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Last year George Lucas said he wanted to make a Star Wars series now producer Rik McCallum told is it is definitely going ahead: "We're meeting all the writers now and will start shooting in 2008. It follows Luke growing up. It's much more dramatic and darker."


Taken From BBC.co.uk



So basically they were lying when they said it wasnt going to be set around major characters.


Well no they wasnt lying, It was an idea that they could have mini TV series based around characters you dont really get to know in the film. Not a lie, an idea of probably many they have come up with.


However i would love them to make the story of luke growing up cos that means obi wan is still around and if you read some of the books they could use so many idea's from them of how obi wan goes off to try and save other surviving Jedi whilst evading Lord Vader and still keeping an eye on a young luke as he grows up and has his own little adventures etc etc.


Interesting times ahead.



At any rate, Lucas seems to think that now's the time to get out of the $100-million-movie business and into the constant revenue stream of television. Fortunately, the two shows his studio is producing can make good use of the digital effects techniques that ILM developed for previous Lucasfilm projects.


"I really think you can do [dynamic action] in episodic TV now," says Sansweet. "It's interesting because a lot of the techniques that George used in Episode 1, for example, were things that he developed in The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles — some of the special effects techniques of crowd, doubling, tripling, quadrupling the size. With computer animation and storage and rendering getting faster and faster, I think you'll be able to see some of the things you see in the movies be transferred to the TV. Look at some of the shows like Galactica and some of the other shows that have amazing special effects."


The computer-animated Star Wars series is currently in pre-production, with scripts in development and animation tests underway. That show, which is to be set during the Clone Wars, should begin airing in the fall of 2007.


The second series, a live-action show, will be composed of one-hour episodes, with 100 hours of story initially charted. The story takes place after Revenge of the Sith but before A New Hope.

I think the TV series should of followed the adventures of a young Han Solo; meeting Chewbacca, Jaba, Lando, how he won the Millenium Falcon, going on smuggling rades etc...


I'd rather they leave the main characters out of the TV series; and also there's going to have to be a different actor for Obi-Wan (doubt Ewan would ever do it!) etc... which I don't like the idea of!


The TV series should IMO, either be;


1) Adventures of young Han Solo

2) Episode 0 featuring Yoda (only if they decide not to make an Episode 0 movie, because it would be great to see Yoda's story one way or another!)

3) Removed from the films and feature other Jedi, Bounty Hunters etc...

4) Be set after Return of the Jedi


This seems to be quite promising but I hope it's not based around Luke but set in that time because following a kid hunting down womp-rats is not exactly what I want to see. I hope there are politics and societies developement involved because if you watch Ep4 directly after Ep3 it seems like an incredible gap between the two societies that happened in 20 years.

It may well be that the world is hungry for more space opera. In which case, we can't help but think that resurrecting Firefly might be a better option than further troubling Mr Lucas' accountants. Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith alone took £500m at the box office outside of the US, the BBC reports. ®


Made me laugh at least.


Source: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/03/15/star_wars_tv_spin_off/


This is going to be rubbish. I honestly can't percieve this ever turning out to be a good idea. This isn't going to be at all like the original Star Wars. Besides he all but destroyed those with Ep 1-3. George Lucas has to be stopped. VIOLENTLY.

Guest Jordan

I want a sequal of the Clone Wars cartoons. They were fucking awesome, the studio who made them needs a medal.


In my opinion, its the best thing to come out of the whole Star Wars universe.


Well, if its good, it will last a few seasons, then be cancelled. (will porbably happen to BSG soon too, unfortunately).


That seems to be the trend of all the great sci-fi TV series (happened to Futurama, Enterprise and Firefly).


Anyway, filling the gap between prequels and the classic seems like a great idea. (they should do that with Star Trek).

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