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Super Smash Bros. Revolution


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This game is going to be sweet goes without saying and because of that it needs a Thread where people can wait in anticipation. Discussing which characters whould make the cut and which shouldn't? How are nintendo gonna implement their controller? What will the multiplayer modes be like? What stages should make the cut? Should Nintendo have destructable environments? What items should make the cut? How can be played over WIFI? Custimisation? How may trophies will there be? and much much more.


Since the last game was so huge we should expect something monumental.

I think it would be really cool to add more custimisation to this game. Such as different costumes like (play as cel shaded link or realistic link or play as Old model of samus or New model of samus?)

Personally the characters I most want are


1 Charizard

2 Ridley

3 Wario


I hope Nintendo include some cel shaded stages from Wind waker and maybe a Twillight stage)

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Im expecting about 10 more characters than Melee,I've been wondering how the rev control would work since the games 2D might make it a bit akward at first,use cintrol stick to move swing the remote to attack but I dunno how you would do the up and B attacks from melee.Trophies,they're will be tones of em and online is something that makes me wonder,don't know how'd that work,hope its not like MK

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If anything the freehand controller should be used for movement of the character, but personally i want classic controls when i come to play smash brothers.


That said i do also want a 2d platformer using just the freehand controller, but thats for a different thread i guess


I want to be able to use oni link


And no more clone characters of the ganondorf variety, he really should have had his own unique move set

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Unique moves for characaters is a must I think, and perhaps a few characters from Melee left out? Or at least Dr. Mario, he was totally unnecessary.


I'd like to see...


Animal Crossing Character - Two costumes make it a girl, two make it a boy.

I'm thinking attacks involving spade/fishing rod/net as well as normal punches. Could work pretty well.


Captain Olimar - Normal attacks involving him nutting people and then various B button equivalent attacks with different pikmin doing different things.


Wario - He's got to be involved in some way, I can't believe they missed him out of the last one.


Sonic - The companies have a great relationship well and every gamer would love to see it. It must be done.


I think the likes of Pichu and Dr. Mario - The clone characters should still be in it, but as different oufits (In the same way Daisy was for Peach) I can understand them being in and its cool but is there really any need, Dr.Mario could still have the pill instead of a fireball but it should just be an alternate outfit. I'd also like to see Mario and Luigi's backpacks added, just to make them a little different and more interesting.


If they make each character different and make an even bigger, better adventure mode then it would be perfect - New weapons and stuff would be cool. I think maybe wario ware related special items could be good. To be honest I'm really curious to see how they do it though I expect we'll see something more like the way you manipulate the analogue stick to do something different with the a/b button mapped over to the stick. I don't expect they'll do anything too drastic. Should be top notch though :D

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Sonic - The companies have a great relationship well and every gamer would love to see it.


I assume you don't have any statistics to back that up. ;) I've read a lot of people saying they'd like Sonic in SSB Revolution, but just as many who, like me, would hate it. SSBM is all about wallowing in Nintendo nostalgia, and Sonic has absolutely no place in it.


I liked your other ideas, though - I agree that Nintendo needs to sort out the clone characters (and maybe get rid of Pichu altogether), and your ideas for new characters all sound cool. An Animal Crossing character would be interesting, although what would they call it? Maybe it'd have to be one of the NPCs, like Tom Nook. Wario should definitely be in there too, and I'd like to see another Pokémon (one of the decent, more powerful ones ones - not wastes of space like Pichu and Jigglypuff). I'd also like to see another F-Zero character, Olimar and maybe one of the Wario Ware characters, like Jimmy T or even Mona (to increase the number of female characters). Just as long as they don't add too many Mario characters - I don't think anyone really wants to see Petey Phirana or Diddy Kong, do they?


I hope they do add a lot of new elements to the game, but don't change it too much. SSBM was nigh on perfection, and I wouldn't want them to mess around with it too much.

