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Rate the last film you saw


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Portman is frigging brilliant in Garden State. She just needs a good script to show what she can do.


Click - New Adam Sandler movie in which he finds a remote control that can control real life e.g. rewatch parts of his life, fast forward through stuff he doesn't want to see/do, mute people talking. It sounds kinda lame and predictable, and it is at parts. Luckily once it gets into the movie it gets better, and due to the fact that Sandler thankfully doesn't just churn out the same jokes as other Happy Madison films and goes for a new style of comedy, which makes for some very funny moments. In fact the end is reminiscent of Big Daddy, as in the emotions he was trying to get out of the audience, and although it is not as good, it still had an effect.


7/10 - give it a go


Miami Vice - This movie wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but that doesn't make it good. Too many accents and over-complication of something very simple, combined with Colin Farrell's acting skills (or lack thereof) make this a deceivingly vacuous movie.


5/10 - meh

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Just saw Miami Vice.


Pretty good I thought. upholds the Mann style of brooding, opressive manliness to what must be the macho extreme. I thought it did a good job of keeping events tense. Action, too, was very impressive. the sound effects alone we're an utter assault on the senses. good stuff.



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The Descent: Pretty decent (PUN!). No, actually, it was pretty good. One of the better recent horror movies I've seen. This is one of two movies that manage to scare me. I'm not easily scared, but there were two times during this movie I was pretty freaked out. Worth a watch (if you like horror movies, that is). 8/10

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Was quite a gritty and serious film, very well scripted with some above par acting. Low budget but the solid plot carries through well making it captivating and charimatic. Accurate 'urban' terminolgy and some quite good directing. Worth a watch, especially since its only an 1hr30mins long. But could leave you with a sour taste in your mouth.



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Just saw Superman.

It's obvious that critics and the oh so ever critic internet commentators don't like it. As a whole it's a goodish movie, but let's face it, theres not much to do with an overpowered guy that weres the underwear outside. What really matters is that Superman is a symbol and a legend. And as that, I think this movie does its job pretty well. Watching superman fly or fall silences everyone in the audience, not because of the fx or the movie itself, but because of the myth behind him. I quite liked the feelings that the movie transmitted, so I aprove. Also the actress playin Lois Lane is way too cute.

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Napoleon Dynamite: Brilliant film, duh! It's not really about the story or anything, but about the really funny characters. I loved every minute of it. 9/10


Shaun of the Dead: Comedy/Zombie flick, a combination that works very well in this film. Best part is when

Queen's "Don't stop me now" is playing while they're beating up a zombie


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The Truman Show 9/10 Amazing, moving, unpredictable film with a solid performance from my favourite comedic actor. Ahead of its time too.

Superman Returns 8/10 Exciting, well acted film ruined by the ending.


Miami Vice 8/10 Nice visuals and setting, action was loud and well shot. Just as I expected and wanted, nothing more.

The Godfather 9/10 Great film, would have been better if I didn't need the ending explained to me. Stupid similar sounding names/faces. Prefered Apocalypse Now though.

Fearless 7/10 Usual martial arts sillyness from Jet Li with added plot.

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Watched quite a few movies.....


Miami Vice - The trailers looked awesome, but I was slightly disappointed. I prefer Collateral. The stroy was a bit confusing but the action scenes were WICKED. Loved those bits but other then that, it was pretty jumbled up. 7/10


Superman Returns - I thought this film was great, it really was. When I first heard about a superman film being made, I was pretty sceptical. The trailers didn't look too great and I wasn't expecting anything good. How wrong was I. I loved it, the acting was very good, especially from Jimmy, Clark, Lois and that other guy who was cyclops in x men. Ending was nothing special, but I thought the whole thing was superb and I'm not even a Superman fan. Loved the aeroplane scene, was awesome. 9/10


The descent - Not really a fan of horror movies, but I admit that this is one of the better ones out there. Was quite predictable at times but had some genuine scares throughout the film. Not bad at all. 7/10

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shawshank will always beat green mile,but i still love green mile.



Was actually very enjoyable...i know what u want to hear,it's better than that complete shite shark tale and incredible but will never match the might of Toy story i'm afraid.i don't think anything ever will

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shawshank will always beat green mile,but i still love green mile.



Was actually very enjoyable...i know what u want to hear,it's better than that complete shite shark tale and incredible but will never match the might of Toy story i'm afraid.i don't think anything ever will


Toy Story = 2nd best Animated Film Ever

2nd only to Lion King

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Apparently this film was supposed to be really sick and disgusting. Bullshit, it was tame as a mind controlled gorilla! It wasnt that bad a film but why hype up something that is no competition for so many other films?

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Nacho Libre


I saw this on Friday night last. I have to say, I haven't laughed so uncontrollably is quite a long time! Jack Black is hilarious in it.


My only grip is, if ANY other actor played Black's role, it just wouldn't be funny...he makes the film what it is, and kudos to him for that! He brings so much physical humour to his role, and he had me laughing from the first scene!


An excellente 9/10



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I seem to be the only one who really liked Miami Vice. I do love Michael Mann movies though.


Me too. But I'm not afraid to admit I was disappointed with his latest.. Looking back it definately isnt his worst though.

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