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Rate the last film you saw


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A young boy becomes blind, deaf and dumb after accidentally seeing his fathers murder. This leads him to suffer a life of abuse at the hands of some of his family, before finally becoming a multi-millionare pinball star. Shortly after, he regains his senses, and becomes the messiah of his own international, pinball-related religious cult, only to have his followers turn against him. It's a rock opera.


WTF? out of The Who.

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Deep Impact


One of the better disaster movies involving comets/asteroids/meteors/WTF.

I felt it was quite moving and realistic. Well, in comparison to Armageddon, however Armageddon kills it's best point, cool soundtrack, by casting Ben asshole Affleck.


In all, Deep Impact 8/10

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*Dont destroy me*


I think the X-men series has got better with every movie..or is that just me?



The Grudge


Watched it last night with some mates before sleeping in their garden. Not a good idea. Thta boy is incredibly creepy. But, no-one can act in that movie, all they do is stare and look vaguely constipated.

Very creepy/freaky movie though, The image and sound(eurgh, freaks me out thinking about it now) will stay with me for a while.



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Mean Girls


I love.


One of my favourite movies of all time, it achieves a perfect balance between humour and drama. It has some amazing one liners, and the plot is quite clever. I think it builds upon previous films in the same genre. Rachel McAdams was a great choice for Regina Geogre, despite being about 10 years older than the character she plays, and you get from Lindsay Lohan what you expect from her.


Its rumoured theres going to be a sequel aswell, could be funny seeing it.


Best bit in the movie


"We have a new student today, shes come from Africa"

*addresses a random Black girl* "Welcome to the school"

"I'm from Michagen"


(Lol its much better on screen.)



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Quite good, cheesy wedding scene but overall a very good film with what i thought an ending that i'd never thought would happen. 9/10


Licence to Kill


Timothy Daltons best 007 movie. Licence to Kill shows a new side to James Bond, a vengefull side. It is also the first James Bond movie not to be based on a book completly. Awesome action sequences and a great story plot gives this film 9/10

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Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.


Fuck, this was a total trip. Amusing, bemusing, disturbing and meaningful.


The narration was really well done, I thought...kinda has some parallels with The Great Gatsby...with all the speculation on the futility of the American Dream...


Anyway, best film I've seen for some time. 10/10.


Don't fuck with me now, man, I am Ahab!


Also, The Usual Suspects

I just had to see it again (for the 10th time :D).

Well, how can I put it so that it sounds accurate? This is one of those movies that make a sudden appearence once in a while and just blow out a genre, just like that. Storyline? Perfect. Casting? Perfect (Gabriel Byrne and Kevin Spacey are Gods). Even the damn soundtrack is absolutelly stunning. Simply put, one of the best movies to grace god's green earth, an absolute fucking masterpiece, one of the best crime movies ever made and quite simply the best Mystery film ever commited to celluloid. Praise can never be too high when it comes to this baby. It's just one of those things... it will never fade out, burn out or go out of fashion. This is perfection, in any way you look at it.

10/10. I can say no more. If you haven't seen this, you owe it to yourself to do so, as soon as you can.


(and killthenet, I just know you're gonna say "hell no").




The only reason 2>3 is because of 3's messed up storyline. It resorts to the extreme in hope that it will make up for it's flaws. I wished Bryan hadn't given up on it.


Is it just coincidence that Bryan Singer directed the first two? :D (for anyone who didn't get, he's the director of The Usual Suspects).

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I didnt find anything messed up with the storyline, everything happened in the comic,
the mutant "cure", Jean dying, Logan killing her, Charles changing his conscience to another person... Not saying it's perfect though


Well, when I watched it I just felt that no heart and soul went into making this movie, unlike the second one. But that's me being gay... as for the plot, I wasn't reffering to the overall plot (you know I'm not that prolific with comic book knowledge), it was more like the screenplay details. Like, remember how the first two had great character development and wonderful emotion? You really saw these mutans as people (which is the whole argument of the mutant struggle)! Well, in the third one there was a very feeble character development and there was just this feeling that it was all rushed out. If I had to summarize it, X-3 was the textbook definition of a Hollywood sequel where it was rushed and put together quickly in order to get a quick buck.

And there were lack of some important details, you know, the love triangle was just not there at all, and it's a very important part of the story, and they ignored Wolverine's connection with Rogue. I don't know, maybe I'm being a prick, but it just didn't live up to the second one. It's more "what could've been". It was, nonetheless, a great comic-to-film movie and an enjoyable cinema experience (that's the most important part, I'd reckon, so...).

