, but right now the console is for the hardcore, those with deep pockets, or A/V nerds.


Yes, Sony do constantly big up Blu-Ray's storage capacity at every opportunity, and it really is cringeworthy. However, PR doing their job won't stop me enjoying good games; I'm a bit weary of Nintendo rolling out their recent success time and again, but that is their perogative.


You cannot judge a gaming machine on its first year. The DS was plagued by horrible cash-ins that didn't utilise its functionality, as is the Wii currently. The 360 was largely host to shinier versions of previous generation games for ages until the exclusives started appearing. And the PS3 is currently awash with slightly inferior versions of Xbox 360 games. Growing pains do not define a console's life.

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Yeah don't get me wrong Sony have made some huge mistakes with the PS3 and the games in my opinion are superb but still haven't really blown me away in terms of playability etc...Heavenly Sword was close mind. ;)


Sony haven't done things right, it isn't the best console out of the three (yet) but i've decided to give them a chance, it's like whatever they announced is shunned before people even played/used it.


As i said before, you entitled to your opinion, but coming into a thread specifically just to keep posting negative comments is slightly disheartening for the people who actually enjoy their PS3'S.


AND well said Aimless, great way of putting your opinion across.

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