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Where Do You Go Out To Eat?


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Well, don't do it here, because here it's commonplace. I only put either peanut sauce (as we call it here usually, satay sauce, the sauce we put on the actual satay, is usually a bit different) or truffle mayonaise on my fries.
Also I hate "gourmet burgers". Those aren't real burgers. If you're eating a burger with a knife and fork you're doing it wrong.
For those who come to visit: if you come to "my neighbourhood", and go to Rotterdam, this is a good burger place: https://www.restauranthamburg.nl/
More likely, if you're visiting Amsterdam, then this one is good: https://the-butcher.com/ They have multiple locations within the city, and even abroad nowadays apparently, I see now.
The burgers on that first link suffer from the same plate-to-mouth logistical issues as all the others mentioned, so I don't see how you could eat them safely in a non-miliband way without a knife and fork?

Or do Dutch people have much wider mouths?
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You know what I've not had in months? A decent proper pizza. There's a few places I like in London (Franco Manca and a smaller chain called Mamna Dough) that I enjoy going to. Pizzas in the bits of South America I went to were rubbish and obviously not been out since getting back. 

Actually I just miss being back in London where there were lots of great food places. The area I was in was gentrifying like all get out but it did mean I had good Greek, Japanese, Thai, Italian and Mexican places with a ten minute walk. 

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3 hours ago, Sméagol said:

Well, don't do it here, because here it's commonplace. I only put either peanut sauce (as we call it here usually, satay sauce, the sauce we put on the actual satay, is usually a bit different) or truffle mayonaise on my fries.

Also I hate "gourmet burgers". Those aren't real burgers. If you're eating a burger with a knife and fork you're doing it wrong.

For those who come to visit: if you come to "my neighbourhood", and go to Rotterdam, this is a good burger place: https://www.restauranthamburg.nl/

More likely, if you're visiting Amsterdam, then this one is good: https://the-butcher.com/ They have multiple locations within the city, and even abroad nowadays apparently, I see now.

I'm going to need to see an example of that peanut sauce, possibly with a taste test. (be careful how you read that sentence)

The gourmet burgers are greeeat, man. Plus, we're not cave people, we have evolved to use cutlery and GOD DAMMMN I will use a knife and fork with my food rather than get my hands all messy. 

That Restaurant Hamburg place sounds good. Just looking at their menu now. Their disco burger sounds amazing, tbh. Would demolish that.

EDIT: Trust me, @Sméagol. One day, I am going to eat that burger and I will use a knife and fork. YOU WILL SEE. YOU WILL ALL SEE.

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33 minutes ago, Ashley said:

You know what I've not had in months? A decent proper pizza. There's a few places I like in London (Franco Manca and a smaller chain called Mamna Dough) that I enjoy going to. Pizzas in the bits of South America I went to were rubbish and obviously not been out since getting back. 

Actually I just miss being back in London where there were lots of great food places. The area I was in was gentrifying like all get out but it did mean I had good Greek, Japanese, Thai, Italian and Mexican places with a ten minute walk. 

Try Pizza East - couple locations dotted round London now. Decent Napoli style base but with hipster toppings. Good wine to.

For the Indian lovers out there see if your local city has a branch of Savannah Bhavan. Stunning south Indian fare, authentic, rich, mostly vegetarian, and very unlike the 'British Indian' you normally encounter on the high street. 


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42 minutes ago, Ashley said:

You know what I've not had in months? A decent proper pizza. There's a few places I like in London (Franco Manca and a smaller chain called Mamna Dough) that I enjoy going to. Pizzas in the bits of South America I went to were rubbish and obviously not been out since getting back. 

Actually I just miss being back in London where there were lots of great food places. The area I was in was gentrifying like all get out but it did mean I had good Greek, Japanese, Thai, Italian and Mexican places with a ten minute walk. 

We went out for Pizza in Brighton one of the last times that we were there and I'm about 90% sure the place that we went to was Franco Manca.

Going to check out their menu now to confirm if it was them or not. I remember it being great. 

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Yes, it was Franco Manca. 

Franco Manca - Brighton - Stuart Consultancy Ltd

That's the Brighton place. The table in the middle/right of the shot (not the one on the edge of the screen) is the one that we sat at! Can't find my pizza on the menu because I think it might have been a special on the board or something that day, but it was a veggie type at least. It was great, definitely going back there. Apparently we have one in Bournemouth....never noticed, but it's been ages since I've been in the centre.

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18 minutes ago, LazyBoy said:

Try Pizza East - couple locations dotted round London now. Decent Napoli style base but with hipster toppings. Good wine to.

For the Indian lovers out there see if your local city has a branch of Savannah Bhavan. Stunning south Indian fare, authentic, rich, mostly vegetarian, and very unlike the 'British Indian' you normally encounter on the high street. 


Sadly not in London anymore. Left to travel the world and then all this happened and now I'm in Birmingham to be near family.

4 minutes ago, Fierce_LiNk said:

Yes, it was Franco Manca. 

Franco Manca - Brighton - Stuart Consultancy Ltd

That's the Brighton place. The table in the middle/right of the shot (not the one on the edge of the screen) is the one that we sat at! Can't find my pizza on the menu because I think it might have been a special on the board or something that day, but it was a veggie type at least. It was great, definitely going back there. Apparently we have one in Bournemouth....never noticed, but it's been ages since I've been in the centre.

They are popping up. There's one in Birmingham but takeaway pizza just isn't the same. I do like how they're reasonably priced though. Like £7 for una pizza bella!

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15 hours ago, bob said:

Have you ever tried the Impossible Burger from Hard Rock Cafe? Best vegetarian burger i've ever had. 

Sadly not. No hard rock cafes near me lol. 

I've always meant to go to one, but never got the chance. 

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Most of the converstaions you'll have in Taiwan, revolve around food, the cost of food, and food.

With that, the variety of restaurants here is astounding.  From the local family run stores where lunch, a bowl of ramen and a side vegetable dish, will set you back a whole 1 pound, to upper class establishments where the food tastes pretty much the same, but still at resonable rates, but is better presented with better service.  So, I spend a lot of time in the smaller family run businesses, and by hell do they know how to cook.  Teppanyaki is one of my favorites, Japanese styled hot plates, where the chef cooks at your table, or long bar.  Awesome experience, tasty food, and cheap.

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I've only ever been once but thought they were really nice. Tacos are awkward to eat though as you say. I just kind of clamp down on both sides and try and hold it together.

I also had their Crunchwrap Supreme (all came in a deal that let me try different stuff) and that was a lot easier to eat.


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The food in that image looks a lot easier to eat, I do agree. I'm a huge fan of enchiladas, quesadillas and fajitas and I guess that's because they are all based on the soft wraps rather than the crunchy tacos. Wouldn't mind a place where you could get enchiladas on the go. :love:

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Tacos are a mess. Who the hell invented them anyway? Some crazy Mexican who obviously didn't have to clean his own floor, i'm betting. Probably has meet-ups with the inventors of the cream slice and bruschettas to laugh at the mess they're making of everyone's laps.

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59 minutes ago, bob said:

Tacos are a mess. Who the hell invented them anyway? Some crazy Mexican who obviously didn't have to clean his own floor, 

Mexican tacos are soft shell ones, the hard shell tacos that break apart are an American invention.

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9 minutes ago, bob said:
27 minutes ago, Ashley said:
According to Salt Heat Fat Acid (or whatever the order of that show name is) apparently tacos are supposed to be eaten by turning your head rather than turning the taco.

Does this stop them exploding?

If you hold them correctly.

Here's a demonstration at 1:10


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