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I'd like Sonic and Shadow in it ,mainly cause it would be fun,whether it happens or not game will still be fun though.But eventually they will run out of decent Nintendo characters that have different moves.I bet a new character in the game would be the main char from that new franchise Nitnedo is making

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Destructable scenery, Ive wanted that since the first Smash Bros. And tone down the pokemon, its getting old. Im expecting Baby Bowser will be a character but just a clone. I want yoshi to be changed aswell. He needs different attributes for different colours. And while I think of it, how about a stage the gets smaller and smaller as the fihgt goes on? Random bits just crumble off.

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Destructable scenery, Ive wanted that since the first Smash Bros. And tone down the pokemon, its getting old. Im expecting Baby Bowser will be a character but just a clone. I want yoshi to be changed aswell. He needs different attributes for different colours. And while I think of it, how about a stage the gets smaller and smaller as the fihgt goes on? Random bits just crumble off.

Yea that would be good for a course if a fight drags on,kinda like sudden death

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Well, for teams, I'd like there to be numbers OR colours, as in a choice. I don't like having to choose a colour for a certain team, so I think using Team 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. would be much more effective.


To be honest, I think Diddy Kong would be an interesting character, garb people with his tail or jump on their head. I'd just like to see him used.


I'd imagine the controller would be used for movement, and the analog attachment being used with the a and b buttons on the face of the controller. Z1 and Z2 could be used as B and A maybe? Just thinking. Also, the trigger for grab attacks. I don't know.


Dr. Mario doesn't need to be in it, replace him with Wario and I'll be happy. Another thing I don't like is "Young" Link. Make the Younger version be called "Link" and an older version called "Adult Link". Heh, just that Link is usually a kid and all, I'd prefer to see him more that way.


A few more F-Zero characters here and there would be nice, I'd find it interesting. Don't forget to make Ganon(dorf) a unique character who can possibly change into his Pig Demon form.


Online Play, well, first, it should have a Profile, that's something like:

*Opens up.

**When Online



Fav. Character:

Battle record*



---Challenge (1v1), Invite to game (1v1+) Chat, Invite to conversation,


Basically, you should see who is online, choose who you challenge one on one, invite them to join a game with a few more friends, chat, and invite them to already active chats. Heh.

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First I want a new kind of power ups that when each character grabs it, he evolves for a certain amount of time. Link ->Oni Link, Pikachu -> Raichu, Mewtwo ->Mewtwo with armor and so on.

Some parts of the set destructable like Munky said before.

Snapshots when you pause, instead of only snapshot mode. Also being able to rotate 360 with the camera.

Personalized adventure mode- each character has some specific levels and enemies that others don't.

Online with everything you could wish for, chat only before and after battles.

Official tournaments, where you win exclusive trophies and some credits for the Virtual Console.

Dress up the characters as you want, like putting hats and dresses and such.

Use the classic shell, so it plays like the GC one.

Young Link is cel shaded and adult Link is from TP.

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Keep all the current ones, apart from Ness and Mewtwo. Definitely keep Mr Game and Watch. :)


I would say that each character should have a special signature move, and they shouldn't just be clones of other characters.

In addition, i would love to be able to fight as:

Samurai Goroh (f zero)




Tingle (:D)

Impa? (Zelda's carer in Oot. The one on the horse with her when she throws the ocarina into the water)

Captain Olimar

Ridley. That would be awesome. :D




All the current ones are fine. The new ones i want to see are:


Some area out of mario sunshine. The beach or plaza are good ideas. :D

Phendrana drifts or chozo ruins. :D

Some areas out of the wind waker. Dragon roost island, maybe?


Will add more later. A little short of ideas at the moment. :p

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i dont wanna sound like im attacking various members who have posted in this thread, but if you play SSBM enough, you find that the 'clone characters' play so much differently. i can kick arse with pichu, but cant use pikachu for the life of me!!! and when playing marth/roy or falco/fox i have completely different styles for each. they may as well have a new moveset.


anyway, other comments:

-im a sonic nut. but i dont think that he has a place in smash bros.

-i think we have enough pokemon in the game as it is...

-i like Hellfires idea on the tournaments.

-captain olimar and wario would be nice additions... but i cant agree with any of the other characters that other members have mentioned.


characters id like to see (even if they are clones):


-toad (one of the 'weak but annoying characters' like jigglypuff... i like them!)

