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PS3 to be more than $1000 AUD

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Talking about graphics and stuff, I read today (Games.tm.) that a sony imploye got the sack after putting on his blog, that the 360 was probaly more powerful, and about how the ps3 is so far from production. Weather theres any truth in it is a differnt matter.

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Mike your fanboyism isn't exactly that much better... the only reason you get away with your blind statements is that this is a Nintendo based site.


well there you go. am i meant to be ashamed that i have a huge preference for Nintendo over the other 2 manufacturers? well i am not, call me a fanboy and i will take it as a complement. the one thing i wont do is go to a sony or MS site and say that the rev will be the best console so i will be defo buying that.


The reason i come here is because it is a nintendo based site.


also the statement made about sony being the best was made with no grounds of comparison. that is the reason i stated that there was an annoyance factor.

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£400 for console with one controller

£50 for a game (But most people will get 2 at launch)

Extra boomerang - £30

HDTV (no point in a PS3/Xbox360 without one) - £600


Grand Total = £1130.


Do you really want to spend over a grand on a console that you'll only use for 4 years?

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£400 for console with one controller

£50 for a game (But most people will get 2 at launch)

Extra boomerang - £30

HDTV (no point in a PS3/Xbox360 without one) - £600


Grand Total = £1130.


Do you really want to spend over a grand on a console that you'll only use for 4 years?



Who's actually gonna go to such lengths as this?


Own up now, its time to name em and shame em!

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You carn't compare them as we haven't seen full working games graphics for PS3 and revo


Oh, im sorry, this is a Nintendo forum so i'm not allowed to have an opinion?

This IS a ps3 thread, is it not? I can say what i think in a ps3 thread, can't i?

It's not like i came to the Revolution part of the forum and made a thread ''Revolution sucks, ps3 4ever!!!!!11!!''

You are the one that should get out of here, go back to the Revolution part of the forum and talk about your lovely console there.


And i said i'm pretty sure, not that it WILL be that way, that the ps3's gonna be the best. It will play Blu-Ray movies and unlike X-Box 360, it'll have full backwards compability. Like ps2, ps3 will probably be the console with the biggest number of awesome japanise RPGs that me and many other people like so much. All games will be region-free too (i think...).




£400 for console with one controller

£50 for a game (But most people will get 2 at launch)

Extra boomerang - £30

HDTV (no point in a PS3/Xbox360 without one) - £600


Grand Total = £1130.


Do you really want to spend over a grand on a console that you'll only use for 4 years?


I read somewhere that you'll use the ps3 for 10 years, don't remember where though... so it will give people planty of time to get the money for the ps3!

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At Mike-Zim:


You never really state any reasoning for your loathing of Sony either so it makes you just as bad. Plus you are posting crap all over this forum and annoying just as many people. You are the original pot calling the kettle black.


Most people like the fact that this is a fairly balanced forum in the fact that although it is Nintendo based you CAN appreciate other consoles and talk about that. Everyone is free to their opinions including you but when you start getting all hypocritical it makes me want to end your sorry ass.

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At Mike-Zim:


You never really state any reasoning for your loathing of Sony either so it makes you just as bad.


Why am i bad? Because i prefer Sony's udult image to Nintendo's kiddy one? I said PREFER, i like Nintendo too and buy Nintendo consoles/handhelds/games but i prefer Sony games. How can't you undesrtand it? I'll probably be getting a Revolution too, maybe even sooner because of it's price! I just hope i won't end up playing NES/SNES/N64 and other OLD games and Super Mario XXXX

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Talking about graphics and stuff, I read today (Games.tm.) that a sony imploye got the sack after putting on his blog, that the 360 was probaly more powerful, and about how the ps3 is so far from production. Weather theres any truth in it is a differnt matter.

That was Josh Robinson he was a graphic designer. He wrote about 360 and PS3 in comparison and his friends who ran a site posted his article.

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Why am i bad? Because i prefer Sony's udult image to Nintendo's kiddy one? I said PREFER, i like Nintendo too and buy Nintendo consoles/handhelds/games but i prefer Sony games. How can't you undesrtand it? I'll probably be getting a Revolution too, maybe even sooner because of it's price! I just hope i won't end up playing NES/SNES/N64 and other OLD games and Super Mario XXXX


Sorry mate, was only using as a basis for comparison. It's cool for you to like whoever and for what reasons. I just don't like people saying "No fouling on the path" while crapping on your doorstep.

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Who's actually gonna go to such lengths as this?


Own up now, its time to name em and shame em!


Look at the 360 thread, a lot of people have bought HDTVs becasue of it.


Anyway theres some banter going on, so stop it :p

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£400 for console with one controller

£50 for a game (But most people will get 2 at launch)

Extra boomerang - £30

HDTV (no point in a PS3/Xbox360 without one) - £600


Grand Total = £1130.


Do you really want to spend over a grand on a console that you'll only use for 4 years?


Boomerang is history fool.

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Why am i bad? Because i prefer Sony's udult image to Nintendo's kiddy one? I said PREFER, i like Nintendo too and buy Nintendo consoles/handhelds/games but i prefer Sony games. How can't you undesrtand it? I'll probably be getting a Revolution too, maybe even sooner because of it's price! I just hope i won't end up playing NES/SNES/N64 and other OLD games and Super Mario XXXX

I've lost any respect I ever had for you

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I just think HD is too expensive to justify buying it. I still don't get why people fork out so much for an iPod or something similiar... I know the technology is expensive to make but jesus! Thats a lot of money to be able to listen to music as you walk around... Guess there are cheaper MP3 players though.

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I can't believe i'm having this argument but anyway...


Why do people feel that the image of consoles and games is more important than how fun it is. Mario for example is colourful and cartoony so yes its bound to appeal to kids, but why does that mean anyone else who isn't a kid can't enjoy it too. Games don't need violence, blood and swearing to be enjoyable, afterall thats what gaming is all about, enjoyment.

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I can't believe i'm having this argument but anyway...


Why do people feel that the image of consoles and games is more important than how fun it is. Mario for example is colourful and cartoony so yes its bound to appeal to kids, but why does that mean anyone else who isn't a kid can't enjoy it too. Games don't need violence, blood and swearing to be enjoyable, afterall thats what gaming is all about, enjoyment.


Its about having the game made for YOU, you see. Also it is a long ongoing stigma really, which is based on the fact that if you do things that children do you are childish. I think it stems from kids TV, as these shows are actually aimed at children. Therefore people think that any animated feature is a kiddy thing, thats why most people discounted Anime originally (a notion that makes me want to go a bit homocideal!).


What really gets me though is why some people think that middle of the road games (genuinely for everyone games) are kiddy, like OOT! It just becomes about it not being adult rather than it being kiddy. Which is a bit dull in the head.

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I can't believe i'm having this argument but anyway...


Why do people feel that the image of consoles and games is more important than how fun it is. Mario for example is colourful and cartoony so yes its bound to appeal to kids, but why does that mean anyone else who isn't a kid can't enjoy it too. Games don't need violence, blood and swearing to be enjoyable, afterall thats what gaming is all about, enjoyment.


No one is arguing about the fun aspect, even if it is as good as sex, it doesn't change it's image.

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