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Monster Hunter Rise


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Cheers for the games @Mokong @Blade & @Hero-of-Time :D

Those were some great hunts, pleased to make it to HR2 as well, and even though we had some faints on the last quest, at least it was on a Rathian, we'll get it next time. :peace:

The game runs really well online as well, that was with one or two wired connections at one point, and two wireless connections, no obvious lag, it all just... worked.

Discord for the chat works well too.

It seems to be that your item box gets an extra page depending on what HR rank you are, that's good to know, as I didn't think two pages of items would last that long.

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Good hunts last night, guys. Sorry I only stuck around for a couple but I’m usually up early and sleep early, which is the opposite of most of you on here. :p 

I ended up finishing the Hub portion of the game this morning. I don’t think I’ve ever reached the end game in a MH title so quickly. The difficulty doesn’t really ramp up at all. It may do in some of the extra quests but all the standard ones I tackled caused no issues.

The final battle is a great fight. MH games often struggle to make interesting end bosses, with scale often being prioritised over fun. Here though there are lots of mechanics at play, with plenty of platform needing to be done to avoid attacks. I can see me farming this fight for money because of how fun it is.



I can see why reports came out about how the game just ends abruptly. You can see there’s more to come and hopefully we don’t have to wait long until the end arrives. Ridiculous that this is even a thing.

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7 hours ago, S.C.G said:

Cheers for the games @Mokong @Blade & @Hero-of-Time :D

Those were some great hunts, pleased to make it to HR2 as well, and even though we had some faints on the last quest, at least it was on a Rathian, we'll get it next time. :peace:

The game runs really well online as well, that was with one or two wired connections at one point, and two wireless connections, no obvious lag, it all just... worked.

Discord for the chat works well too.

It seems to be that your item box gets an extra page depending on what HR rank you are, that's good to know, as I didn't think two pages of items would last that long.

Yeah that was a good laugh, didn't feel like I had properly gotten into the online side playing with Randoms, haha. First time using Discord myself, as say worked well, till I had a weird moment near end where lost all sound. Thought my headset ran out of battery but still had sounds from phone coming through. Left call and rejoined and was fine.

It's great the way now if more than one person has an urgent you don't have to be the host for it to count towards your progress. When I looked at the HR2 quests and saw Rathian I thought, nice lets finish with an old friend :p

But I kinda went into old MH mode when I started fighing and forgot the wirebug was a thing. Kept forgetting yo use it for recovery at start of the fight haha.

Using for recovery though is a great new addition. Didn't know about it during the demo only found out recently. Great for avoiding a second hit while grounded and it also puts away your weapon so you can use a potion if needed.

Or if you don't take much damage you can use it to pull yourself back towards the monster to get back in the fight faster.


@Hero of Time
what armour was your palimute wearing that head gear looked awesome

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Yeah, rampage quests are, ummm... "Interesting"

Feels like it's more designed for multiplayer, though. Trying to handle all that stuff by yourself is stressful.

Can't help but notice a lot of you saying that the areas feel too small. You lot are mad! I think they're too big. If you need a dog to make getting anywhere bearable, the place is too damn big!

@Hero-of-Time, so far, I'm in agreement with your armour issues. With every piece of armour guaranteed to give you some kind of skill, it's far too easy to cultivate an absolutely busted set. I'm about to do the 4 star village urgent quest, and the skills I have would make my Hunter in Generations Ultimate cry in happiness.

It also means that mixing armour sets is massively encouraged and mixed armour sets tend to look really ugly. (Thankfully Layered Armour exists, even if I haven't unlocked it yet... I hope it's not locked exclusively being Hub quests...)

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So I just did my first double monster arena quest in Rise. Used the fence at one point so that I could carve the first monster in peace, and then came a Yakuza style revelation! :idea: No... surely you can’t do that with the Wirebug too... can you?

Yes. Yes you can! :D 

Although this also means the end of comically getting trapped on the wrong side of the fence. :heh: 

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57 minutes ago, Glen-i said:

Yeah, rampage quests are, ummm... "Interesting"

Feels like it's more designed for multiplayer, though. Trying to handle all that stuff by yourself is stressful.

Can't help but notice a lot of you saying that the areas feel too small. You lot are mad! I think they're too big. If you need a dog to make getting anywhere bearable, the place is too damn big!

