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E3 2006 Hype/Discussion

Atomic Boo

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There's no way they'll show Super Smash Brothers DS at E3, even if they are/were to make one. SSBRevo is likely to be one of the biggest games for Nintendo to show at E3.


I just can't wait till everything...but hopefully there'll be stuff this thursday:awesome:

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I think I'm the only one who doesn't want E3 soon,as much as I wanna watch and find out news,i'm sad it's soon...

Why's that? Because you enjoy the hype? I must say it has gone SO quick. It really doesn't feel like E3 2005 was 10 months ago!


After GDC the hype for E3 will be buzzing, just like last year all over again. Especially if they give us some juicy information and hints.


I can see it now, 'N-Game 2' :heh:

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Haha. Weird. To me it feels like it was years and years ago. 10 long months with the controller and Zelda being Rev-controlled being the only two announcements has made it draaaaaaaaag.


This could be the greatest E3 show ever, considering the ambition of Sony and the potential for brand new game experiences created by Nintendo. I suspect we'll never have another one quite like it and it's been a long time coming! So I say we enjoy it while it lasts.


EDIT: Settled in. Yay.

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Sorry to dissapoint you, but recently Reggie said that 'almost' everything will be revealed at E3 about Revo.


i'll get the article later if you really want it.



no i don't need the link. the way i interpreted that statement was that they were not going to fully disclose the rev's stats. that wouldnt be too bad cause i dont care. if they keep gaming things back till after E3 i will be annoyed.


EDIT: oh yeah that vid was class.

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No to be mean or anything but 49 divided by 7 equals 7.

That means we only have to wait seven weeks which is good news for everyone!:D

Oh , sorry my mistake I meant 7, don't no why I wrote 9. well today its only 48 days wich is 6 weeks and 6 days

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I hope Nintendo has a decent lineup of titles. If Nintendo can be on the show with 6-12 titles (3-5 for launch) and have another 20 third party titles they would be doing great.


@ King Boo: I edited it :heh:

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