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I've got to watch the conference then, people's reactions seem bad. can't wait for the Nintendo one later today now!


P.S I've been setting up my new PC so I'm a bit behind here :p tired so I'll watch it later today before the Ninty one to get hyped up.

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Outside people, that don't know about this, see the box of the ps3 and the wii and think "hmm it's ps3, it has better graphics, it has a "motion sensor controller" same as Wii and it's cooler".


God Damn! It'ss hard enough too sell a unique idea like this, let alone with the kind of advertisement Sony's gonna do.

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I've got to watch the conference then, people's reactions seem bad. can't wait for the Nintendo one later today now!


P.S I've been setting up my new PC so I'm a bit behind here :p tired so I'll watch it later today before the Ninty one to get hyped up.

Here's a clue:


Outside people, that don't know about this, see the box of the ps3 and the wii and think "hmm it's ps3, it has better graphics, it has a "motion sensor controller" same as Wii and it's cooler".


God Damn! It's hard enough too sell a unique idea like this, let alone with the kind of advertisement Sony's gonna do.

Well, I think Nintendo expected this, hell, even I expected since Sony was all "no this isn't the final controller" it was obvious, and there were rumors, also IGN has a FAQ already with details they knew beforehand...


But yeah Sony is disgusting now. and PS3 is also more expensive, very expensive.


Nintendo needs to awake and kickass, let Reggie out of his jail for a while (5 years).


If sony PS3 goes bad because of this they'll never do it again, for sure, that's why it has to happen, RESPECT (something they lack).

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Yeah I've calmed down now. To be honest I've been expecting this to happen ever since Sony announced that their PS3 boomerang controller wasn't the final design.


I did notice that the controls were really shoddy (But what else do you expect from Sony!) and that it only detected tilt movement but I just couldn't help myself and went a bit loopy :cry:

Actually thinking about it, it's a bit of a relief as Sony have failed to truly copy the Wiimote and have ended up with a half assed tilt sensor that wouldn't even worry Kirby's Tilt N' Tumble.


As long as Nintendo still have some surprises up their sleeve and they get the Wii out before the PS3, they should be OK.


Oh BTW have you heard, the $500 PS3 doesn't include HDMI, Wifi or the SD/CF/Memorystick slots, making the cheaper PS3 worthless!




Look at how HDMI, the WiFi and the CF/SD/Memorystick slots are crossed out on the $500 model. It's far worse that what MS did with the core pack, you can't even upgrade the pack to include the same functionality. Once you go core, there's no moving on from there.


Doing a currency conversion $600 turns out to be roughly £324 and since Sony always charge more over here, expect at least £399.99 over here (And that's if were lucky!)


They think that a poor Wiimote clone will cover up a piss poor E3 showing (No new games at all, no good revelations aside from greatest hits for PSP, crappy Wiimote clone and a price so high that only Bill Gates can afford to buy one!) LMAO!

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Can't beleive what sony have done. Just caught up with all the news and from the looks of thngs, I didn't miss out on much. They hardly showed any new games (although MGS4 looks class) and they just blabbed about shit most of the time.


And then they have to rely on a shitty tilt sensor for their major new announcement, to try and get people excited. Bloody hell.


I really don't think we have to worry about the PS3's tilt sensor.....cos thats all it is, a crappy tilt sensor. I bet you my life that the ninty conference will be 100 times better then sony's.....


......Still can't believe sony. I really doubt I'll be gettin a PS3 now, not only because of this but I'm not really excited about it anymore, just a sooped up version of the PS2 with a couple of new bits and bobs atached. And at that price, you're havin a laugh mate!!!!

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shame shame shame on them


they even have the nerve to call it there idea. i have yet to watch the confrence DLing now at least it good to see people bashing there confrence. just like nintendo sony have shoot themselves on the foot $600us fuck off. just wait for tomorrow reggie better give the sony camp a bit of pounding. at the moment the 360 and gates must be shouting in joy

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Well after getting 4 hours sleep im back. I have calmed down now after this whole fiasco and im not worried or angry anymore. The fact is like it said in the IGN article Nintendo Wii is far more ahead of the tilt function in the PS3 pad and with Nintendo and their 1st party games come tonight everything will be made all better.

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Wii might have far more advanced motion sensing capabilities but remember this- the mass public probably won't understand there's a -huge- difference between the two due to sony's no doubt heavyweight marketing. They'll just see that it has a 'motion sensing' controller just like Wii and that it has way better graphics and also that it is playstation, the brand they've been buying since the first one.


Nintendo really need either the third secret to be amazing or to really get their marketing departments in gear big time or Sony will crush them.

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it hasnt even got any rumble in it lol

"The rumble feature was said to interfere with the motion sensing devices. Sony's Phil Harrison even went so far as to tell us that "rumble was last generation, movement is this generation.""


god i hate phil harrison! he always slags off nintendo in interviews, yet his company steal all their ideas-ah well wii mote is still individual, unique and more fun than looking like you did the first time you played a racing game.


and since when did it steal the gamecubes analogue shoulder buttons!!! :o

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This man may speak the truth. Nintendo said they have 1 final secret.


Isn't the final secret that the Wii-Mote has sound recording?


Not being horrible but this won't impress alot of people, it's good don't get me wrong, but not enough to set the gaming-world elite!


There has to be something else!


Oh and well-done guys (everyone) reading the comments from the start to the end of the conference was superb! It was excellent! Oh how i laughed! :laughing:

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Isn't the final secret that the Wii-Mote has sound recording?


Not being horrible but this won't impress alot of people, it's good don't get me wrong, but not enough to set the gaming-world elite!


There has to be something else!


Oh and well-done guys (everyone) reading the comments from the start to the end of the conference was superb! It was excellent! Oh how i laughed! :laughing:


Yeah despite Sonys shoddy conference the night was great with everyone on these boards. Hopefully we can have the same amount of fun during the Nintendo and Microsoft conferences.

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