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I actually feel a little sorry for them considering they've had no big movies since the last lord of the rings.


Tbh they decided to make Monster in law and Son of Mask they deserve everything they get. But anyway im sure they can just release another version of LOTR on DVD and get there money back.

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it's all there if you look and listen well enough- global social meltdown, nuclear war, pandemic flu outbreaks and massive pollution over about 25 years of so have created a dying, fascist England that the characters all live in. I liked that they treat the horror with such apathy- it shows how used to it they are. After all, why would they spend time talking about something, the only thing, that's left for anyone? it's just their reality and how they deal with it.


Hell yeah. One of my favourite movies ever...


i remember watching this while semi-hung over and the part where the

baby starts to cry and everything goes sort of eerie quiet and then it all kicks off again and everyone's like "oops forgot! we're in the middle of something"


made me feel SOOOOO ill, but it was a really amazing bit of directing - horrific and beautiful all at once. phew.


I loved that part, the way the innocence of something so simple and beautiful like a child's crying could stop such horrific acts of war. Awesome film.


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I saw 300 last night... I give it 6/10 - it was fairly good. The makeup was overdone, it just made things look more cg, and I think the storyline about the queen wasn't really necessary. Otherwise good.


I totally agree.


I just don't understand the fuss made about this film. Was I in a bad mood or something? Anyway get's a 7.5/10 from me.

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Terminator 2


A classic. Just as good as I remebered it all those years ago. You have to admire Arnie's Terminator's determination to save John no matter what toward's the end, and it's a very touching moment when he destroy's himself, seeing as he was like a father figure to John and learnt a lot of human characteristics. Noticed there wasn't any moments in the film where John and Sarah connected/communicated with one another much, which is a shame.



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I totally agree.


I just don't understand the fuss made about this film. Was I in a bad mood or something? Anyway get's a 7.5/10 from me.


I think its the zoh mi gawd Frank Miller factor.


Hes definitely overrated, but 300 is a suitably stylish and awesome flick. Its just a big fight scene, and of course the SPARTAAA epicana line. :yay:

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Well, I'm back from seeing the golden compass. It was pretty good, and gets a 7, but I had two big problems with it:


1. The Magesterium should be the church.


2. The film should go up to the end of the book.


You can't be serious! By the comment, I take it you've read the books, right?

Seriously, besides the casting and visual components, wich were great, you were actually ok with the rest? :confused::wtf:

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You can't be serious! By the comment, I take it you've read the books, right?

Seriously, besides the casting and visual components, wich were great, you were actually ok with the rest? :confused::wtf:

Yep, I've read all three books a while back... what else do you think they did wrong? Maybe I've forgotten some vital storyline points that they missed out.

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A tale of two sisters - Very very strange and clever, so much so that you don't realize what actually happened exactly until after the whole film is over. Great performance by all the main three actresses. Not actually that scary, but some imagery is really unsettiling, one instance in particular. 8/10

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Yep, I've read all three books a while back... what else do you think they did wrong? Maybe I've forgotten some vital storyline points that they missed out.


Well... basically everything was misused. I mean, it lacks feeling, they don't properly explain what dust IS, there's no emotional attachment, the characters are made of wood (although I should add that this wood does one hell of an acting job), Lyra "loves" Iorek for no apparent reason, seen that their relationship is barely even explored, I mean, it's a fucking train-wreck! And that seen when they find Billy? Oh my god, I've never seen anything with such wasted potential.

Hello, kid who lost his soul, I'll take you home. Hey, you're home, great, let's go!



A tale of two sisters - Very very strange and clever, so much so that you don't realize what actually happened exactly until after the whole film is over. Great performance by all the main three actresses. Not actually that scary, but some imagery is really unsettiling, one instance in particular. 8/10


So let's test you, what do you think happened?


(I love that movie) :D

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So let's test you, what do you think happened?


(I love that movie) :D


Wow, something we agree on :P


Su-mi imagined the presence of Eun-joo her step mother and took on her persona. She portrayed her as so evil and ruthless because of her despising the thought of her replacing her mother. I wasn't sure wether it was actually Su-yeon's ghost or again just Su-mi imagining. The reason I thought it was actually a ghost is because of her reaction of realizing that she was dead (the screaming) and that some force presumably killed Eun-joo at the end. Su-yeon's death was both Su-mi and Eun-joo's faults.



The more i talk about the film, the more fantastic I realise it was! Definitely watching it again. But tonight I'm watching Blackbook.

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