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Ashley, I want to ignore you but it won't allow me to because you're a moderator/admin.


Is there anything you can do about this?


I believe I can ban you. Or you could use your natural willpower to just not look.

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um why can i not see the updates on the news page anymore? at first i thought y'all were doing something to it...but it's been like this since friday


Howdy, new user. Nice forum.


I've signed up specifically because the above quoted issue never seems to have been addressed and I am also in the same SS. Google Chrome/OSX boat.


Any clarity on this issue yet? I'd like to stay using N-Europe as a news resource and not have to switch browser if possible.


(Note I couldn't quote his image because the rules stop me posting URLs until I've made 15 or more posts)

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Howdy, new user. Nice forum.


I've signed up specifically because the above quoted issue never seems to have been addressed and I am also in the same SS. Google Chrome/OSX boat.


Any clarity on this issue yet? I'd like to stay using N-Europe as a news resource and not have to switch browser if possible.


(Note I couldn't quote his image because the rules stop me posting URLs until I've made 15 or more posts)


I'm on Chrome at work (XP Pro) and it is the same. The plot thickens.

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i've found that it loads up properly like once out of every thirty or so times i visit the main page.


also like i said before it started happening around april fools, before that it was fine. maybe its somehow related to that banner u guys put up?


But that's just a case of taking out code and putting in another, then putting the old one back.


Plus, we only did that on the forum.


I believe Tellyn did a Playgirl shoot for the site's April Fools.

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I've been using Chrome for a while now, its not been an issue for me at all.


This is interesting. It may actually be an issue on the end of those suffering the problem like Or Else You Will Die and myself, not NE or Chrome at fault as previously assumed. Thanks for mentioning that. I'll have a dick around with my settings.


If it helps in figuring this out... the main page isn't loading down to the footer like it does when I click onto other pages. If I clicked features for example it would load completely, but main just leaves me with a blank box where the news should be and no further down than the "Kombo" adbox.

Edited by Guy
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I actually have the same problem when I use Safari (which I have to use in school, as for some reason Firefox doesn't work there) on my MacBook. Haven't tried it in a while, but it wouldn't load anything apart from the header, just shows a white box for the news posts. I'll check again later when I'm in school.

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There is a tick box that says "close this thread after submitting your message". I can only assume jayseven staff members occasionally hit this by accident. It's never happened to me :)


Or they can be locked by double clicking the icon next to the thread title in forum view. I think I've done it by mistake before.

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I actually have the same problem when I use Safari (which I have to use in school, as for some reason Firefox doesn't work there) on my MacBook. Haven't tried it in a while, but it wouldn't load anything apart from the header, just shows a white box for the news posts. I'll check again later when I'm in school.


How's it looking Eenuh? We're still not entirely sure what's wrong. I'm on Chrome and never had a problem - it doesn't seem to be OS/browser specific.


I wouldn't say often. I blame Ashley's fat fingers to be fair.


He needs a dialling wand. Mash the keypad to obtain one.

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