Blackfox Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Jav said: Why IS the sky blue? Really.. i dont buy this reflecting the sea business. If thats the case, why is the sea blue? Water is colourless. Besides, the sky can be many colours, orangey/red/purple, obviously its something to do with the suns light but reflecting the sea isnt the explanation. During the day when light is the most intense, the blue spectra is the only one that can pass through at atmosphere. At sunset and sunrise, due to the sun not being directly overhead, different wavelengths can do so. Also, if the atmosphere contains a load of dust of pollutants then they mess with the light wavelengths too. I think this might be a gross over-simplification when compared to how a physist might describe it but yeah..
AshMat Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Jav said: Why IS the sky blue? Really.. i dont buy this reflecting the sea business. If thats the case, why is the sea blue? Water is colourless. Besides, the sky can be many colours, orangey/red/purple, obviously its something to do with the suns light but reflecting the sea isnt the explanation. Well the sea is colourless, just like regular tap water. From what i learned in science it's this: As white light shines trough our atmosphere it is split (like shining white light through a spectrum) and blue is the colour we see.
Charlie Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 The higher up (altitude) you got the lighter blue the sky is... Or is it darker? I was 'high' last week in France (Val Thorens, highest ski resort in Europe) and I really can't remember
mike-zim Posted April 11, 2006 Author Posted April 11, 2006 But do we all see the same colour? sorry it was just really conveinient to go back to the very first post. Chicken and egg thing. i say it had to be the chicken to incubate the egg.
Ginger_Chris Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 hmmm, i still don't buy the forwards and backwards time traveling, the twins paradox isnt an example of backwards or forwards time traveling, its a case of time slowing down. it isnt really even a paradox. For anyone thats interested and doesnt know the twins paradox is this: 2 people (twins) are born at exactly the same time, sometime when theyy are older, one of them travels far away at a decent proportion of the speed of light. the other one stays at home. the one thats traveling then reverses direction and comes back to earth, again at a decent proportion of the speed of light. When they get back to earth, the one that took the journey will be younger. This isnt anything to do with time travel, its just the fact when the traveling guy was moving time slowed down for him, so he ages more slowely (coparitive to earth time). (technically to the traveling twin, his sibling is aging more slowely, but thats the relative motion bit, the difference in age comes because of the reversing direction part). Theres no time travel involved. Technically,if you travelled at close to the speed of light, and back to earth again, you wont have aged much at all, and everyone on earth will have alot, which i suppose is technically time travel. Although its really just slowing time down for you. depends how you define time travel i suppose. either way, physicially traveling backwards in time is impossible, as time is the flow of information, and so information cannot be passed against the flow of time. Oh and what dogsin the wild eat. Watch any documentary about African Wild dogs, dingo's, wolves, foxes, jackels or coyties. basically they hunt and kill things. African Wild dogs and wolves are very efficient pack hunters.
The Peeps Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Jav said: Why IS the sky blue? Really.. i dont buy this reflecting the sea business. If thats the case, why is the sea blue? Actually that explanation is for why the sea is blue. It reflects the sky. Don't know why the sky is blue though
mike-zim Posted April 11, 2006 Author Posted April 11, 2006 the who created god thing. i was once told that god exists outside of time and space so therefor nothing can be before or after him. i have always wondered. if you died at 90 and went to heaven what would you look like? would you look like you did when you died? or would you look like you did when you were most beautifull? also how would people recognise you?
Yoochem Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 I've always wondered that too. Ãf there is a heaven, ofcourse. I'm not saying that there isn't one, but we'll just have to find out But, assuming there is something like a heaven, I think we wouldn't have the shape of our physical forms on earth, but more like a spirit or something. You'd probably recognise others by their "energy", not by their appearance. Another question: What the hell is time anyway? With that relativity and stuff, how can you determine "now", past and future? It's different for everyone, but why? I'm making this post now, but the moment someone else reads this, it's in the past that I made this post. So, from that person's perspective, I would be living in the past right now. But I'm not. And still, you are reading this now, aren't you? Time is a funny thing...
mike-zim Posted April 11, 2006 Author Posted April 11, 2006 my head my poor little unintelligent head.
The3rdChildren Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Here is a short list of things I've always wondered: - Why are Sugar Puffs so fucking adhesive? - Why does mankind exist and what is our ultimate purpose in the universe? - Just how far does the universe go? - Why do people eat eggs when eggs taste like farts? - Why do people still believe that entries on are real? - Why is Flash such a unecessarily difficult program to use? - How in one of the season 8 episodes of the X-Files did John Doggett cut a slug from the back of Dana Scully's neck, ripping the back of her neck open yet not losing the small metallic implant housed in the back of her neck that keeps her cancer in regression? DID THEY THINK WE WOULDN'T NOTICE? - Why all primary school kids played the recorder? - Just what the fuck that thing is in Spider-man's eye? - What the hell is going on in Lost? - What's my overall purpose in life? - Why people KEEP creating fake 24 torrents to kill my spirit? - Why the hell Stranger gave Advanced Warfighter 7.9/10 on HM-Fusion? - Why is religion is so accepted despite strong scientific evidence it's all a lie? - Why do people like the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory despite the fact it is complete wank? There are loads of these, it's all very strange inside my head.
