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Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door REMAKE (23rd May 2024)


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26 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

I wouldn't go that far, but the final boss is kind of an infamous difficulty spike for newcomers.

Indeed. I shelved the game when I got there because you're locked in at a point of no return, iirc? It was many moons before I went back and finished it. After several retries, I'd say I only got through it by the sheer luck of facing a less aggressive attack routine the paltry inventory could deal with. Left a bad taste at the end of a very good GameCube RPG.

Far as I mind, something similar happened at the end of Mario + Luigi on GBA. There, I eventually dusted off the cart and started a new file. Didn't fancy that in TTYD so I commenced the aforementioned bang head off brick wall until breakthrough technique.

But yeah, @drahkon, there's massive diminishing returns in exp in these games to try to usher you onwards.

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Posted (edited)
51 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

Indeed. I shelved the game when I got there because you're locked in at a point of no return, iirc? It was many moons before I went back and finished it. After several retries, I'd say I only got through it by the sheer luck of facing a less aggressive attack routine the paltry inventory could deal with. Left a bad taste at the end of a very good GameCube RPG.

Far as I mind, something similar happened at the end of Mario + Luigi on GBA. There, I eventually dusted off the cart and started a new file. Didn't fancy that in TTYD so I commenced the aforementioned bang head off brick wall until breakthrough technique.

But yeah, @drahkon, there's massive diminishing returns in exp in these games to try to usher you onwards.

It’s not actually a point of no return, but it is a very long trek back to safety.

The pre and mid-battle cutscenes during the final boss are notorious for being nightmarishly long though, to the point that death during the final battle is a brutal punishment as you have to endure around 20 mins of cutscenes all over again if you don’t win.  Will be interesting to see if they renege on that design choice or if they choose to stick to the original version’s guns in that regard… Because there’s definitely an argument to be made about how much those incessant unskippable cutscenes raise the stakes of that final fight!

I'd actually have quite a bit of respect for IS if they do choose to leave it as-is, because it would NOT be a popular decision; but I do think it'd take away some of the unique flavour and tension that comes from the final battle as it was in the original game... It would certainly be a brave decision.  But I'm gonna go ahead and guess that they'll please the crowd and make those cutscenes skippable...

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26 minutes ago, Dcubed said:

It’s not actually a point of no return, but it is a very long trek back to safety.

The pre and mid-battle cutscenes during the final boss are notorious for being nightmarishly long though, to the point that death during the final battle is a brutal punishment as you have to endure around 20 mins of cutscenes all over again if you don’t win.  Will be interesting to see if they renege on that design choice or if they choose to stick to the original version’s guns in that regard… Because there’s definitely an argument to be made about how much those incessant unskippable cutscenes raise the stakes of that final fight!

I'd actually have quite a bit of respect for IS if they do choose to leave it as-is, because it would NOT be a popular decision; but I do think it'd take away some of the unique flavour and tension that comes from the final battle as it was in the original game... It would certainly be a brave decision.  But I'm gonna go ahead and guess that they'll please the crowd and make those cutscenes skippable...

If I'm remembering right, I think the Nintendo Life review mentioned that you'd be able to start again from the boss room if you go down during a boss battle, and that all of those cutscenes are indeed skippable. 

I won't lie, I was mainly there to see how chaotic the conversation around the decreased frame rate compared to the original was in the comments :p

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, darksnowman said:

Indeed. I shelved the game when I got there because you're locked in at a point of no return, iirc?

No, you're free to leave whenever you like. Of course, you'll have to trek back out of the dungeon, and then back again, but there's no point of no return.

EDIT: That's what I get for not refreshing the page...

Anyway, credits actually rolled for me last night. Beat the final boss in five turns because a certain partner is stupid OP!

Edited by Glen-i
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Oh, so you can grind...could've done with all the useless information, though :p

Anyways, enjoying the game quite a bit.
Early days, though. I fear I'll get burnt out by the battle system sooner or later. Not sure whether I like or loathe it.

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16 hours ago, Dcubed said:

It’s not actually a point of no return, but it is a very long trek back to safety.

15 hours ago, Glen-i said:

No, you're free to leave whenever you like. Of course, you'll have to trek back out of the dungeon, and then back again, but there's no point of no return.

Must have been too far back to a shop on my meagre supplies so I decided I was past the point of no return, then.

16 hours ago, Dcubed said:

The pre and mid-battle cutscenes during the final boss are notorious for being nightmarishly long though, to the point that death during the final battle is a brutal punishment as you have to endure around 20 mins of cutscenes all over again if you don’t win.  

