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Doing things alone


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Not that you filthy animals

The general movie thread brought up the conversation of going to the cinema alone and then moved onto other things like holidays so thought it would make a good topic by itself. 

I often go to the cinema alone and quite enjoy using it as a place to relax and switch off unlike at home. I have a friend who may come but aligning availablity is what it is. 

Likewise I'll often go out to eat alone. Sometimes it's "I can't be bothered to cook" but I often travel alone so it's a necessity. I tend to just listen to a podcast while doing so. 

And when it comes to travelling, well let's just say a year ago today I arrived in Sydney for the first day of nearly 5 months of travelling alone. In fact, going anywhere with someone else now just doesn't work for me. Too much hassle. 

Travelling alone forces me to get out of my shell a bit more and try and chat to strangers. Sometimes in another language which is a challenge in itself. 

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I'm happy to do stuff alone and can enjoy the peace and quiet sometimes. I don't necessarily get a chance to often though, living in a remote area when you don't drive and have very little public transport means its hard to just pop out when I fancy doing something. I've been very lucky over the years that Goafer has been such a good friend and offered me so many lifts which means we tend to go a lot of places together.

I was saving for a solo holiday to Tokyo before the pandemic so I would like to get back to doing things alone again but as I'm currently trying to put money aside to move to somewhere a bit more active its going to have to be cheap. Did want to take up hiking last year bit once again that's hard to do when you can't get to the locations 😄

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I fully endorse going to the cinema alone, I don't get why people make it such a taboo subject, you sit in the dark and not talk for a couple of hours. Then you go home. It's not the social heavy event it's made out to be.

I've confronted the travelling alone aspect last year for Oktoberfest, for exactly the reasons you've mentioned Ashley. I'm planning on going again this year, some friends have expressed interest in coming this year, but I'm going to book my dates and it's up to them if they want to tag along. I'm not altering my plans to accommodate them.

Going out to eat though, I'm just too lazy to do that, lounge in the casual wear and order a pizza or something.

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Is this the loser thread where we can share our experiences of being losers?

Nah, I absolutely understand the appeal of doing things alone - certainly going to the cinema or a meal or something. The problem I have these days is I get no time to myself at all.

I can't imagine going on holiday alone though. I went to a couple of conferences in my youth, and it was nice exploring new places, but I did get very lonely and wished I could share my experience with someone else.

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Last movie i want to see alone was IT before my cinema closed down. Was a really fun time. Got an isle seat and they had these really big table kind of things next to you so i didn't have to put food in my lap or on the floor.

I often go out to resteraunts alone. The service is actually really fast for some reason when compaired to when i'm out to eat with other people and its surprisingly cheap when you're just paying for one person.

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4 hours ago, bob said:

I can't imagine going on holiday alone though. I went to a couple of conferences in my youth, and it was nice exploring new places, but I did get very lonely and wished I could share my experience with someone else.

I know it's not quite the same but I tended to message friends and chat to people there if it was excursions or whatever. 

Compared to my family trip to Disneyland in November it was much much calmer and could do things on my own time. 

3 hours ago, martinist said:

Last movie i want to see alone was IT before my cinema closed down. Was a really fun time. Got an isle seat and they had these really big table kind of things next to you so i didn't have to put food in my lap or on the floor.

I went to the cinema once and I was the only one in there and it was one of those with sofas so I took off my shoes and curled up on one of those. Best cinema experience ever. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I used to like going to the cinema alone pre-pandemic but when the pandemic happened and I couldn't go to the cinema for about a year I lost the confidence, though I still go with a friend every few weeks now, but haven't plucked up the courage to start going alone again. 

I used to like going places alone, but also loved that the hotel room was a judgement free place and somewhere I could get absolutely BLASTED and not have to worry about hiding my empty bottles and cans. So as much as I kinda want to, I haven't stopped over anywhere alone in nearly a year as to not get the urge to break my sobriety. 




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