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Rate the last film you saw


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People have the whole saw saga pincered in teh wrong light.


It was never meant to be more than the first film. The writer/actor was amazed that it did so well. Then he got high on hollywood and sold to the idea of cheap, shitty sequels - so we have 2 and 3 heavily focussed on the traps and the gore and the industrial soundtrack that combines with the right moment of pain[/i, and so on. But I think from 4 onwards the series is hugely overlooked for the efforts it makes in turning the story in on itself, in creating an actual saga that makes sense (lol... er... kinda!). Rather than just churning out a stencilled, choreographed sequence of events film after film, the series actually attempts to adhere to some sort of underlying plotline, and I think the hefty majority of modern cinema-going 'critics' are utterly shite at being able to accept a single movie (or episode, or season) as a part of a 'whole' creation. People are too cynical, and too eager to rip something to shreds before seeing it as a whole; people are too forgetful of the 'episodic' tool, and too willing to assume the money-cow option as a truism.


Saw said years ago that it would film a second trilogy (and that would be it*), yet people ignore this line of press release and choose to not give the series a chance as a whole...


But then I can't help but admit that they're not The Godfather movies... But I have to say taht I think people are too dismissive. Or somehting. Too forgetful of wtf I'm saying.


*oh yeah - I guess saying tehy'll never make another saw is a stupid thing, so this is my disclaimer. fu.

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Did they? I'm almost 100% sure they announced Saw VI and Saw VII at the same time.


At the time of Saw III's release, it was confirmed that Saw VI was going to be the last ever Saw movie, hence the taglines saying "Everything comes full circle" and "Jigsaw's scheme will finally be understood". But about two weeks ago, there's some rumours flying on the internet that there's going to be a Saw VII.


I'm sort of hoping it's not true but at the same time I am. I'm not hoping it's true because I think if you leave it on the sixth movie where everything is explained, it would be great. But at the same time, I hope it's true because Saw rocks! lol.

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10 Things I Hate About You


Amazing film. The Soundtrack, the humour, the characters...there's nothing not to love. Plus, it introduced me to the best version of I Want You To Want Me.




Halloween H20


I used to quite enjoy this, or at least be terrified by it. But after actually watching it with another person it mostly lost any scare factor it once had. The bit near the end where she's obviously staring into a wind-machine is freaking hilarious though. I want a wind-machine damn it.




Italian film I've forgotten the name of.


Started out incredibly weirdly, but became genuinely sweet when it neared the end. The bright green horse was amazing. It was heartbreaking how the father kept having to pretend the concentration camp was just a game so he didn't find out. Lovely ending too, albeit minus the one thing.



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X-Men Origins: Wolverine


I enjoyed it, but i do tend to enjoy most comic book themed films! :) Not amazing by any stretch though. This was one of the films i was ment to watch in the cinema but never did!


I pretty much new the back story anyway but i still found it interesting and i was happy to see that Deadpool is not dead!


One little thing that bugged me was in the X-men films it showed the scene as Wolverine left the box full of water he slashed one of the posts and left a 3 claw mark as he got out, i was disappointed to see they didn't keep the continuatity there. Silly i know! lol



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10 Things I Hate About You


Amazing film. The Soundtrack, the humour, the characters...there's nothing not to love. Plus, it introduced me to the best version of I Want You To Want Me.






One my all-time favourite films.

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"Although parts seven and eight are almost definite, Bell warns that nothing is ever set in stone until they see how the latest entry does at the box office. "In their wisdom, these producers always wait to see how the current film does. Six is finished and we’re just in the middle of talking about seven."


So it could happen, it might not. I think whatever they decide, it should stop at Saw 8. But then just thinking about it, they might do a final chapter on the tenth and call it 'SAW X' :heh:

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Men in Black


Was on earlier today, and I was suprised at how great it still looks! It's 12 years old and really the effects dont look dated at all! I think that's down to them being used well and in just the right amount. They didn't go CGI crazy like they could have done, and so everything just still seems to blend together really well.

Will Smith is awesome in this, and despite not really being a Tommy LJ fan, I like him in this aswell.

Funny, great characters, good enough story, good pacing.

Love the concept of galaxies being within marbles, and for all we know we are just some much larger beings plaything! We really have know idea of how we fit into the grand scheme of things!!


Just a great film, a classic and one of my favs... 8/10

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John Tucker Must Die


I thought it was entertaining. Funny in some places, not in others. Overall, an enjoyable movie. That and Katherine Heigl and Ashanti are both so HOT!!!






Mean Girls


My guilty pleasure. I just love this movie. Karen makes me laugh.


That is so fetch/10

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John Tucker Must Die


I thought it was entertaining. Funny in some places, not in others. Overall, an enjoyable movie. That and Katherine Heigl and Ashanti are both so HOT!!!






Mean Girls


My guilty pleasure. I just love this movie. Karen makes me laugh.


That is so fetch/10


Katherine Heigl in John Tucker Must Die? I'm confused. But I love it. Purely for Sophia Bush's character, but still.


And Mean Girls?


Karen: Well, I'm kinda psychic. I have a fifth sense.

Cady: What do you mean?

Karen: It's like I have ESPN or something. My breasts can always tell when it's going to rain.

Cady: Really? That's amazing.

Karen: Well, they can tell when it's raining.




Bring It On


Like Mean Girls, a modern teen classic. Some amazing lines, a decent enough story and some great characters. Also, the song at the start? Fucking brilliant.

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Erm...thats Arielle Kebbel. She was in The Grudge 2....American Pie: Bandcamp etc.




They look alike to me! I thought that was her. Are they related? Wow, how embarrassing. :hmm:


Still very hot though


Mean Girls is a superb film. It's genuinely funny, and started so many things like "Fetch", and "Fugly" (both of which I hear all the time).


I hear 'Fetch' too. I know 'Fugly' has been around way before Mean Girls but I rarely hear that said.

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