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Virtua Tennis 3 isn't online?


360 version is online. Thats why i was never in a millions years paying £50 for the PS3 version which lacks that feature of the £37.99 360 version.


I wanted to buy the PS3 version of it, so i have a steady flow of PS3 games to play on it, i'm in love with the console at the moment, you see! :grin:

Cynamite.de, german gaming page got their euro PS3 and tested how good the EUR PS3's backwards compatibility is in reality. Well, not surprisingly, it wasn't very good at all. From twelve tested high profile games, only Eragon worked. Rest asked to wait for patch. Here is list complete list of tested games:


- God of War

- MGS 2: Sons of Liberty

- MGS 3: Snake Eater

- Shadow of the Colossus

- Guitar Hero 2

- Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

- Okami

- GTA: Liberty City Stories

- Eragon

- Final Fantasy X-2

- Ratchet & Clank 3

- Lumines Plus




probably because they are using a debug unit to test those games. I personally can't see sony not even getting rachet and clank. So I'm saying its bs that they don't work I'll wait until sonys website goes up.

probably because they are using a debug unit to test those games.


Article clearly states that they used retail unit.


I've got Okami and Lumines Plus so I'd be a bit annoyed if I had a PS3 and had to keep the PS2 out to play them.


Of course there will be probably some patches out before release. But I can't understand how anyone could find this surprising, as it is always easier to emulate generic bulk crap, than highly optimized AAA title that uses standard libraries in unexcepted and strange ways. That's also why X360's backwards compatibility has so many shitty games on it.

I've got Okami and Lumines Plus so I'd be a bit annoyed if I had a PS3 and had to keep the PS2 out to play them.


I have both my PS3 and my White PS2 out. I just prefer to play the games on the system they were intended for. I still play my PSX games on my PSX system for example. The only system I don't do that for is the GBA. I play my GBA games on my DS Lite as the colour is alot richer than on the SP.


Home isn't selling the PS3 to me, there's plenty of stuff out there similar too it.

However Resistance and Motorstorm for example are selling it to me. And i still need to check out Little Big Planet.

I have both my PS3 and my White PS2 out. I just prefer to play the games on the system they were intended for. I still play my PSX games on my PSX system for example. The only system I don't do that for is the GBA. I play my GBA games on my DS Lite as the colour is alot richer than on the SP.


I kinda know what you mean, but I just don't have the space for it, my PS2 right now is shoved right to the side of my tv standing up because I don't have room for it.

Article clearly states that they used retail unit.




Of course there will be probably some patches out before release. But I can't understand how anyone could find this surprising, as it is always easier to emulate generic bulk crap, than highly optimized AAA title that uses standard libraries in unexcepted and strange ways. That's also why X360's backwards compatibility has so many shitty games on it.


But therirs no way of knowing unless they post a picture of the actual hardware.


Phil Harrison made a WarHawk-related announcement at GDC which was something of a bombshell: WarHawk, one of the first games to make sensible use of the six-axis controller’s motion-sensing capabilities will be available only as a download over the PlayStation Network – it won’t appear on Blu-ray Disk – with a multiplayer-only focus.


Nevertheless, we shouldn’t have to wait too long for it after launch – Sony says it will arrive this autumn, and it could come as early as July, according to developer Incognito. Pricing hasn’t yet been set, but it’s likely that it won’t cost as much as a full-priced, boxed game.


So it should represent pretty good value, as it’s a pretty well specified effort although, as it stands, it doesn’t really have that jaw-droppingly crisp graphical quality that the PS3 can bring – although it is possible that could be applied in the polishing stage. Which, presumably, is under way, as the version of the game shown at GDC looked pretty solid and bug-free.


Up to 30 people can participate in a single game, and gameplay modes will include team Deathmatch, Territory Mode and Capture The Flag. There are two races in WarHawk, called Eucadian and Chernovan, and the battles are certainly epic, played across vast maps.


What really marks WarHawk out from its peers is the variety of ways in which you can play it. Battles take place in the air and on the ground – you can specialise in manning a flying battleship or hovership, or elect to stay on the ground, playing as if it was a third-person shoot-em-up. And you can jump into vehicles, such as tanks or jeeps (naturally, one person can be a designated driver while another mans a machine-gun in the back), and you can even jump into anti-aircraft guns.


The WarHawk itself – a flying battleship – is clearly seen by Incognito as the game’s top item of military hardware; there’s also a hover-ship that would-be pilots can take control of. Both planes make extensive use of the six-axis controller, along with several buttons. We couldn’t quite master the controls in the limited amount of time available for hands-on at GDC – clearly, they will require some sort of a learning period – but the aspects governed by the six-axis seemed responsive without being twitchy. On the ground, everything was utterly intuitive, however.