AND I HATE HOW JUGGERNAUT TURNED OUT TO BE (except for the "bitch" thing)

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Well, when I watched it I just felt that no heart and soul went into making this movie, unlike the second one. But that's me being gay... as for the plot, I wasn't reffering to the overall plot (you know I'm not that prolific with comic book knowledge), it was more like the screenplay details. Like, remember how the first two had great character development and wonderful emotion? You really saw these mutans as people (which is the whole argument of the mutant struggle)! Well, in the third one there was a very feeble character development and there was just this feeling that it was all rushed out. If I had to summarize it, X-3 was the textbook definition of a Hollywood sequel where it was rushed and put together quickly in order to get a quick buck.

And there were lack of some important details, you know, the love triangle was just not there at all, and it's a very important part of the story, and they ignored Wolverine's connection with Rogue. I don't know, maybe I'm being a prick, but it just didn't live up to the second one. It's more "what could've been". It was, nonetheless, a great comic-to-film movie and an enjoyable cinema experience (that's the most important part, I'd reckon, so...).

AND I HATE HOW JUGGERNAUT TURNED OUT TO BE (except for the "bitch" thing)


I think the opposite, I mean Logan/Jean, Scott/Jean relations were very well developed, the ethics of telepathy were also there, the feelings of mutants wanting to be human, etc... Also, Logan's and Rogue's relationship was basically finished in 2 with Rogue liking Bobby and all. Also, Juggernaut is like in the comics as far as I can remember. Maybe, as a guy that reads the comics, I percept things differently because I'm already accostumed to the themes they talk about and I don't need long introductions.

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I think the opposite, I mean Logan/Jean, Scott/Jean relations were very well developed, the ethics of telepathy were also there, the feelings of mutants wanting to be human, etc... Also, Logan's and Rogue's relationship was basically finished in 2 with Rogue liking Bobby and all. Also, Juggernaut is like in the comics as far as I can remember. Maybe, as a guy that reads the comics, I percept things differently because I'm already accostumed to the themes they talk about and I don't need long introductions.


About everything else, I guess it's just different ways to see the same movie.

But JUGGERNAUT? :shakehead


Fuck no, he looks like a retard. He's supposed to be bulky, not ridiculous (at least I guess so, anyway)...

I mean,




Just look at it. :D:laughing:

He's too silly looking.

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About everything else, I guess it's just different ways to see the same movie.

But JUGGERNAUT? :shakehead


Fuck no, he looks like a retard. He's supposed to be bulky, not ridiculous (at least I guess so, anyway)...

I mean,




Just look at it. :D:laughing:

He's too silly looking.


First time i've seen the comic book version of him..he looks like a gigantic anti-biotic..i prefer the film version, and yes that "dickhead"/"bitch" comment rocked.

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First time i've seen the comic book version of him..he looks like a gigantic anti-biotic..i prefer the film version, and yes that "dickhead"/"bitch" comment rocked.


That's impossible!!! What are you? 12 or something? How can you never have seen Juggernaut? :shakehead

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He couldn't look like in the comics, he would look ridiculous. And I'm saying the personality is simlar. HE'S THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH!


Personality is similar. That's a fact. :S But that darned helmet... :S fuck.


No, i just dont read comics :blank:


But he's soooooooo big! :(

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Oh balls...gonna be at a friends house tonight and they'll probably insist on watching Lord Of The Rings. Again.


I can't take it. Dear lord what have I done to have offended thee...so?


I'll rate it as a trilogy now: 5/10. Good...nay, half decent popcorn flicks, but due to lack of any real purpose or sense of substance, all the flashy elf bullshit just gets so fucking tedious. Aieeee.

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Personality is similar. That's a fact. :S But that darned helmet... :S fuck.




But he's soooooooo big! :(


But he looks like one of those pill things someone stuffs up their arse, whats so great? Vinne looks way better as it, not ridiculous.

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Look at his helmet!!!!! :|


Oh balls...gonna be at a friends house tonight and they'll probably insist on watching Lord Of The Rings. Again.


I can't take it. Dear lord what have I done to have offended thee...so?


I'll rate it as a trilogy now: 5/10. Good...nay, half decent popcorn flicks, but due to lack of any real purpose or sense of substance, all the flashy elf bullshit just gets so fucking tedious. Aieeee.


You're not a fantasy fan, are you? :D

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You're not a fantasy fan, are you? :D


No not really... I'm still hugely looking forward to/ dreading Northern Lights (Stupid American fiends!) coming out, although they'll most likely turn a masterpiece in childrens literature into some fantasy crap that makes absolutely no sense.

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No not really... I'm still hugely looking forward to/ dreading Northern Lights (Stupid American fiends!) coming out, although they'll most likely turn a masterpiece in childrens literature into some fantasy crap that makes absolutely no sense.


Well they've already butchered Harry Potter, Narnia, Hitchiker's, Lotr... they could make it 5th time lucky.

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