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Rate the last film you saw


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Awesome movie, really liked it. The special fx weren't very good, but who cares.


Oooh, I go with motion. It is a pretty awful film, but it holds a special place in my heart as it was the first movie I saw with my girlfriend at the cinema (her choice).


The Bourne Ultimatium


My only problem with this film was the Guardian journalist: why a scruffy girl-man when Charlie Brooker could kill most men with a single, enranged glare.




"I'm in ur office stelin ur planz."


That would be total and utter genius having Charlie Brooker in that part. I demand a special directors cut with him in the role.


Anyway, last film saw was The Fifth Element last night for the third time. It's got some good lines, pretty funny sense of humour about itself and is just generally fun in a comic book kind of way. I give it 7 dodgy futuristic hairstyles out of 10.

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El Labirinto Del Fauno (Pan's Labyrinth)

It's refreshing to see such great movies outside of Hollywood. Not that it's a surprise that movies like this can be made throghout the world, but asides, from the fantastic story, setting, production and directing it's great to see a movie that actually had well put resources and well made scenarios and effects. Specially since it's a movie from my neighbour country.

Also found it funny to see a monster with eyes in his hands, cause we portuguese say that the spanish see with their hands (it basically means that when they go to a store, they have to pick up everything and feel it and whatnot.)

Awesome stuff.

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Hellfire, I take it you live in Portugal, of which the sister country is Spain. "Pan's Labyrinth" was made by a Mexican.


I infer than I am a pedant and must be struck down by those of the highest order.


Yeah I know, but the movie was made and supported by a spanish studio... I think :P




Forrest Gump

Amazing movie, Tom Hank really outdid himself.



I don't like to rate, movies, but 10/10, 100%, 5 stars, whatever, it just nails it!

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I loved Hard Candy too. Awesome film.


Superbad is awesome. I wouldnt say 10/10, but its fucking UBER ace. Its the genius of Seth Rogen. The man is a god.








Ah man, what a great film. I love how its so realistic. Great script in there, hot chick, 2 hours of Shia, bitta gore, very epic scenes and excellent direction.


Cant particularly ask for more. One of the best films this year, top 5 probably. Along with a few others this past month.



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Ah man, what a great film. I love how its so realistic. Great script in there, hot chick, 2 hours of Shia, bitta gore, very epic scenes and excellent direction.


Cant particularly ask for more. One of the best films this year, top 5 probably. Along with a few others this past month.




I heard it was like a completely fucking soulless ripoff of Rear Window. Haven't seen it yet, so... can't really tell.

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I heard it was like a completely fucking soulless ripoff of Rear Window. Haven't seen it yet, so... can't really tell.


It's not. It's obvious where it gets some of it's ideas from but does a film have to be origonal to be good?


I thought it was awesome. Would glady go see it again. It's the first sort of teen/horror-ish film I've seen in ages thats been any good.

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It's not. It's obvious where it gets some of it's ideas from but does a film have to be origonal to be good?


I thought it was awesome. Would glady go see it again. It's the first sort of teen/horror-ish film I've seen in ages thats been any good.


I never said it sucked. I just said it was soulless. And anyway, I haven't seen it, so I can't really say anything. =/




OH!!!! And yes, yes it does. A movie can be "alright" and not be original, but to be at least good, it must deliver a healthy dose of originality.

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I never said it sucked. I just said it was soulless. And anyway, I haven't seen it, so I can't really say anything. =/




OH!!!! And yes, yes it does. A movie can be "alright" and not be original, but to be at least good, it must deliver a healthy dose of originality.


Hmm, I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree. Surely a movie can be great because it's used ideas that have been used before, but used them in a better way, sort of "tweaked" them I suppose.

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Hmm, I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree. Surely a movie can be great because it's used ideas that have been used before, but used them in a better way, sort of "tweaked" them I suppose.


Tweaking is sorta like sampling, wich in it's own way... is original, to some extent.

But yeah, opinions, we all have them.

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Just wondering how many people have seen Rear Window and Distrubia?


Cause reading the synopsis and watching the trailers I did get the impression it was the same film with some teenagers thrown in.


I'm on the stance that using a used story is alright, but it should have some some original spin on it.

Otherwise it is just an updated version that usually reflects a new generation but is essentially the same or a way to rake in the cash from those who haven't seen or couldn't care less about the original(Ala Americans and mostly any foreign film)


Of course there can be bad originality which just spits on the original such as the rumour that the remake of The Birds is suppose to give reasons for the birds insanity and end with the humans stopping it. :S

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Of course there can be bad originality which just spits on the original such as the rumour that the remake of The Birds is suppose to give reasons for the birds insanity and end with the humans stopping it. :S


WHAT! But having an open ending and no explanation is one of the reasons the original is so great. A bit like how Night of the Living Dead didn't give any explanation, it leaves you feeling unsettled and like such an event might happen at any time in reality.

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WHAT! But having an open ending and no explanation is one of the reasons the original is so great. A bit like how Night of the Living Dead didn't give any explanation, it leaves you feeling unsettled and like such an event might happen at any time in reality.


Exactly my sentiments.


Apparently the book did give reason though, none too sure about that but it is undisputed that the way Hitchcock portrayed it was fantastic.

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And it held it's own in comparison to Rear Window? I may give it a viewing then, I wasn't completely sold on the story and I'm not a Shia fan so I didn't know if it would be my thing but hey I'll give it a go. I get free cinema tickets anyway.


It did, for me anyway, because I didn't try to compare them. There was a good performance from shia, especially considering it's a teen movie basically.


But it was a good movie, some tense moments, althought I predcited alot of things that were going to happen, there were some bits that shocked me too. Try and go to the cinema not thinking about rear window and then you should see why it got some good reviews.


I need to go see superbad!

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I never said it sucked. I just said it was soulless.


Honestly? Couldnt disagree with you more. This is a movie with a heart, and Kale is someone I would say most people his age can relate to (Chicks, Gaming, Music, Chilling) etc, and they stick a murderer in there.



Which usually works for me too. :heh:

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High School Musical 2


I have been waiting for this movie for a loooooong time.


And it was worth it =D


Even more cheesier than the first one, yup, that's a WHOLE lotta cheese!


Some of the songs are catchy and I loved the first time I heard them, while others were just plain shit :/


But other than that Zac Efron had about 3 topless scenes = auto win.


I loved it, but I know a large proportion of this forum will flame me :P



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