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Sony's Revolution Killer...


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Sony intend to make it their ‘Revolution Killer’. They’re working on tieing in Eyetoy and some kind of controller similar to the Revolution controller. With a 100M+ userbase, tens of thousands of mature and documented dev kits and the very low cost of producing Rev style games on the PS2 platform they’re expecting to mobilise another 50M units over the next 5 years precipitated by a $99 price point in 2007.â€






Hmmm, interesting....damn u sony!!

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Most likely a loada crap! lets face it Sony are having trouble trying to get the PS3 ready to launch... why would they even bother with the PS2 anymore?


Someone most likely thought they where clever, made the pic and then thought of the story to go with it... maybe a Sony fanboy?


IMO i dont think this news is true!

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Sounds suspiciously like someone heard about that EyeToy hover-board game where you wear two different coloured gloves, then made the leap of logic that it could do something similar to the Revolution controller. Problem is, it can't, because it can't perceive depth.

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I don't believe that Sony can copy the technology in a few month, after all Nintendo didn't fully reveal it and they had about four years time to develop the FHC (freehand controller - I don't like the name revmote). Sony would be pretty good if they could copy a product that isn't even on the market yet.

So if there is some truth in it I think playing with that Sony thing will be like a glimpse at what will be possible with the FHC.

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If this is true then it's a very clever move by Sony. Not only does it put the Rev in competition with current gen hardware (thus making the Rev seem underpowered), it lets Sony fight on two fronts (the 360 with the PS3 and the Rev with a PS2 hybrid). :cry:


However if the final secret of the Rev is some kind of novel 3D display, then it will make the PS2 hybrid look like a silly toy. :D

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If this is true then it's a very clever move by Sony. Not only does it put the Rev in competition with current gen hardware (thus making the Rev seem underpowered), it lets Sony fight on two fronts (the 360 with the PS3 and the Rev with a PS2 hybrid). :cry:


However if the final secret of the Rev is some kind of novel 3D display, then it will make the PS2 hybrid look like a silly toy. :D


what are you talking about :|

I disagree with your entire post.

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Actually, how wrong many of you people are...


I was watching a game show last year, just after revolution was launched, and a developer with the same sort of controller to the revolution was creating games to be used with it. This is for PS2.


They have already launched a golf game, but the only thing they had different was that the motion was detected by a string attached to it to the main control base on the ground.


So, all we can say is that a developer had the idea first instead of Nintendo. So the likeliness of the technology to be on sony products was blatant in the first place.


Still, its now very risky for Nintendo to slip up once again.

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Actually, how wrong many of you people are...


I was watching a game show last year, just after revolution was launched, and a developer with the same sort of controller to the revolution was creating games to be used with it. This is for PS2.


They have already launched a golf game, but the only thing they had different was that the motion was detected by a string attached to it to the main control base on the ground.


So, all we can say is that a developer had the idea first instead of Nintendo. So the likeliness of the technology to be on sony products was blatant in the first place.


Still, its now very risky for Nintendo to slip up once again.


The product you are talking about dosn't resembel the revolution remote att all. I have it at work. And Nintendo revolution has been in developent along time. And having more controll of games and better imersion has allways been many gamedevelopers dream. Nintendo is without a doubt the first company to take a big step in the right direction.

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The product you are talking about dosn't resembel the revolution remote att all. I have it at work. And Nintendo revolution has been in developent along time. And having more controll of games and better imersion has allways been many gamedevelopers dream. Nintendo is without a doubt the first company to take a big step in the right direction.


DiemetriX is right I'll put the many typo's down to pure passion. Nintendo are the first company to fully pioneer 3D gaming. When others were worried about graphics. There first step as the analouge stick which was a great first step but still is 2D in its implementation. Revolution is the only way forward. I really cant wait to see the controller in action.


E3 cant come any sooner.


It figures the best E3 ever is when I have to do my GCSE exams but hey thats life.


