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Rate the Above Poster's Avatar and Signature


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Never liked ones that are exactly the same pic on both, and I'm bored of it now,lol! Just get a new one.


Who is that, anyway? Miley Cyrus?


Lol, (Like Maddog says) it's Britney. I would change, but until I can get back onto my desktop, I can't make one. So, I can't change.


(Rate Paj)

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Avatar = she's pretty hot so that'll do me, like the background too 8/10


Sig = Nice, clean, sharp, professional (yes, even though it's a paint job! Bonus marks awarded!) - a fine effort Mr. Haggis. I'll have to start seeing what all the fuss with Gossip Girl is actually about 9/10

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Hehe! No worries! I like the picture myself. :)




Avatar - Lacks a border but otherwise very good. High quality! I do like. 6 Bears out of 7. :D


Signature - I can see it was made in paint! Not a bad attempt but nothing to exciting! I cannot wait for you to get your Desktop back or whatever you can go back to creating EPIC signatures. I want an awesome GG one! :p


4 Bears out of 7, for now!






Avatar - A giant Glass of Beer that warrants 6 Bears out of 7. It's an awesomely shaped glass as well! 5 Bears out of 7!


Signature - I've been reading your name wrong as Poke a Pillow aand for that I aplogise. Tis good I like the Font and the pictures. 5 and a Half Bears out of 7!


Also I've been reading your Blog!

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Hehe! No worries! I like the picture myself. :)




Avatar - Lacks a border but otherwise very good. High quality! I do like. 6 Bears out of 7. :D


Signature - I can see it was made in paint! Not a bad attempt but nothing to exciting! I cannot wait for you to get your Desktop back or whatever you can go back to creating EPIC signatures. I want an awesome GG one! :p


4 Bears out of 7, for now!






Avatar - A giant Glass of Beer that warrants 6 Bears out of 7. It's an awesomely shaped glass as well! 5 Bears out of 7!


Signature - I've been reading your name wrong as Poke a Pillow aand for that I aplogise. Tis good I like the Font and the pictures. 5 and a Half Bears out of 7!


Also I've been reading your Blog!


You are most loved kind sir! Was just about to change the avatar as realised that I didn't add a border to it! Feel free to share your views on it.


Edit: Feedback for yourself to come shortly. = Not too keen on the av I'm afraid, there are nicer pics - looks a bit monkeyish in that one.... 6.5/10!


However, I do love the sig, for she is absolutely stunning! I'm assuming you added the black outline yourself? If so t'is a very nice touch! 9/10!

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Just gonna rate everyone!




Av: 8/10

Sig: 7/10


Nice, considering "self" sigs and avvies have a tendency to go horribly wrong. The avatar reminds me of the Scarlet's Walk era of Tori Amos. (That won't make sense to non-fans, but there's polaroids in the album booklet with writing on them etc...)




Av: 4/10

Don't like the picture.

Sig: 7.5/10

Much nicer and more suiting her as a whole.




Av: 5/10

Seems off-kilter, which is fine, but not without a border!

Sig: 3/10

All fuzzy, and not interesting despite that, sorry. Plus I dislike the phrase, which I know is tongue-in-cheek whatever.

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I think your avatar and signature are both excellent as individual pieces but the repetition doesn't totally work for me. Perhaps cutting/pasting some more textboxes from previous/next panels into the avatar to provide a continuation of a story?




I've made a new sig! I know it's busy, I know it's ugly and incoherant and hardly innovative when it comes to using photoshop, but it's been a while! I basically had five images that I've wanted to use in a sig for ages, so for now I'll merge them together like voices in a crowd, then create individual ones for each element the next time I want one :) And yes, the avatar is crap.

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Damn those evil cucumbers. It's still you, in avatar form though, so I still love it. Original in any case!


As for the signature, much prefer it to the temporary one you had yesterday. Liking the icy blueness of it, though. Hmm.


Tough one. It feels like it could use a border, I reckon. I dunno. I like it!


6.5/10 for signature

8/10 for the avatar!


No points for a 'set' :p

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Wow; from indifference to dislike - make up your mind ;) Cheers for the honest review. You are right, it is too busy as a sig. I'll fix it up. It's not jack skellington, btw :)


I'd give your sigava a 4/10 combined because they're basically just images from t'internet. The unfortunate chopping of the heads in the signature is a bit jarring, and a bit of a shame. Sig limits say you got 50px left height-wise, why not give them their forheads back?

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Avvie: Pointlessly small (Huh?) and just less fun.






Better, but too "I did this a second ago on Photoshop." Actually, it'd look 300000000x better without the silly text/font across the nice pattern. It throws the whole thing off.


Yeah do that. Have a more subdued font, smaller, right way round and on the bottom somewhere.



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