Cube Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 mike-zim said: Chicken and egg thing. i say it had to be the chicken to incubate the egg. Incorrect. The Egg came first. The creature that was almost a chicken layed the egg which contained a mutated form of said creature. Mutated form is now called the chicken. - Why does mankind exist and what is our ultimate purpose in the universe? It exists because it does. There is no ultimate purpose - Just how far does the universe go? about 78 billion light years. - Why do people eat eggs when eggs taste like farts? Because they dont to most people - Why do people still believe that entries on are real? Because some people are that stupid - Why is Flash such a unecessarily difficult program to use? It isnt if you learn how to use it - How in one of the season 8 episodes of the X-Files did John Doggett cut a slug from the back of Dana Scully's neck, ripping the back of her neck open yet not losing the small metallic implant housed in the back of her neck that keeps her cancer in regression? DID THEY THINK WE WOULDN'T NOTICE? The writers probably didnt notice - Why all primary school kids played the recorder? Because they are cheep to buy. shcools have budgets. - Just what the fuck that thing is in Spider-man's eye? His mask? - What the hell is going on in Lost? People are stuck on an island - What's my overall purpose in life? There isnt one - Why people KEEP creating fake 24 torrents to kill my spirit? Because they are illigal - Why is religion is so accepted despite strong scientific evidence it's all a lie? Because its the faith thats important to them, not the facts
mike-zim Posted April 11, 2006 Author Posted April 11, 2006 our resident guru. all hail the answer king.
AshMat Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Here is a short list of things I've always wondered: - Why does mankind exist and what is our ultimate purpose in the universe? To blow each other up. - Just how far does the universe go? Forever - Why do people eat eggs when eggs taste like farts? It's the other way round, farts taste like egg - Why is Flash such a unecessarily difficult program to use? Macromedia are fags - Why all primary school kids played the recorder? It's easy to teach and the school is lasy - Just what the fuck that thing is in Spider-man's eye? Waldo - What the hell is going on in Lost? Even the writers don't know - Why people KEEP creating fake 24 torrents to kill my spirit? Some people are just fags - Why is religion is so accepted despite strong scientific evidence it's all a lie? Some people refuse to believe the truth There are loads of these, it's all very strange inside my head. True
Charlie Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 Quote Just how far does the universe go? It has an end... but its ever expanding so you'll never be able to reach the end. Draw some dots on a balloon and blow it up, that's what the universe is like. The closer you get to the edge time slows down. Quote Why people KEEP creating fake 24 torrents to kill my spirit? Get the [eztv] one!
Rick Dangerous Posted April 11, 2006 Posted April 11, 2006 These two questions hurt my head if i think about them too much(especailly the last one ): What would a completely new colour look like? Why do people continue to use Microsoft Windows?
The Peeps Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 What would there be if the Universe didn't exist?
Cube Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Rick Dangerous said: What would a completely new colour look like? It wouldn't. our eyes only recieve certain frequencies of light, corresponding to different colours. A "new" colour wold not be noticed by the eye, like infrared, ultraviolet, etc.
Hellfire Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Time doesn't exist, it's a lie created by the governements in order to keep us in check! There is no past and no future there is only the now! Live for the moment! Viva La Revolution! Eat white meat!
Librarian Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 why I have to sit here and be bored stupid at work instead of sitting at home right now next to my Xbox, GameCube and Ps2.. and why I ALWAYS forget the hangover I had last weekend.. the hangover that was to cure me of drinking forever
mike-zim Posted April 12, 2006 Author Posted April 12, 2006 because deep down you know drinking is good.
Arragaun Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Rick Dangerous said: Why do people continue to use Microsoft Windows? That's because some people can't afford the outrageous Apple pricing plan. Oh and to those two other people who answered the 'which came first, chicken or egg?' question, I already answered it. With the correct answer. That being Cube's answer.
mike-zim Posted April 12, 2006 Author Posted April 12, 2006 how do you know it is the right answer? What if the ancestor of the chicken did not lay eggs. therefore the chicken would have to have been first.
Cube Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Arragaun said: That's because some people can't afford the outrageous Apple pricing plan. Why do people use Windows XP on a Mac, then? Probably because they are too scared of the new, and compatibility problems as a lot of games/programs dont work, even with the so-called "windows emulator" (its in quotation marks because it is not an emulator, just called one as to not confuse people) edit: wait, did i just answer my own question?? The why on earth did i ask it? Probably because someone will ask it soon, with the dual-boot thing all over the technology news. Oh, and there i go again.
Arragaun Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 mike-zim said: how do you know it is the right answer? What if the ancestor of the chicken did not lay eggs. therefore the chicken would have to have been first. Chickens right.. come out of eggs. Got that? So, if something were to give birth to something that you might deem a chicken, and was not hatched from an egg, it wasn't a chicken. Birds come out of eggs, that's how they're gestated, they are just not born like mammals. Egg first. Cube said: Why do people use Windows XP on a Mac, then? Probably because they are too scared of the new, and compatibility problems as a lot of games/programs dont work, even with the so-called "windows emulator" (its in quotation marks because it is not an emulator, just called one as to not confuse people) I don't think people are necessarily scared of Apple Macs, just that they cannot be arsed switching all their shit over to a different computer. Granted, if my Windows PC were to fuck up an awful lot, I'd endeavour to get a Mac. But it doesn't, so I don't.
EEVILMURRAY Posted April 12, 2006 Posted April 12, 2006 Why does grated cheese taste better than its sliced cousin?
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