: peace:

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Sounds like the nervous rambling of frightened fanboys.
I don't believe sony could do this and get away with the industry, I mean... they are like stealing a idea...


just like the rummor about the PSP with a touchscreen this has got to be bogus (although sony has a pattent like that)


anyway... revolution support and controller where designed for a long time now, and thus their implementation will be much better, just like xbox 360 online service is better right now because it started earlier, sony can't really copy it easily and implement it on each game, just "stupid" games like eyetoy (who was also a stolen idea)...


anyway... I hope this is just a bad joke going on here.


And those predictions by sony must be wrong the problem would be for the acessory to work on ps3 (and it might) thus making them say PS3 has all above Revolution, be it in power, be it in controller...


this is pityful... sony. I don't expect those measures from you or any other company in the scene. (i'm pissed of now, damn them, although i'm hoping for it not to be true)

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The product you are talking about dosn't resembel the revolution remote att all. I have it at work. And Nintendo revolution has been in developent along time. And having more controll of games and better imersion has allways been many gamedevelopers dream. Nintendo is without a doubt the first company to take a big step in the right direction.


Yep I played with one of these and it sucked. If your feet move a milimetre the whole callibration gets fucked. Its a pretty ugly and non user friendly device. Just by looking at the rev controller I can tell you that the two are incomparable really. (for a start you dont have to velcro the rev controller to your hand!)

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They cant think of anything themselves, they just steal ideas. Others have done it but Sony are the worst and most people think they invented the D-pad, shoulder buttons, analogue sticks, rumble and the rectangular shape of normal controllers. It was all Nintendo, they brought that stuff to games consoles. FHC will get stolen in one form or another just watch.

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They cant think of anything themselves, they just steal ideas. Others have done it but Sony are the worst and most people think they invented the D-pad, shoulder buttons, analogue sticks, rumble and the rectangular shape of normal controllers. It was all Nintendo, they brought that stuff to games consoles. FHC will get stolen in one form or another just watch.
well, but never copied this way... not so soon, this is a complete scandal done this way, trully evil, sony is a well known brand they should give the example, although I don't support them I don't expect them to have no shame...


anyway... i've seen their "filled" patents on a "freehand device" and it's not as free as revolution, just a quick and dirt rip off... it's just eye toy with a stick, with revolution you have true 3D control, based on a x,y, z axis, that means if you turn the controller that moovement will be automatically recognized, sony ones dont as it only detects the device optically like eyetoy does, just like eytoy was on Ps2 it won't have that much appeal to be used in third party games, unless sony is trying to make developers use it, or they are counting on revolution success and with people making copies based on it (just like "nintendogs psp") giving them to a starved community and stopping them from buying revolution's... anyway this sucks, as I said... I don't expect this from sony or anyone in the industry, it's simply disgusting to build a brand over something other people thought about before even being standard, I can understand for analog joystick, d-pad, rumble, they were copied as standards... but nor for this one.


I'd be ashammed to build a name over that, just like i'd been ashamed for supporting nintendo if all she did was make god of war and Gran Turismo clones, because Sony had success with them, they are good games, sony games not nintendo, this controller is nintendo's not sony, thus copying it this way is just... disrespecting.


(i haven't done a post so flawed, english-wise, for a while I think, but I'm really pissed to review)

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Dam Sony,they're getting far to desperate now,if they copy much more things there reputation will go down a lot with other companies
I hope so, they can«t simply get away everytime and still be considered the best, now I respect all companies for doing their own thing, microsoft even praised nintendo in a certain way, if revolution controler becomes standard I don't blame them for implementing it on xbox 720 (or something) but sony is really pushing the envelope, do they think they'll get the ninty fans to just on their wagon for this? they should be playing the nive guy who wants to please everyone, yet they go against the public in all sorts of things.


they need to see the real world for once

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So what do we have now?



Xbox Live-Killer

Revolution-Killer (or is it the counter-revolution?)


<sarcasm>This PS3 thing is sure going to do a lot of damage!</sarcasm>


Seriously, though, Sony needs to worry more about establishing something substatntial for themselves, rather than killing everything.

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