@Hero-of-Time, so far, I'm in agreement with your armour issues. With every piece of armour guaranteed to give you some kind of skill, it's far too easy to cultivate an absolutely busted set. I'm about to do the 4 star village urgent quest, and the skills I have would make my Hunter in Generations Ultimate cry in happiness.

It also means that mixing armour sets is massively encouraged and mixed armour sets tend to look really ugly. (Thankfully Layered Armour exists, even if I haven't unlocked it yet... I hope it's not locked exclusively being Hub quests...)

Yeah, I've only just got the Lagombi set, but even something as basic as that already has some nice skills (and I've already got Affinity +30%!).  Game is really, really easy so far.

Do hope that the later Hub quests/Event quests put up a good fight... or else it's gonna be a LOOOOOOOONNNNGGGG wait for G-rank...

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I've not paid attention yet to the armour skills. Just focused on defense and res first.

I got 3 sets now, Lagombi, Aknosom and Tetradon, don't even know what skills they have haha.

But I loved mix and matching sets in previous games to get skills. So I will be on that soon.

I assume layered armour is the same a transmog from GU?

Will we be getting event quests too? Hoping for my Shadow Shades, Biker Jacket and Leather Pants make a come back. Used to love rocking that set and going into low rank lobbies to help out new hunters.

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Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all! :heh:

However, I have my full hunting gear on in the above pic. Yeah, turns out there's an option to hide individual parts/all of your armour in this version of MH, or maybe that was also possible in previous games too and I just don't remember it. ::shrug:

You can do exactly the same for your buddies as well, so I've used it to hide their weapons and make them look even cuter. :grin:

Anyway... I should probably get back to, you know... actually hunting monsters. :laughing:

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42 minutes ago, RedShell said:


Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all! :heh:

However, I have my full hunting gear on in the above pic. Yeah, turns out there's an option to hide individual parts/all of your armour in this version of MH, or maybe that was also possible in previous games too and I just don't remember it. ::shrug:

You can do exactly the same for your buddies as well, so I've used it to hide their weapons and make them look even cuter. :grin:

Anyway... I should probably get back to, you know... actually hunting monsters. :laughing:

Where is this option?

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1 hour ago, RedShell said:

Item Box > Manage Equipment > Equipment Display (for hunter)

Buddy Board > Manage Equipment > Equipment Display (for buddies)


Ah sweet, didn't notice that. Wasn't a fan of the look of equipment on my doggo so that is much better :)

I unlocked 4star village quests and saw a Rathian quest so took revenge (multiple times) on it for what it did to @S.C.G
@Blade and myself last night (or was that this morning :p )

Got almost a full set of it's armour done, only missing arms cuz it need a Rathlos item

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4 hours ago, RedShell said:


Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all! :heh:

However, I have my full hunting gear on in the above pic. Yeah, turns out there's an option to hide individual parts/all of your armour in this version of MH, or maybe that was also possible in previous games too and I just don't remember it. ::shrug:

You can do exactly the same for your buddies as well, so I've used it to hide their weapons and make them look even cuter. :grin:

Anyway... I should probably get back to, you know... actually hunting monsters. :laughing:


Yeah, I might have to employ this, I already had it on for my helmet, but until I unlock Layered Armour, this might be the only way to look acceptable.

I may have 9 different skills(!?), but I look like an ungodly mess! It's actually gross. But mixed armour sets are just so much better in this game, you'd be mad to not use them.

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Thanks for the games @Mokong @Blade and @Gadwin :D

Some great hunts, and some real progress made as well, Gadwin and I managed to take out Magnamalo on the second attempt, it's a challening fight, even in the main game.

I ended up getting to HR3, so I'll help anyone else get to HR3 as well, will prbably be playing again tomorrow night. :smile:

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6 hours ago, S.C.G said:

Thanks for the games @Mokong @Blade and @Gadwin :D

Some great hunts, and some real progress made as well, Gadwin and I managed to take out Magnamalo on the second attempt, it's a challening fight, even in the main game.

I ended up getting to HR3, so I'll help anyone else get to HR3 as well, will prbably be playing again tomorrow night. :smile:

Ah man should have stuck around for oke more looks like so haha.

Yeah was a good laugh yesterday. I did not expect Magnamalo to be the 2 star urgent, that seemed kinda early. Didn't expect to see him till high rank.

I got today off work and back tomorrow so hoping the kids can mind themselves (off school for Easter break) and I can plough through Village for the day and maybe get online later. Round 8 or 9 but only till about 11, back to work no more 1 am hunting haha 😂

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