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Wow, I loved it. I loved the start, with the party, I found that so interesting that I forgot it was a monster movie until the big explosion. I'm annoyed they killed off a good chracter part the way through, but the part in the subway was pretty scary.

I wanted a happy ending! Also, the big thing wasn't scary, but the little things were horrible!



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well, ive defended it once before, but i'll do it again.


300 isn't a big thinker. its action, nice bloody manly action. people talk about lousy diolouge? the diolouge is the most accurate part of the film, much of it taken from history, and still used in millitary emblems to this day. if the diolouge is lame, blaim the spartans.


one long fight sequence? thats the battle of thermopolyes for you.


its far fetched, yes, but its a movie, not a documentory. if you want realism, theirs a rather good documentory on the last stand of the 300, look it up.


if you found it dull, then its not your cup of tea, fair enough, but its not like its trying to be so bad its good, its not van helsing.


compaire 300 to sin city, thats a toughy. sin city had a lot more depth, i did feel clive own's story let it down a little, though bruice willis shooting a peados balls off was the best thing ever. id say i prefer 300, only cos im a sword nut.


to slate 300 for being mindless would be like slating the life of david gale for lacking action (watched that last night 8/10)


and boring? 300? did i see the same film as you?

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Pretty nice, liked the concept. Don't get why people need to rate it in extremes, but whatever. It's not OMG 10/10 but it doesn't suck either.

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Pretty nice, liked the concept. Don't get why people need to rate it in extremes, but whatever. It's not OMG 10/10 but it doesn't suck either.





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Third time I saw it, and can never stop to love more and more Ellen Page! She's my new found love! as for the film...10/10. not because of the state of the art of the technical side, but because of the simplicity. I mean, the film has a very little chain of events and even so, it can be magnificent!

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What's the film about?


Are you kiddin'? do you live under a rock or something? :indeed:

"hello, i'm 16 and my best friend impregnated me!" Watch it!!!

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Are you kiddin'? do you live under a rock or something? :indeed:

"hello, i'm 16 and my best friend impregnated me!" Watch it!!!


Adverts just pass through me, so I never hear about a lot of films. I don't know many people who watch new films that often, either.

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Adverts just pass through me, so I never hear about a lot of films. I don't know many people who watch new films that often, either.


If you have the chance, watch it, REALLY!!! you won't regret it :)

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Joo know....oh god. Lol.


Could've been worse, right? :(


And yeah, Juno is fantastic. A modern masterpiece.

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I really enjoyed this movie, good acting from everyone in it and just a nice story. Felt a bit like when I watched Garden State.



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I went expecting something amazing, and got something better. I know it won't win the oscar due to it being a comedy/drama, but it really deserves too. Ellen Page should win best actress at least, she was fantastic.



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:bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown: :bowdown:


But he's right, you know... :P


My fist is also bigger then your face. And he isn't. Neither am I. It's up to personal taste.

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My fist is also bigger then your face. And he isn't. Neither am I. It's up to personal taste.


I won't argue with that, it's too much of a close call. :D They're both excellent.

I'd say that Juno is 0.5 better than garden state. LOL. :heh:

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Freaking awesome. That's all I need to say... Well, I've got something to say about it....




9 rats almost exterminated by the Predator out of 10.

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