You don't have to remind me. It was a rough end to a fairly straightforward game.

1 hour ago, drahkon said:

Oh, so you can grind...could've done with all the useless information, though :p

Anyways, enjoying the game quite a bit.
Early days, though. I fear I'll get burnt out by the battle system sooner or later. Not sure whether I like or loathe it.

And it will be a grind when you start receiving 1 exp per battle. Be interested to see how it goes for you, especially since the Nintendo hype alone won't carry you through. Don't think you can ever truly coast through battles due to the button pressing so it may become a bit wearisome after the initial novelty period.

These beginner tips will tell you how to suck eggs in a variety of ways:

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OK, this has been bugging me for the past week!


Look on the right hand side

What the hell is that!? Bowser? A relative? A Koopa Troopa's attempt at rebellious vandalism!?
No-one acknowledges it!

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3 hours ago, Glen-i said:

OK, this has been bugging me for the past week!


Look on the right hand side

What the hell is that!? Bowser? A relative? A Koopa Troopa's attempt at rebellious vandalism!?
No-one acknowledges it!

Some poor little Goomba put his heart and soul into that, Glen, and you just poo-pood it like it was nothing. Poor thing has gone home to his family all distraught now, wifey Goomba is gonna have to try to cheer him up now before he does something foolish like get squashed by a guy in a moustache. And think of the poor kiddie Goombas who have to ask mummy why daddy is sad. And mummy Goomba will have to explain that daddy tried his best to give Great Lord Bowser a birthday gift that he can hang in his wall, but some nobody in real world land just went online to be a troll about it. 
I hope you’re happy now. 

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2 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

Some poor little Goomba put his heart and soul into that, Glen, and you just poo-pood it like it was nothing.

Oh? A Goomba? Then who cares? No-one has any interest in the artistic sense of a Goomba!

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7 hours ago, Glen-i said:

OK, this has been bugging me for the past week!


Look on the right hand side

What the hell is that!? Bowser? A relative? A Koopa Troopa's attempt at rebellious vandalism!?
No-one acknowledges it!

It's Mr Reswob and he comes from some place far away. 


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10 minutes ago, BowserBasher said:

That must be the villain in Luigi's adventure to save Princess Eclair.

Oh, actually. Funny thing about the "Chestnut King".

The joke with this character is kinda lost in the translation, but in the Japanese version, the Chestnut King is this dude.


Yes, Luigi is on an epic quest to defeat the first boss in Paper Mario 64!

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18 hours ago, Glen-i said:

OK, this has been bugging me for the past week!


Look on the right hand side

What the hell is that!? Bowser? A relative? A Koopa Troopa's attempt at rebellious vandalism!?
No-one acknowledges it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Credits rolled.


So, finally beat the game just now. Thinking back, I am now not sure I ever actually beat the final boss on the GC as I don't remember it nor the credits scene. Either way, I can now put it down as done.

So I didn't have any difficulty in any battles up until that damn final boss. I had beaten Grodus and Bowser no issues, First time round I easily dispatched the Peach bit of the battle, couldn't remember about the healing and no damage portion, finally got the cutscene and stated to go at it. Using three 50hp restoring shrooms, two 50fp restoring jelly I had her down to 9hp. But I was on my last legs with no star power to heal. She healed twice taking her back up too far for me to deal enough in one go, so she ended up beating me. That was yesterday.

Fired it up again today, and on restarting outside the door to the final boss, there is now a new pipe, that was obviously not in the original that takes you from that final door, back to just inside the first room after entering the Thousand Year Door. So I took the opportunity to go back to Rougeport and stock up on stuff.

First, adjusted my badges. More damage dealing ones, and anything to help defend too. Checked my stored items and saw I had another three of the best shrooms, so took them out. Then took the train to get a few Boo Cloaks as always helpful. Now back to take her on again.

Well, I didn't need to go get them items at all. Took down Peach, started on the queen, used Vivian to hide from the mega powerful attack, and just kept jumping on her with multi bounce and using Fire Jinx. Kept on at the special moves that powers up your defence and attack, and just wailed on her. Had to switch to Bobbery when Vivian was down, but that was all that was needed. Kept dealing the damaged, used on Boo Cloak and had to use one FP jelly but then was able to do this...

Saw that she was down to 13hp, she didn't heal so I just had to finish with this. So satisfying.