WarHawk’s ability to generate huge, epic online battles should make it a firm PlayStation Network favourite, and we’ll keep you updated with any news about when it will be released and how much it will cost, as soon as we know ourselves.



Phil Harrison made a WarHawk-related announcement at GDC which was something of a bombshell: WarHawk, one of the first games to make sensible use of the six-axis controller’s motion-sensing capabilities will be available only as a download over the PlayStation Network – it won’t appear on Blu-ray Disk – with a multiplayer-only focus.


Nevertheless, we shouldn’t have to wait too long for it after launch – Sony says it will arrive this autumn, and it could come as early as July, according to developer Incognito. Pricing hasn’t yet been set, but it’s likely that it won’t cost as much as a full-priced, boxed game.


So it should represent pretty good value, as it’s a pretty well specified effort although, as it stands, it doesn’t really have that jaw-droppingly crisp graphical quality that the PS3 can bring – although it is possible that could be applied in the polishing stage. Which, presumably, is under way, as the version of the game shown at GDC looked pretty solid and bug-free.


Up to 30 people can participate in a single game, and gameplay modes will include team Deathmatch, Territory Mode and Capture The Flag. There are two races in WarHawk, called Eucadian and Chernovan, and the battles are certainly epic, played across vast maps.


What really marks WarHawk out from its peers is the variety of ways in which you can play it. Battles take place in the air and on the ground – you can specialise in manning a flying battleship or hovership, or elect to stay on the ground, playing as if it was a third-person shoot-em-up. And you can jump into vehicles, such as tanks or jeeps (naturally, one person can be a designated driver while another mans a machine-gun in the back), and you can even jump into anti-aircraft guns.


The WarHawk itself – a flying battleship – is clearly seen by Incognito as the game’s top item of military hardware; there’s also a hover-ship that would-be pilots can take control of. Both planes make extensive use of the six-axis controller, along with several buttons. We couldn’t quite master the controls in the limited amount of time available for hands-on at GDC – clearly, they will require some sort of a learning period – but the aspects governed by the six-axis seemed responsive without being twitchy. On the ground, everything was utterly intuitive, however.


WarHawk’s ability to generate huge, epic online battles should make it a firm PlayStation Network favourite, and we’ll keep you updated with any news about when it will be released and how much it will cost, as soon as we know ourselves.




Check mate good sir






PS3 Console

HDMI Cable

Resistance: Fall of Man

Genji 2


Click Blu-Ray


Normal Price: Roughly £600

Play.com Bundle: £525

Saving:Around £75

Also, buy it with a Sony Bravia 40"KDL-40W2000U TV and save an extra £100


And guaranteed before launch


Just letting you know - I just got an email from Play.com about it. This could be interperated as the PS3 pre-orders not going that well. (I mean, there were no great bundles and stuff, and not many places actually emailed customers about the Wii)






PS3 Console

HDMI Cable

Resistance: Fall of Man

Genji 2


Click Blu-Ray


Normal Price: Roughly £600

Play.com Bundle: £525

Saving:Around £75

Also, buy it with a Sony Bravia 40"KDL-40W2000U TV and save an extra £100


And guaranteed before launch


Just letting you know - I just got an email from Play.com about it. This could be interperated as the PS3 pre-orders not going that well. (I mean, there were no great bundles and stuff, and not many places actually emailed customers about the Wii)





I think anybody who has ever bought anything from play would have got the same email, I did.

It's not just that play are still guaranteeing orders for launch that is bad, but the fact that everywhere is still guaranteeing orders for launch. Lots of order cancellations been happening lately too apparently. I'm guessing there'll be no problem walking in to a shop on launch day and buying a console, wouldn't be surprised if there's still stock on shelves a week later to be honest.


But we don't know what is going on till the actual sales figures come out after the week it's been out. It's all speculation at the moment. There is 1 million units for Europe though.


Urgh next Friday -_-


Looking like 7.30 til 6. Stupid Sony, they didn't listen to my "don't release it" idea. Why?


I wish Sony would at least release the back compat. list prior to the 23rd. Would make work easier.

If things do go like that then that price is gonna have to come down, surely? I'd buy one if it was £300.


Video Games Plus. Around £330. Cheaper games, too.


This is selfish of me, but I hope it does sell badly at launch so that we'll see a price cut sooner rather than later.


I want a PS3, but I can't really justify spending £500 on one without any kind of system seller¹ available at the moment.



¹No, MotorStorm doesn't fit my personal definition of a system seller; I'm not a big racing fan.

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