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I don't see why nintendo can't charge less money for its software. Neither can I understand why microsoft and sony charge the prices they are thinking off.


Really we should just say we won't buy any more games until they reduce the prices.


We as a forum can make a difference


Err.... No. The forum isn't that big, not to mention people wanting to play games. Gears of War sold into the millions. do you really think if we hadn't got it it would have made a difference?


Plus, stuff sells for what people will pay. I'm willing to pay £50 for Gears of War.

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Err.... No. The forum isn't that big, not to mention people wanting to play games. Gears of War sold into the millions. do you really think if we hadn't got it it would have made a difference?


Plus, stuff sells for what people will pay. I'm willing to pay £50 for Gears of War.


I got the game haven't played on it yet but I got it for £34.99.


See I'm going to say the no game on the ps3/360/wii have been worth the money their charging for them.


The best game I have played in a long while was okami on the ps2 £24.99. Worth every penny - nothing has been the worth the money for what they want to charge.


See recently I have thought to myself why are movies around £14 on dvd, yet games are expensive when they hhave the same sorts of advertising and same average budget so why. Right we went from £60 a game on the N64. To £39.99 -now £49.99. The content your charging for it is overpriced.


Anyone who keeps track of the Japanese games market knows how big Capcom's Monster Hunter series is over there. For a reminder, we turn to the latest weekly sales report from Mainichi Interactive. According to the Japanese site, Monster Hunter Portable 2nd sold 700,000 units in its first week following release on 2/15.


Needless to say, this is a record first week for a PSP game. In fact, these sales could make Monster Hunter Portable 2nd the best selling PSP title to date in its home territory.


The site also reports that PSP hardware performed favorably over the week. However, while Sony released a gold-colored system to commemorate the game's release, the most popular colors were the previously released blue and silver units.

But surely they realise if there are 200k people at selling a game at £50 they may only sell 50k, but if they sold their games at £39.99 - they would be able to sell higher volumes.


Doubtful. If people wan't something they will buy it. I'd imagine knocking off £10 per game would only increase business by less than 5%, if that.


The price of games doesn't seem to stop anyone from buying them, so why should they charge any less?


Remember that in the N64 era games were £50 and only for the GC they came down to £40.

The price of games doesn't seem to stop anyone from buying them, so why should they charge any less?


Remember that in the N64 era games were £50 and only for the GC they came down to £40.


Well I know ninty/microsoft/sony all say they are trying to appeal to non gamers. Okay fine, consoles are bound to be expensive gotcha thats okay if your putting the latest cutting edge technology in.


However why the heck would non gamers want to go out of their way and spend £40-50. When they can get interactive dvd games for £20. Doesn't make business sense in my book. There are already substitute goods in the market place and non gamers being the sector they want to get to buy their product.


And I remember when I bought my copy of paper mario for the n64 £54.99, brand new from game at the time. Similary when I bought banjo tooie brand new at EB I payed £55.


And by that logic they should come down in price especially on the wii. Cos of the fact development costs are cheaper.

However why the heck would non gamers want to go out of their way and spend £40-50. When they can get interactive dvd games for £20.


Because interactive DVDs are appaling?

Well I know ninty/microsoft/sony all say they are trying to appeal to non gamers. Okay fine, consoles are bound to be expensive gotcha thats okay if your putting the latest cutting edge technology in.


However why the heck would non gamers want to go out of their way and spend £40-50. When they can get interactive dvd games for £20. Doesn't make business sense in my book. There are already substitute goods in the market place and non gamers being the sector they want to get to buy their product.


And I remember when I bought my copy of paper mario for the n64 £54.99, brand new from game at the time. Similary when I bought banjo tooie brand new at EB I payed £55.


And by that logic they should come down in price especially on the wii. Cos of the fact development costs are cheaper.



You're wasting your time here, go try starting a campaign with people who actually care.


Not really, Ratchet & Clank came out a few days ago, awesome game. I thought the controls would be shit because of the lack of a second analog stick, but the game's controls are just fine.

I remember N64 games on release day were £60 and Turok was even £70. :o


How much were playstation 1 games when they came out.


Oh and to everyone else who thinks it better to pay more for a game than its actually is worth for basically a dvd/blu-ray disc/etc. Seems like a no brainer for them to reduce their pices to a cheaper level for everyone look at nintendo if you will.


N64 (£60)

GC (£40)

Wii (should be between £20-30) but they aren't.


Ive always thought games were overpriced. I think there should be a much less uniformed pricing, which would relate to content and length of game.


I think between £20 and £35 is reasonable depending on content.

Not really, Ratchet & Clank came out a few days ago, awesome game. I thought the controls would be shit because of the lack of a second analog stick, but the game's controls are just fine.


Uhh... That was my point :heh: There's tons of great games coming out.

Uhh... That was my point :heh: There's tons of great games coming out.


Oh, right. Well I know that a few people on this forum are complaining that no good PSP games are coming out, so I thought you were one of them.

Japan 28th Sales


Monster Hunter Portable 2 - 750,000

DS Lite - 140,000

PSP - 100,000


And monster hunter portable 2 has been confirmed to come out here this september by capcom - with online play and 50% more content than the original.


Thank you capcom

How much were playstation 1 games when they came out.


Oh and to everyone else who thinks it better to pay more for a game than its actually is worth for basically a dvd/blu-ray disc/etc. Seems like a no brainer for them to reduce their pices to a cheaper level for everyone look at nintendo if you will.


N64 (£60)

GC (£40)

Wii (should be between £20-30) but they aren't.


But development costs are going up so it balances it self out... kinda

The price of games doesn't seem to stop anyone from buying them, so why should they charge any less?


Exactly. If you don't want to pay the price, don't buy the games ZFreak. If games didn't sell, the price would come down. Simple supply/demand.

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