-Wolf O'Donnel

-Ridley wouldnt be bad... i worry about character power though

-ANY Tales of symphonia characters

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I assume you don't have any statistics to back that up. ;)


To be fair no, its just a judgement based on me and others I've spoken to about it who love the idea of Sonic finally being able to fight Mario. Don't really want to see any more Sega characters in it though because it just wouldn't feel right.


Totally agree on the mario characters point, we don't want the cast additions being all the characters from Mario Kart. I'd say only Wario is an essential addition.


Hopefully with the wi-fi Nintendo will include new downloadable characters and levels over time. Say they invent a new franchise thats suitable, up they pop.


As for the number of characters from franchises I'd say in general two is enough, more from Mario but perhaps less from others. It'd be cool though in some cases to have a good guy and a bad guy for the two main charactesr (i.e. Samus and Ripley)


What I don't want is something like this :heh:



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:wink: I want R.O.B., Mr. Game & Watch... most of all I want a better Smash Brothers (If that's possible).

But what would really be nice would be "Shigeru Miyamoto" and Reggie :wink:, like Reggie would throw NDSs out of his pocket and Myiamoto would swing his giant head... and would have link's shield and sword :P

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Charactes from Paper Mario maybe? Oh and Mallow from Mario RPG definitely!



Some of the Koopa Kids

Cranky Kong

Tingle (so I can kick his ass)


Metroid Prime Hunters characters

The character from Miyamotos new IP


Think they should turn Ridley into a boss of some kind, after all he does look like a bad guy out of Contra!

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I'd love to see some kind of shape-shifting Pikmin character. The Pikmin would all join together to create some kind of big bad-ass giant killer Pikmin of doom. Olimar needs to be in their too, maybe in tandem with Louie a la' Ice Climbers. Also Reggie, stomping and spitting fire 'zilla style. That would be cool.

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as one of those characters like the professor from tekken, where you have to spend ages typing in a code and it often gets disturbed by a biatch of an attack.. but if you can get it fast enough you absolutely pwn.


polygon if you didn't know is a feeble pokemon but when morphed it can imitate any other character (minus skills) of course in smash bros. it would have the skills because it would be helpless otherwise.


enter the pwnage.

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Captain Olimar has to be in there, a tiny Pikmin throwing badass is exactly my type of character.


Also Krystal would be great as a martial artist. Hope she gets rid of all them people who pick Fox and Falco ALL THE TIME.


And what about Majora's Mask as an item that reverses your controls?


Or Navi that screams "HEY HEY LISTEN HEY HEY HEY LINK" in your online headset. That would be awesome.

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Look people....please only state Nintendo characters.


This is SUPER SMASH BROS!!!!!.....NOT Super Game Bros or Sega VS 'Tendo


I'd like to see:

Wario (since he has sets of moves already more-or-less)


apparently there's a chance of seeing Dark Samus (as a skin?!? is as a different character, then I hope it's not too much like Samus)

Kid Icarus

an Animal Crossing character or two; Tom Nook, KK or the playable character

A couple more Fire Emblem characters


King Dedede


and I can't think of that many more at the mo, but i think there should be a weapons such as:




Advance Wars!?!?....Tank Charge!?...Air Strike?!


There should also be different levels such as:


Doshin....IF he counds as Nintendo :hmm:

Advance Wars


and I think characters like Samus should have proper different skins (i.e. all the suits from the games)

Dr Mario should be a skin

Pichu should be taken out completely because he SUCKS!!!


Also, Daisy should be in it more properly (still a skin or Peach, but with her own voice)

Dark Link should also be a skin of Link

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Instead of different colour combinations for the same character i'd like different models.

For example:

1.Normal Mario

Dr. Mario


Metal Mario

Extra Unlockable Suit!: Paper Mario

2.Adult Link

Young Link

Cel shaded Link

Fierce Deity Link

Extra Unlockable Suit!: The Wolf


Instead of having a red, blue, green and yellow Mario an outfit system like that would rock!


I want Pit in the game and if it's possible Cloud and Sephiroth. :bowdown:

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