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Intresting article from gamesradar.com


Nintendo aims for Revolution

Brand new super franchise to be revealed in May

[21/02/2006 14:13]


Nintendo will announce a new franchise for Revolution at the annual E3 games show this May, with the goal of creating another big success story like gaming behemoths Zelda, Mario and Nintendogs.


"This year's E3 will be Revolution's coming out party", according to Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo's executive vice president of sales and marketing. In an online interview Reggie confirmed that new franchises and "a lot of information" will be uncovered at this year's event.


Reggie also revealed further nuggets of info, confirming that the name Revolution is still a code name, that Nintendo has shared over a thousand Revolution development kits with developers across the world, and that a third version of DS wasn't "an unreasonable assumption".


When questioned about Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Reggie was positive that Nintendo would launch the game for GameCube in 2006, later adding that "GameCube games will only be compatible with GameCube accessories" and that Revolution titles are the only ones that will use the new controller.


With Sony and Microsoft still fighting over who's got the best technology and multimedia support, it looks like Nintendo has been busy with what gaming is all about - the games. May 2006 can't come soon enough.


Could this new franchise be a fps, something which nintendo is yet to fully explore?

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Only 1? I was expecting way more, Nintendo can do better than that.


Anyway, I hope it's aimed to the casual or hardcore gamers and not to those damn non-gamers.


1 is good enough.

you know we're still expecting

Mario 128

Mario Kart Revolution

Warioware pushed


Animal Crossing


Zelda (technically)

Smash Bros.

and a bunch of B-listers, f-zero and donkey kong etc..


I'm happy with Nintendo's first party classics, as long as they keep titles refreshing (nintendo wifi covers a fair amount of this)


Another title of the kalibre of the quality listed above I'll be happy.


I'd put more pressure on third party to churn out great games.

  Smowza said:
so is that reggie confirming that zelda:tp will not use the revo controller?


Seems like it.


I'm sure they'll be a few more franchises at least, just one 1st party. They others will probably be 2nd party.

  Smowza said:
so is that reggie confirming that zelda:tp will not use the revo controller?


Sounds like it. Theyve repeated that statement many many times, that GC games can only be played by the GC controller. And TTP IS a GC game. As much as id like to do some revmote fishing on Zelda TTP, im thinking theyre gonna save the remote control functions for an all-new Zelda Rev game. Ive never had a problem controlling a Zelda game with a standard controller though so im not bothered.


Unless they bring out 2 versions of the game? Seeing as Zelda looks like it will be out near or at the same time as the rev. Just a thought.


Never played Geist..... all the reviews i've read said it was pants so i forgot about it. Were they right?


Wouldnt a new franchise get crushed by all the classics? Nintendo dont have a flair for advertising so I doubt it'll get much recognition outside of Nintendo fanbase.

  MunKy said:
Wouldnt a new franchise get crushed by all the classics? Nintendo dont have a flair for advertising so I doubt it'll get much recognition outside of Nintendo fanbase.


Well what about nintendogs?!!?

  Kurt R said:
Well what about nintendogs?!!?


That was DS, and it didnt really have anything but Mario 64 DS and Wario Ware touched! to compete with from Nintendo. Athough there is Mario Kart now but NDogs was first.


It'll be very interesting to see a new franchise on the Revolution. No background information as of yet, so we cn only make wild guesses.


What I really want to see is F-Zero Rrevolution at this E3. I think, as of now, it's far to early to release Mario Kart on the Revolution so soon after the DS. I'd think it'd be somewhere in the second half of '07 or later. It should kind of be, I guess. I wouldn't complain if it was released earlier though. But if Revolution's going to have a decent racing title at launch, the logical choice is F-Zero. But that's aside the point I guess.

Guest Stefkov

If i rememeber correctly didnt they say they would like to go into the MMORPG, i think they could be making a good frachise however its a good MMO. itll have a good RPG element to it, a good storyline for the main character. however theyll use online to make it a great mutiplayer game. maybe they might go along the samelines as guild wars.

however instead of having the 'safe' areas with ever online player they could have a little gate, where you could choose whether to be online or offline. being offline there would be no other players there. except NPC's of course. then you can just go out into the world by yourself.

then if you choose online, all of the other players will be there, you can party up with other people.(i expect it to be along the same lines as guild wars if they dont want their users to pay for online, otherwise there would be no 'safe' areas with all of the online players) so then you could party up with people maybe up to 64(?) at a time, and go out and fight or something.

With the games nintendo bring out they could go with a magical feel to it, with magicians, goblins etc. or they may go different and go into futuristic things like space battles and beam guns..

thats what i think the new francise is. feel free to read it


"This year's E3 will be Revolution's coming out party"


I knew it the last revolutionary featuyre is that the revo is gay!


im such a genious *smug*

  Flameboy101 said:

im such a genious


Then learn how to spell, genius... :indeed:

Anyway, the new franchise will probably be an fps, or, in light of something i read somewhere(cant remember, sorry), it could be a chinese food cooking game.

Though a pokemon or Earthbound MMORPG(or even WoW, if nintendo can talk blizzard/Vivendi into it) would be nice


I think it's gonna be a really deep genre for the mature Nintendo fan.. maybe a crime thriller or mystery game.

I'm not sure if Miyamoto is capable of doing anything but making people smile.


Maybe something fresh that he's not involved in.

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