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we pay the most and we get the mos neutered system available . . . yeah, i think this is worse than anything i can think Nintendo have done to their European fans.

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Bloody hell, that's actually stupid. Considering we've had to wait, had a delay AND are paying more, you'd think they'd give us what they gave everyone else...

we pay the most and we get the mos neutered system available . . . yeah, i think this is worse than anything i can think Nintendo have done to their European fans.


I think years of massive delays (more than having to wait until March) and games not even making it here is worse than not allowing all old games to play on a new console.

I think years of massive delays (more than having to wait until March) and games not even making it here is worse than not allowing all old games to play on a new console.


but if you wanted the games/consoles you could and can always import. (Which Sony apparently think is the devil and will cause the end of the world or something.)


Least there was no major difference in the hardware between territories. Further proof that Sony has become one fucked up son of a gun.


Update: This maybe alittie bit of old news but still.


PS1, PS2 - Memory Card Adaptor for PS3




videogamesblogger : PS3 Memory Card Adapter for PSone and PS2 saves drawbacks listed


An accessory even harder to find than the PS3 console. Guess what? That’s right, the PS3 Memory Card Adapter.


The PSone and PS2 memory card adaptor can copy the save data onto a virtual memory card on your PS3 hard disk, so you don’t have to start all over in your old favorite games when using the PS3’s backwards compatibility. While that is very handy, there are some…


Noteable drawbacks:


* You cannot copy saves back to a physical Memory Card. You can copy them between PS3 internal virtual memory cards, but not back to a physical PSone or PS2 card.


* You actually only use the unit one time to copy over your old save data and that’s it. I realize this is very cheeky to say, but maybe you could get it at a store, carefully use it once, and then return it to get something else with the money.


* You cannot explore your PSone or PS2 card and copy over specific game saves. It’s all or nothing, but you’re still free to delete saves at will once the card has been copied over to the hard drive.


* The adaptor will not work with cards that have more than 8MB of storage space, like the Mad Catz 16MB card. While the card is recognized, a non-descript error is returned as soon as you try to copy its contents.


* At a price of $14.99 the PS3 Memory Card Adapter does not come with a cable, but this is just a heads up, because it doesn’t need to. You use the same USB cable to connect the adaptor that you use to charge the PS3 controllers.


For those of you who don’t know how it works, IGN explains how PS2 and PSone saves are handled on the PS3:


Under the Game section on the Cross Media Bar, you’ll find the Memory Card Utility. When you connect the unit to the PS3, the inserted Memory Card will show up inside of the Memory Card Utility. Your first option here is New Internal Memory Card, pressing X will bring up a message that says, “The saved data on the selected memory card will be copied to the hard disk. Do you want to continue?†Choosing yes creates a save space for backwards compatible games. After choosing the card type and giving it a name, the PlayStation 3 then sets aside the appropriate amount of space for the given card type on the hard drive.


When you play a game, you choose which virtual card is in Memory Card Slot 1 and Slot 2, which you can swap on the fly. You’re able to create an unlimited number of cards, though you can’t surpass the usage of 8MB or 15 blocks on any one card.


Aye it's a little stupid that it supports less than the U.S version does. My guess would be that it's something to do with 60/50hz stuff.


So yeah the Wii seems to have the best backward compat, if you don't include the U.S PS3.

Aye it's a little stupid that it supports less than the U.S version does. My guess would be that it's something to do with 60/50hz stuff.


Does that 50/60Hz shit really matter in this day and age, i mean especially with Sony being so HD its enough to drive a fanboy to buy a bravia. Does anyone even have a TV that doesn't support 60? or is this to do with maybe some PSone and PS2 PAL games being in 50? :wtf:

My guess would be that it's something to do with 60/50hz stuff.


As Sony has clearly stated to Reuters and Gamasutra, backwards compatibility is more limited because they are cutting the costs, and removing PS2 dedicated chips from European PS3's*. This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone, as Sony did many times state hardware based backwards compatibility wouldn't be permanent solution, and later models would use emulation to guarantee backwards compatibility. Furthermore, it is fairly obvious that later US and JPN models will have same revision on their hardware. So if you didn't buy your PS3 amongst the first, you are pretty much screwed.


* By their own words, this saves 26 $ per unit


Well that could be the main reason, but it could have an hidden agenda. Alot of PAL games don't support 60hz, remember that. So if the PS3 is only kicking out 60hz signals then it would make sense, but I guess we won't know until someone has a PS3 from europe if it has 50 and 60hz options in the menu.


It's a shame really for people who use backward compat. Lucky for me I seem to be on the plus side of owning a U.S PS3 and a modded white PS2.


As shown in some pics of the PS3's hardware, every PS3 actually has an Emotion Engine (PS2's Cell), so I guees that taking it off will cut quite a bit on the costs.


Well VF5 is an alrite game. It will take some time up till another game comes along I suppose.


Graphics are great but then they should be


Really shit that there isnt any online play

It's out in USA, but I haven't got it yet. I think I'll buy it with my European account when the PS3 is out over here.


I've seen it on Gamespot and 1up now and I was just watching it for ages. Looks really cool, but uneventful.

That's gotta be totally rumour/bollocks. You won't be able to play some games right without the sensor. O_o


I don't think it's true either, it just wouldn't make sense at all.


You've got an imported system anyway, so if it does end up true, you can just laugh at the european owners. :heh:


Some of the online store games use the motion sensor! Even Harrisons Super Ducky Duck Duck thing which he announced as being a UK launch download.


It's rubbish....i think...:wink:

Surely they can't do that. What if it's necessary to use the motion controls in certain games?


Stupid move, imo.


I saw a news story saying something was mistaken about this, it's not true, not even Sony are that daft.

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