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Hades (PC, Switch)


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I've been concentrating on the spear lately and came very close to finishing yesterday evening. I was surprised by the final boss when I just thought I had him and he 


then resurrected and showed a phase two. Damnit, I got a bit careless during the final seconds of the first phase and had to use my final Death Defiance so I wasn't prepared at all. Still got him down to about quarter health but it was an uphill struggle. 

Today I got to the final boss again but knew I wasn't going to make it as I didn't have very good Boons and had no Death Defiance left. Was surprised that I even got past the third boss with my setup. 

Edited by MindFreak
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I'm addicted to Poms!

The keepsake that P gives you that gifts you a random Pom level after each 4 encounters is my new jam.

The other day I got that duo boon that gives you a +1 pom level each time you pick one up, as well as the +1 pom level with every nectar pick up. By the end, all of my boons were double figure levelled! Love it!

Trying to go through and get as many of the legendary/duo boons as I can now, as well as doing as many things in the Fated lists as i can.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just keep coming back to this game. I’ve now completed the game with all weapons aspects, except 4 of the legendaries. Guan Yu is proving very tricky, and I think I may have to invest more blood things in it. 
I tried a Guan Yu run just to get it to the surface for the achievement, and ended up beating the final boss with 26 health to spare!

I basically got all Artemis boons and maxed out as much health as I could. Had around 150 health and 2 death defys at the final boss. The Artemis boons meant I was regular dealing out 1000+ damage with my special.

I did a previous run with the Railgun, where I maxed out the ammo to be 30, and tried to do as much damage with my attack as I could. Ended up getting a Duo boon in the final Satyr dungeon that did something to my cast (I think it was Demeter + Poseidon) which utterly wrecked the final Boss. Ended up not even using my attack, and instead just repeated the cast over and over again. No idea how it was doing it, but I want complaining!
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  • 1 month later...

Well I finally saw the epilogue for this game, and I've pretty much done everything I want to do in it.

Ended up with 120+ attempts, and about 30+ successful escapes. I haven't checked how many hours I've spent playing, but I definitely got my money's worth.

I seriously didn't expect to enjoy this game at all, and it ended up being one of my favourite games of the past couple of years, and has me curious about checking out other rogue-likes/lites, which is incredible.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
21 minutes ago, MindFreak said:

24 attempts and finally got through it the first time. I feel like I'm terrible at this game. It took me 49 minutes. Used the Shield with Aspect of Zeus. 

Now we'll see if I want to go through it again or call it a game. 

24 attempts isn’t bad, really. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've defeated final boss four times now, twice with the shield, once with the spear and once with the bow now. A run still takes about 40 minutes for me to complete - a friend of mine does them in 20 minutes and I don't understand how we can be so far apart in that regard! His first runs were about 30-35 minutes so still quite substantial difference.

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So I've defeated final boss four times now, twice with the shield, once with the spear and once with the bow now. A run still takes about 40 minutes for me to complete - a friend of mine does them in 20 minutes and I don't understand how we can be so far apart in that regard! His first runs were about 30-35 minutes so still quite substantial difference.
It might just be a more aggressive vs defensive style? With lots of dodging around before attacking, you might draw out your fights a fair amount.

I was also pretty slow, most of mine were 25-30 mins.
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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

One of my personal gaming goals this year was to finish Pyre ( done this in Feb ) which would make way for me to play Hades. It's a game that got a stupid amount of praise in 2020, was released last year on the PS4/PS5 and a game that I wanted to play. I was hesitant to do so due to the way that I feel about the genre but, as people on here should know by now, I do like to keep trying games that are out of my wheelhouse. After 30+ hours and 130+ escape attempts...(PS5 version)


What a game! It did take me a while to get into it though. At the start I was a little confused as to what everything was within the game. I don't think a lot of it was explained all that well but due to the nature of the game it didn't really matter that much. I was essentially learning as I went through each of my runs until I eventually figured everything out. By the time I had finished my 10th run, the game had it's hooks in me.

I started off with the sword and stuck with that until I had learnt enemy patterns and figured out what boons were best suited to my style of play. Eventually I would switch the sword for the gloves/fists as I found the faster attacks and movement much more satisfying. The worst weapons for me were both the gun and bow. I wasn't a fan of the ranged combat but had to learn how to cope with it as there was a trophy for finishing the game with every weapon.

