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Rate the last film you saw


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I thought it looked good from the trailer, but the Sunday Times gave it 1 star :/

Oh... But then, I find the problem with film critics is that they watch films all the time, so it takes something really amazing to impress them. I'll probably watch it anyway, as my friend said it was good. :heh:

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Oh... But then, I find the problem with film critics is that they watch films all the time, so it takes something really amazing to impress them. I'll probably watch it anyway, as my friend said it was good. :heh:


And most papers also rate the films on what the readers are most likely interested in.

For instance I read many bad reviews about The Punisher but I actually liked the film. The plot was ok, the music was good too and it had lots of old school violence I miss in recent action films.

I also watch enough films to know what's good and what's not but it doesn't always have to be clever dialogue and clever character portraits. Sometimes an over the top film like Triple X can also be very entertaining.

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And most papers also rate the films on what the readers are most likely interested in.

For instance I read many bad reviews about The Punisher but I actually liked the film. The plot was ok, the music was good too and it had lots of old school violence I miss in recent action films.

I also watch enough films to know what's good and what's not but it doesn't always have to be clever dialogue and clever character portraits. Sometimes an over the top film like Triple X can also be very entertaining.

Yes, however a film adaptation of an Alan Bennett(sp?) play is the sort of thing that Sunday Times readers would like.

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I thought it looked good from the trailer, but the Sunday Times gave it 1 star :/
Remember, that the Sunday Times always do very biased reviews. The only time I've seen a good review in that newspaper was for Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit, which spoke the truth. Every other review they've done is biased and they even invent things sometimes (they claim that theres some lines from Star Wars in Batman Begins, yet I know as a fact there isn't, since I've watched Batman Begins 4 times now with subtitles, and I've yet to notice that, plus, they only gave Batman Begins 1 star out of 5:horse:)
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Remember, that the Sunday Times always do very biased reviews. The only time I've seen a good review in that newspaper was for Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit, which spoke the truth. Every other review they've done is biased and they even invent things sometimes (they claim that theres some lines from Star Wars in Batman Begins, yet I know as a fact there isn't, since I've watched Batman Begins 4 times now with subtitles, and I've yet to notice that, plus, they only gave Batman Begins 1 star out of 5:horse:)

I remember they gave the first Harry Potter film a low review because of things that were obviously incorrect, like "quidditch is seen entirely from the ground".


However, the film wasn't very good.

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Every other review they've done is biased and they even invent things sometimes (they claim that theres some lines from Star Wars in Batman Begins, yet I know as a fact there isn't, since I've watched Batman Begins 4 times now with subtitles, and I've yet to notice that, plus, they only gave Batman Begins 1 star out of 5:horse:)


They made themselves an enemy right now :angry:




Tomb Raider 2: The Cradle Of Life


Pretty entertaining actually with a good supportive cast. Really like how charismatic the bad guy comes across and Gerard Butler also makes a good performance. I'm quite disappointed with the role of Til Schweiger, he doesn't pull if off very well and he mainly has stupid one-liners; he plays a lot better normally.

The wide-angle shots of all the different locations are also very cool as well as the over the top gunfights, however, the CGI is ridiculous and the ending mainly is CGI. I'd actually like a more "down to earth" ending better but it stays true to the games that way.



+5 because of Angelina Jolie

-3 because not enough nudity :P



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V for vendetta


A good film with a gripping storyline. A great watch.




i would have given that 10.fantastic love it.


texas chainsaw massacre beginning:You should know what to expect when you go to see it.I judge a horror not on it's storyline but on it's ability to scare the holy shit out of you.In this case it didnt but was very gory and always a plus


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From Dusk 'til Dawn.


Rodriguez knows how to fuck with your mind.. I think the key's to Tarrantino's and Rod's success is they don't take each other too seriously.


It's a film lovers film.. but not for those who like authenticity.. it's just a fuck around film that's good fun.


Criminals fleeting America head to a bar in America only to find at Dusk they all turn into fucking vampires. Mental.




Heard the 2nd one is too far though.. but that could be a good thing in some people's eyes.

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finally saw Hellboy.

this got good reviews and from the trailers i just did not believe a word of it. fortunatly, this is actually quite good afterall. Hellboy himself is an interesting character and the storyline is certianly interesting and it has a truly unique oddball wit too it. Having seen this and the amazing screw on head, I can safely say I need to catch up with the work of the guy who wrote the hellboy comics.



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i would have given that 10.fantastic love it.

10 would be a perfect, flawless film. Its far from flawless.


I would consider giving One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Apocalypse Now a 10. Shawshank redemption is too cheerful and I felt a bit sick at the happy ending tbh. I like main characters to die at the end. Rounds off the film well, cancels out sequels.

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Silent Hill


I did not enjoy this at all. It was so boring. I watched a hour of it and then I discovered there was over an hour left, so I simply switched the DVD off and sealed it in my Amazon DVD rental envelope, so that I wouldnt touch the DVD again! No dialogue and awful CGI! And Sean Bean had an awful American accent! Mind you, I havent played the games....



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Romance & Cigarettes : Its a musical of sorts about relationships, the songs work well as does the cast it is an intersting idea and one that I really enjoyed. Christopher Walken was the man in it, and there was just something about Kate Winslet as a ginger. 7/10


Match Point : Pretty boring really Scarlet Johansson was good in it but that was about it. 4/10


Syriana : I really don't know, it was confusing I had to read its wiki page afterwards to understand wtf had happened. It was an interesting idea with some nice cinematography, but I spent most of the film Wtf'ing. ???/10

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