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A company that relies on it's installed fanbase so much is setting itself up for a fall. Just like Nintendo did.


I'm not being fanboyish about my decision, I just don't have that much money. It's going to be 1/2 of £1000 to get a PS3 with 2 games. Yay. I can think of better things to spend my money on.

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agreed and i will be fanboyish and say sony are total toss pots. i love them for doing this. i was only ever going to buy the Rev/Wii. so the more people they scare off to nintendo the more online multi-player fun i can have. thanks sony you wankers.


For one I will probably buy either a PS3 & Wii or all three with a Wii then PS3 followed by 360 later on.


I am not a fanboy but I just love all consoles, nearly all games, if PS3 creates a mint game someone will try to trump it creating better and better games.


There rant overish


the more expensive ps3 will be $599 dollars ......

but in europe its 599 euros...last time i checked , euros were more then dollars .. so whats sonys excuse for making the european ps3 so much more expensive then the rest of the world's......?


Well the price is a little over the top and i didn't like the fact they didn't admit that they kinda used some aspects of Nintendo's idea to create a controller.


However, it's still looking like a very good 'games' machine, you know the good old days, the graphics 'rock!' type of games machine. Of course it's not really innovative...at all, actually.... but there are some superb looking games coming out, based on graphics and gameplay.


Heavenly Sword!

The New Naughty Dogs Game!

Eight Days!


Metal Gear Solid 4

Ubi-softs medievil prince of persia type game!


I'm a little worried as to how many games we will see on launch day. I think around 10. Sadly quite a few i've mentioned coming out Q1 2007.


It's still early days. Sony will always have that strong fan-base that will buy the console no matter the price and it may well be the best selling console again this generation, although i personally doubt it. I think by the end of 2007 we will see exactly how well it's worked out for them and how many superb games are on the shelve.


Will i be buying one? Well kinda. My brother wants one, so i may just let him buy it, so all i need to worry about is what games i like. I'm looking forward to November 17th but i will be much happier when i know the launch list, at the moment i'm no-one near as sure with this as i am with the Wii!


Also i've realised most of the games which are interesting me, like Sonic, Tony Hawks Project 8, Call Of Duty 3 are multi-format so i could purchase them on the 360....I need more exclusives!


Not to sure about the controller either, as i'm not a fan of the PS2 one and it's basically indentical.


So i'm split down the middle at the moment.

  Owen said:

So i'm split down the middle at the moment.


Same here


When i first saw the Sony show I was impressed but when I saw all 3 I thought Sony and the PS3 were last on my list.


If the 360 get Assassins Creed I will just wait till MGS4 comes out for the PS3 and the price should be down then

  Gabrian said:
Why would you buy a 360 and a PlayStation 3, they're pretty much the same really.


Exclusives my dear friend exclusives, 360 will never have a proper FF game and PS3 will never have a Rare or Lionhead game on it.


lets look at motorstorm shall we, last year they showed a cg video of it playing, this year they had it playable, first of all, it looks rubbish, the driving is really slow, and doesnt look as exciting as the cg video makes it out


8 days looks like a generic pyrotechnic show, the video was cg, it will never look like that in the final product.


now can we look at ps3 games that DO matter


such as mgs4

  m_fergy said:
Same here


When i first saw the Sony show I was impressed but when I saw all 3 I thought Sony and the PS3 were last on my list.


If the 360 get Assassins Creed I will just wait till MGS4 comes out for the PS3 and the price should be down then



Exclusive: Assassins Creed: NOT PS3 exclusive

While talking to a Ubi employee who asked not to be named, he accidentally let slip that Assassin's Creed is being developed on 360 as well. When we asked what 'exclusive' meant upon catching him out, he shut up, but we'll assume exclusive means 'timed exclusive'.

From http://www.noooz.comhttp://www.noooz.com/archives/2006/05/exclusive_assassins_creed_not.html



I be waiting afew years for Ps3 till it goes down in price.


Whats stopping Konami from releasing MGS4 on the 360? The Xbox1 had MGS2 and 3 if im not mistaken and Kojima already said the 360 could run MGS4. If the PS3 struggles at all, i wouldnt be suprised if the 360 sees a port.


That is awesome news about assassins creed being developed for the 360. I've seen the video of it so many times and it looks bloody amazing. It was only this and MGS4 that made me want to buy a PS3, so I'm leaning more towards the 360.


IMO the console is too damn expensive....but that won't stop millions of people from buying it. As soon as they see its the new playstation, they'll be willing to get it for any price.

  Pit-Jr said:
Whats stopping Konami from releasing MGS4 on the 360? The Xbox1 had MGS2 and 3 if im not mistaken and Kojima already said the 360 could run MGS4. If the PS3 struggles at all, i wouldnt be suprised if the 360 sees a port.


They only had number 2, because it didn't sell well on Xbox


  dabookerman said:
lets look at motorstorm shall we, last year they showed a cg video of it playing, this year they had it playable, first of all, it looks rubbish, the driving is really slow, and doesnt look as exciting as the cg video makes it out


8 days looks like a generic pyrotechnic show, the video was cg, it will never look like that in the final product.


now can we look at ps3 games that DO matter


such as mgs4


Firstly motorstorm looks good and they still have time to tweak it further, people have sais its a good game - and when has any game lived trully up to a trailer such as Halo :rolleyes:


8 days looks pretty amazing and its not actually fully cg it will because Sony won't release the product until it looks good.


With all of the different technology in there - such as the cool emotion engines and so forth, many developers have stated that the more time you scratch the surface the more stuff they realise they can do.


The best thing about the PS3 though is that games will run at 60fps :yay:


P.S. I don't understand that due to economies of scale its the blu ray player that is the most expensive component in the system.


P.S.S. Also this time last year 360 games looked shit and now on PS3 they look good and at a staple frame rate come the november launch these games will look better and play even better


We're supposadely only getting the £425 version of the PS3 here in the UK, stated a worker at Gamestation! This is what they have on their website as well! Is this confirmed?


Now i'm positive the Wii will be the best selling console....i had some small doubts but Sony has just got the price seriously wrong....espicially if the launch line-up has like six games in....:indeed:


Jeeeesus, that's a big settings lsit "basic settings" my arse.


They could at least make the effort to ahve it look different to the psp...

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