Great game. I don't think it'll be bad if I put this bit here too as I know some people had mentioned about point of no return and all that. If you fail to beat the Queen and either go back to the last save or quit and return later, there will be a pipe just before the final room that will take you all the way back to the first room after entering the Thousand Year Door. So you can easily get back to Rougeport and restock, then go straight back to the fight.

finally, @Glen-i, what the setup you use to be able to beat her in 5 rounds? Who is the OP partner. I guessed a few strategies that I thought it might include but I just don't know how you would do it so quick.

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22 hours ago, BowserBasher said:

finally, @Glen-i, what the setup you use to be able to beat her in 5 rounds? Who is the OP partner. I guessed a few strategies that I thought it might include but I just don't know how you would do it so quick.


It all revolves around Yoshi. Yes, the one character who can't actually damage the final boss by himself.

In fact, outside of Danger Mario strategies, he's the strongest character in the game!

For what it's worth, my BP was in the 40's by the final boss. (50 HP and 25 FP is more then enough)

Badges that increase attack for partners work a bit differently on Yoshi. If you put one Power Plus P on, his Ground Pound does 2-1-1-1-1-1 damage.

However, what if you were to put on 3? Well then, for some reason, Ground Pound now does 4-3-2-1-1-1 damage!

I think you see where this is going, but I'll spell it out. There's 3 Power Plus P badges in the game, and there's also a P-Up D-Down P badge. So you can boost Yoshi's attack by 4.

And then, you do Power Lift. Power Lift is easily the best Special attack in the game. With a bit of practice, you can consistently boost attack and defense by 4 every time.

So after subtracting the 1 defense she has, Yoshi will do 8-7-6-5-4-3, for an eye watering 33 damage! Are the hands out? Use Stampede! It's like Ground Pound on everything! A lot more manageable when they're gone every second round.

Equip both Feeling Fine's for safety, Quick Change so you can swap Yoshi out for anyone else so they take damage for him, and spend the rest on power boosting badges for Mario, so he can do some damage when he doesn't need to use Power Lift, and presto! Easy Peasy Final Boss!


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19 hours ago, Glen-i said:
  Ultimate Power! Teeny-tiny living space. (Hide contents)

It all revolves around Yoshi. Yes, the one character who can't actually damage the final boss by himself.

In fact, outside of Danger Mario strategies, he's the strongest character in the game!

For what it's worth, my BP was in the 40's by the final boss. (50 HP and 25 FP is more then enough)

Badges that increase attack for partners work a bit differently on Yoshi. If you put one Power Plus P on, his Ground Pound does 2-1-1-1-1-1 damage.

However, what if you were to put on 3? Well then, for some reason, Ground Pound now does 4-3-2-1-1-1 damage!

I think you see where this is going, but I'll spell it out. There's 3 Power Plus P badges in the game, and there's also a P-Up D-Down P badge. So you can boost Yoshi's attack by 4.

And then, you do Power Lift. Power Lift is easily the best Special attack in the game. With a bit of practice, you can consistently boost attack and defense by 4 every time.

So after subtracting the 1 defense she has, Yoshi will do 8-7-6-5-4-3, for an eye watering 33 damage! Are the hands out? Use Stampede! It's like Ground Pound on everything! A lot more manageable when they're gone every second round.

Equip both Feeling Fine's for safety, Quick Change so you can swap Yoshi out for anyone else so they take damage for him, and spend the rest on power boosting badges for Mario, so he can do some damage when he doesn't need to use Power Lift, and presto! Easy Peasy Final Boss!


Well I didn’t guess at that one. May have to try that next time I feel like a full playthrough. 

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  • 1 month later...


Wow that was satisfying, unsurprising since Golden Dazybees are the Metal Slimes of Paper Mario. Manages to defeat 2 in one battle. Is 100 the cap per battle?

Bit overleveled now, got quite a few from the Pit of 100 Trials.

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I guess my only "complaints" are that the Glitzpit chapter drags on a bit, despite it being a cool concept. And that inventory space was a bit too limited.

The new bosses were cool additions. Although one them made me realise that Super Guarding is it's own thing and not just the timed guard. Went through almost the whole game without knowing that. Super Guarding is OP though.

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2 hours ago, Ike said:

And that inventory space was a bit too limited.

I was so excited when I saw that you could carry 15 items from the start.

"Oh man! What if the strange sack gives you 25 now? What if it doubles it to 30!?"

Nope, still gives you 20. Kinda lame going down 50 floors only to get 5 more items now...

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