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Temp banning is a pain on our side.


We hardly log anything, so if a user had to be unbanned on a certain date it'd just be an arse. Plus only admin can ban/unban, meaning of course if none are around the unban can't take place.


Could we not dedicate a mod to this purpose?


As for the clean slate thing? You honestly think some members would have changed their attitudes? I doubt it to be honest.


"Our doubts are traitors,

And make us lose the good we oft might win

By fearing to attempt."

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now there's a first


Look, nobody's out to get you guys. First we openly get complained at for not being tough enough or keeping the forums in check. Now we get complained at for kicking people out who flame and stuff?


Also imagine if we were to unban someone now... a complete undermining of the system we've just set out. A lot of you would hate us more for that....


Try to look at this from our standpoint. A lot of the recent happenings have arisen due to complaints that we as staff were not moderating properly, had confusing rules and enforcements and were letting the forums go. We've had to react the only rational way, by no longer giving out empty threats.


I think you're missing the point Shorty, as are a lot of the other staff on here.


What I make of the whole situation, is that we were complaining about the state of the fourms ie: general decline in standards and keeping the forum in check - we needed the staff to hand out infractions - or temporary bans, something that would entice the perpetrator to desist. Moderation.


What has happend, however, is a knee-jerk reaction (or a series of them) and we have some of the most colourful characters on the forum banned.


This would make sense if this slate wasn't being wiped clean. What seems most unfair about the situation is the fact that 3 of the most usual members were banned before or during this cleaning of the slate.


If I can speak for most of the members on here (or else a substantial minority of them), we feel agrieved to the fact that not everyone was given a fair chance to mend their ways, or so to speak.


In my opinion, the staff seemed to have just acted in an extreme way as to what was neede or what we were asking for. I don't know what can be done to reverse this current period of unrest, but what shouldn't be done is exactly what happened.


(Almost a "There - we did it. Happy??" attitude...)

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I can't say i've seen that option before.

Either we don't have the option on, something only Ash can do or its simply due to us having such old forum code that we don't have it.


But the fact is, we aren't going to start doing it. Temporary banning is just something that makes users more pissed off than anything and would just increase tension on the board.


Our reactions were not "knee jerk" as Conzer so nicely described. The bans that took place were people that we've had our eyes on for a very long time. People who we didn't want in our community any longer after whats been going on recently. And any decline of the board isn't due to us staff, its because users started constantly flaming each other. What other choice did we have other than to remove the ones that started it?

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haha you admins honestly have no clue what you are doing do you?


Is this fun for you?

Just a serious question. You have now pretty much banned everyone i liked on this forum thanks for that.


Nobody is going to say that motion was a perfect member but as of late he has become a character. Everyone has a go at everyone sometimes i mean how many times have we seen the bard go at it or even other members.


You already have your list made out but starting new.......this wasn't a good idea now was it.. your members are unhappy DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!


i'm not sure what else i can say except you abuse the shit out of the infraction system. and ever heard of a temp ban!?


You all say that as if the banned are innocent, they know damn well why they were banned, even if they say otherwise.


There has to be a balance here somewhere. The forums were a lot more leniant in the past. The system is screwed up. It isn't hard to do like.

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Guest Stefkov

I've been reading the same thing over the past few pages.

And the same responses are being said by the forum leaders.


How much longer can the same bloody question be asked when you're getting perfectly clear answers.

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I've been reading the same thing over the past few pages.

And the same responses are being said by the forum leaders.


How much longer can the same bloody question be asked when you're getting perfectly clear answers.


I disagree. A simple we banned motion because he disobeyed this rule*insert rule here* on 3 seperate occasions with this post*insert posts here* or something

Now I understand there is a rule that mr odwin posted about admins choosen who they like on the forum

edit: just realised i got an infration after i posted this just for the record.

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Nobody is going to say that motion was a perfect member but as of late he has become a character. Everyone has a go at everyone sometimes i mean how many times have we seen the bard go at it or even other members.


The Bard is generally more reasonable, and has the ability assume he might be wrong (except for music, that's his sweet spot), and its more sporadic arguments (so we can have a break and tolerate the next one), while recently there was one everyday.

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The Bard is generally more reasonable, and has the ability assume he might be wrong (except for music, that's his sweet spot), and its more sporadic arguments (so we can have a break and tolerate the next one), while recently there was one everyday.


I was just giving as an example i really have nothing against the guy in fact i respect him a lot.

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It not a question over whether they were great characters or not. They broke the rules. They go. Regardless if they were Billy Joe Fanboy or Chuck Norris. Motion and Fields were great characters yes, but that isn't a reason for not banning them. Imagine if they didn't choose to execute Saddam Hussein becuase he was a "great character".


Question! Do the new infractions expire after a certain length of time?

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If the disciplinary steps along the way(infractions, the new yellow/red/ban system) were much clearer to everyone, ie they're announced in a board or show up in profiles, then other members would see as things escalate, and thus won't be able to be complaining when someone who's constantly been breaking rules is banned, cos they'll have seen them being warned and punished along the way. I am also in favour of temp bans, cos I think they'd be pretty effective, but then you say it's a hassle for you to do so it's gonna be putting you out. On a side note, even though I wasn't here, I think ant and harribo should be unbanned but given two red cards. A post should be made when someone's banned as well, with a reason for it.


(i stole most of those ideas from another forum)

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Oh Sweet Lord. I'm really tempted to go on a huge rant that would so get me banned. I need some form to vent this.


tell me about it.............


Question! Do the new infractions expire after a certain length of time?


no my fanboyism one is still there after more than a year. admins cant even get rid of themselves fierce link tried once.

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With motion the challenge isn't finding 3 infractions, but rather picking 3 from the list


Anyhow, the answer is perfectly clear. THEY WILL NOT BE COMING BACK. There is nothing anyone can say or do to bring back a banned user because it is against forum policy.


You guys may as well get on with things and forget about it. You'll have forgotten all about this in 6 months time, why not start now?


Question! Do the new infractions expire after a certain length of time?


No, theres no expiry on them.


no my fanboyism one is still there after more than a year. admins cant even get rid of themselves fierce link tried once.



The old infractions expired after a month actually, they just stayed on you're profile. Shorty wiped them all off yesterday, so you're down to the one infraction now for the post above

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Yellow infraction issued.

Deal with the bannings, Motion and the others are banned permanently. Why bother going on about it? (Rhetorical question.)



So now aking admins questions is against the rules is it? I've sifted through the last few pages and can I say:


Well done Takeo for the opinion I couldn't agree more on and 1984 references.

Am I on the 'hitlist?'


mcj, I agree, motion and Ant were probably my only friends on here (exluding rezource), they've both been taken away. While rokhed, who's sparked many an argument on the image galary, and has caused it to get locked numerous times, has got away scot-free.

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