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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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Interesting lady you have there Paj Meen Ah (whatever that means) I'm not really liking the drawingstyle on that one. .

Never heard of Emma Frost let alone that she loves jokes:laughing: Still the sig has some nice colouring to it and the white legs make me curious. what's up there?


7.5 - sig

6 - avatar

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Avatar: 9/10. :grin: (6 Bears out of 7)


Signature: 7/10 :D (5 Bears out of 7)


It's Emma Frost for a start. Plus I really enjoyed Wolverine and the X men. Well what I've seen thus far. I got to episode 8 a good few weeks ago now. Need to get back in to watching it!


Fused King:

Avatar: 4 Bears out of 7.


Signature: Not really there... :)

Edited by Coolness Bears
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Not sure who I should be rating so both!



Avatar: Looks really forced, really strange and slightly special. Plus the border doesn't match the signature border. 5

Sig: Better, but creepy. 7



Avatar: Leia = yay. Plus she looks like the poster child for "I'm PMTing, don't fuck wtih me otherwise I'll shoot you." 8

Signature: Nice, but bland. You can do better than that Molly :heh: 6

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Avatar - Having a bit of trouble making out what it is, 5


Sig - I do really like this, nice colours and of course characters, 7.5


It´s Cackletta with Fawful dastardly showing his face behind his soulder.


Very cool guy in your avatar.:awesome:


The sig is actually pretty funny: `Some old mustache is taking it right in the face:p`


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Signature ****** I like this. It looks really cool, especially the wrinkled paper effect and the black and white theme.

Avatar ****** A little too dark and a little too much going on. Not too visually pleasing and a little hard to discern. On the other hand, I have a feeling it's a cool motive, so it still gets three out of six stars.

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Never usually a fan of avs that are simply pictures of the user but you do look pretty awesome in it!! Like the sunglasses :) Border might help?


8 / 10




If I could translate it I would probably appreciate it more. Like the crinkled background but overall abit meh


6 / 10


Sorry y'all for the second post so soon but I finally got round to making myself a new av / sig earlier.

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Dan the tree liker, is your avatar Flight of the Conchords?


If so, excellent! :grin:


Ooh, no rating of my stuff. There was a time when I really, really, really gave a shit what the entire forum thought of my photoshopping skills, but as this is no longer 2006...just don't bother. I accept that I suck. :blush:

Edited by Roostophe
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Dan the tree liker, is your avatar Flight of the Conchords?


If so, excellent! :grin:


Ooh, no rating of my stuff. There was a time when I really, really, really gave a shit what the entire forum thought of my photoshopping skills, but as this is no longer 2006...just don't bother. I accept that I suck. :blush:


It most certainly is :) I am rather in love with them at the moment, only recently started watching the show but it cracks me up.


Ohh sig ratings


Paj who obviously will get a high mark merely because it's battlestar


Sig - Simple but effective, got a kind of retro feel, reminds me of something or other. And so say we all <3 Not such a fan of the second line, could do without the quote marks / exclamation mark maybe


7 / 10


Av - Aahh, Tricia Helfer. Niceley put together and bordered, and fits well with the sig, I can't really fault it!

I do get confused between the multiple people who have had a number 6 av on this forum though lol

9 / 10


And Im rating yours anyway Villan,

I give both a solid 7, the white border of the av is really slight and effective, and I like the whole silhouettes thing. Not a huge fan of the colours though.

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