Speaking of trophies, the platinum is a doozy. I had to fully level up every keepsake, unlock every helper creature, get the final epilogue of the story which requires getting the first ending and then levelling up most of the gods of Olympus to the max level, completing the game with a heat level of 16 ( modifiers that make the game harder ), unlock all of the weapon aspects...yeah, this is why my escape attempts is at 130+. :D One of the major things blocking my platinum was doing the storyline for Achilles. It took ages for the game to give me the right dialogue for both him and his partner and it took many normal and suicide runs in order to unlock it.

Back to the game, I just love how balanced everything is. Even when I had a bad run and things weren't going my way I knew that if I pressed on that a single boon had the power to completely change the outcome of my run. This actually happened when doing my run with the gun weapon. I was really struggling but found a boon that made my special shot into a kind of 3 way mortar. I was able to then decimate groups of enemies thanks to this. Some runs were tougher than others but all of them were fair.

I did have some boons that I would favour over the others. Ones I would immediately snap up were the Blade Dash and the ability to do Doom when damaged, both of which were from Ares. I would then look for the one that essentially does poison damage if I hit the enemy. Finally, any boon that done damage to armour would be straight on the list. Having all of these things at my disposal meant for a very easy run. After that I would just plough things into health and increase my damage and power of the boons. 

My only gripe with the game is the final area. I hated how a lot of the enemies threw poison all over the place. It made for some very annoying moments and it was easily the toughest area of the game for me. It just meant I had to be more careful and couldn't just dash around like a madman. If I had something that destroyed the armour of the rats then it wasn't too bad, if not then I just took things a little slower.

Yeah, very happy I took a chance on this and finally played it. I really should have posted in here as I was playing the game as I could have sat and talked about my progress and each of my runs. I can see why the game got all the praise it did. It's certainly worthy of it. 

Both Returnal and Hades done and dusted. That's 2 rogue-like/lite games in as many months. I'm turning into drahkon...


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Not being privy to your goings on on Playstation, I was oblivious to your attempts at eking info out of me on this game. :grin: 

As I mentioned, Hades has just never looked good to me and that goes back to seeing it in the Directs... what I mean by that is, the graphics look well crafted but it doesn't strike me as a game that looks fun to play. Yet I keep checking in on it (when there's an eShop sale) because all that game of the year praise it was showered with can't be wrong.

You've commented on the boon system, but how does movement and attacking feel, then? I've recently played Bastian as per your rec, is character weight and speed comparable to that?

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Not being privy to your goings on on Playstation, I was oblivious to your attempts at eking info out of me on this game. :grin: 
As I mentioned, Hades has just never looked good to me and that goes back to seeing it in the Directs... what I mean by that is, the graphics look well crafted but it doesn't strike me as a game that looks fun to play. Yet I keep checking in on it (when there's an eShop sale) because all that game of the year praise it was showered with can't be wrong.
You've commented on the boon system, but how does movement and attacking feel, then? I've recently played Bastian as per your rec, is character weight and speed comparable to that?

I've only played a tiny bit of Bastion, but the movement in Hades is enormously better. The controls are tight and responsive, and you really feel in control at all times.
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20 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

That's 2 rogue-like/lite games in as many months. I'm turning into drahkon...




20 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

Speaking of trophies, the platinum is a doozy. I had to fully level up every keepsake, unlock every helper creature, get the final epilogue of the story which requires getting the first ending and then levelling up most of the gods of Olympus to the max level, completing the game with a heat level of 16 ( modifiers that make the game harder ), unlock all of the weapon aspects...yeah, this is why my escape attempts is at 130+. :D

Ohhhh, this sounds awesome.
I guess I'll have to get the game on PS5 then :p 

Edited by drahkon
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2 hours ago, darksnowman said:

You've commented on the boon system, but how does movement and attacking feel, then? I've recently played Bastian as per your rec, is character weight and speed comparable to that?

As Bob said, the movement in this game is much better. Very fast, responsive and fluid. Dashing around the area and pulling off attacks is very satisfying.

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I've not played Bastion, but this game is very fluid and snappy. Utter joy to control.

@Hero-of-Time, you nutjob! The bow is one of the better weapons! Specifically, the second aspect. Just stick a boon (like Zeus' or Artemis' ones) on the special and watch that damage rack up!

I'm still doing some runs now and again. Attempted a heat level of 10 for the first time, and put Extreme Measures to max.


Pure, utter panic on my part when Hades suddenly summoned Cerberus to the fight! And then the bugger got up a second time!? Yeah, didn't last much longer after that...


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